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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Facing Robin’s question, Reina thought about it and said, ” Let Marco and Ace follow you! As for me … just follow Kinemon and the others! ”
” Huh? Why did my father follow Kinemon and the others? ” Robin asked in confusion.
” Because there are some good shows, I want to see them! ” Reina said with a grin.
Robin nodded thoughtfully and said, ” Well, then we’ll go to the Sonny first, see you tomorrow! ”
After Robin left, Reina also got up and left here. He didn’t want to go with Jin’emon and Jin’emon. In that case, a good show might not be able to be seen!
On the second day, on the day of the Wano Country Fire Festival, Kinemon and the others went to the agreed port as agreed, but found that there was no one there at all!
It was raining heavily, but it couldn’t compare to the coldness in everyone’s heart at this time.
” There’s not even a single ship! What happened here! ” Leizang said in disbelief as he looked at the dilapidated port in front of him.
” We have indeed suppressed the quarry, and Boss Binggoro and the others should be free! ” Aju couldn’t understand what happened.
” But now there is no one here. There are 4,000 troops in the quarry, and no one has come! ” Kappa said in a deep voice.
Asura boy looked around, then sighed softly and said, ” Here … there are signs of being attacked …”
He didn’t finish his words, but everyone understood what he meant.
” Kinemon … Let’s choose another day! ”
” Master Jin … Today … I’m afraid it won’t work! ”
Momonosuke and Shinobu on the side were already in tears.
However, Kinemon didn’t seem to hear it, and took out the conch on his body, but unfortunately the conch didn’t respond.
” This shouldn’t be right! On the day of the fire festival, in the evening, Changying Port … This is the promised port! ” Jin’emon took out the code map that the Kang family had revised from his arms, and muttered to himself. .
” Why didn’t anyone come? Where did the people disappear? In just one day … what happened? ” Kin’emon’s roar came from the port, but no one answered.
” Your Excellency Luffy … Boss Binggoro … Please answer if you hear me! ” Kinemon shouted loudly with a chiluo in his hand: ” Fur warriors! Your Excellency Luo! Ximei’s Jiwuemon … Whitebeard Pirates Lord Reina! Where are you? ”
Seeing Kinemon’s crazy appearance, everyone was silent.
” We are the retainers of Kozuki and Oden! Twenty years ago, we have come to fulfill the Lord’s will, to burn up the lives that should have been burnt at that time, but our humble lives are not enough to resist the enemy … … please support! ” Kinemon shouted loudly, holding the Zhiluo.
But no one responded at all.
” Enough! Kinemon … Look at the mess all over the place, look at the weather … We … have no reinforcements! ” Ashura boy shouted at Kinemon.
Everyone was crying.
“The boat is still there … and it looks like it can still be used! ” At this time, Inuarashi and Cat Viper suddenly stepped forward and seemed to be rummaging through the ruins.
” What are you doing? Inuarashi, Cat Viper! Stop it! ” Momanosuke noticed the movements of the two, and a kind of fear suddenly spread throughout his body, and shouted loudly: ” Stop it, do this and harm it. Suicide is no different, let’s take a long-term view! ”
But Momonosuke’s words were not recognized by everyone, and even the rest of the people began to help find it.
” No, Momonosuke-sama! We can’t wait any longer! If we miss today … it’s over! We can’t keep lurking! And it’s impossible to keep the quarry secret until Kaido finds out. , we will send troops to hunt them down! Not to mention, Lord Reina of the Whitebeard Pirates, they must have a way to get to Oni Island! So … we can’t delay here! ” Kinemon replied loudly.
” But … but …” Momanosuke cried, but was speechless.
” You must have heard of it, right? The people from Jiuli Pickle Village believed that we would fight today, so they took the charge of stealing food, and they were all burned to death! In that … it also includes the cheap! ” Jin Wei The door lowered his head and said, ” Please allow us to go! Momonosuke-sama! If we escape today … that would be our great shame! ”
” Then what should I do next? ” Momanosuke asked weakly.
His mind is blank now, and he has absolutely no idea what to do.
” Just work hard with Hiyori-sama to live! ” Raizo cried bitterly.
” Stop talking to yourself there! ” Kappa said softly, turning his head to the side.
He knew that without their protection, Momanosuke and Hiyori … might not be able to escape at all!
” Momonosuke-sama, back then your father … Oda-sama was alone, so …” Kinemon didn’t finish his words, but the meaning was very clear.
Reina, who was not far away, saw all of this in his eyes, but now is not the time for him to appear. He will only appear after Kanjuro jumps out himself.
Soon, the few people who found the boat drew the boat directly and set off towards the island of ghosts.
But at this time, Kinemon suddenly said: ” I now believe a little bit of Reina-sama’s words! Lord Luo doesn’t know our current plan, but … we are still blocked! Kanjuro, what do you have? Need an explanation? ”
” No, I don’t want to explain anything, so far, my mission has been completed! Yes, I am the traitor! ” Kanjuro said quite calmly.
” What nonsense are you talking about? Kanjuro! ” Although Kinemon said that before, he still believed in Kanjuro, but after hearing Kanjuro admit it himself, he felt unacceptable and shouted: ” We … … but the buddies who are under the punishment of cooking together! ”
” That’s right, to die with you is my ultimate goal, and it can be regarded as the ending of my perfect interpretation of the role of Kanjuro! ” Kanjuro nodded and said, ” Ever since I lost my heart when I was a child, I have always been Looking for a way to make myself die! ”
” Why …” Everyone asked Kanjuro in disbelief.
” I get along with you all day and night, sharing weal and woe! I have gained your absolute trust! I have no resentment towards you or even His Highness Oden, and I have never thought of hurting you! I only did one thing … and that was to tip off Mr. Orochi . That’s it! ” Kanjuro said with a smile.
” Why? Why? Kanjuro! I treat you as a brother! ” Kinemon asked loudly with disbelief on his face.
” Kurotan Kanjuro ! Are you satisfied with this answer? ” said with a gloomy face.

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