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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Before entering Wano Country, the guy named Reina actually pointed out that I was a traitor. I was ready to admit it at the time. After all, if you want to go to Zou, you can’t get there without a life card, so you can The only person who betrayed you can be me! But I didn’t expect that you didn’t doubt me! ” Kanjuro said to Kinemon and the others with a strange smile.
” So … the original plan and our plan this time were leaked, was it really you who did it? ” Jin’emon lowered his head and asked.
” That’s right, I took advantage of the fact that Luo’s subordinate was arrested and immediately reported the information to Lord Orochi. Although I was a little lucky, I didn’t expect it to be so successful. You must know that I was already the object of suspicion at that time. I just didn’t expect you guys to be so stupid! So … no matter how powerful that guy from the Yasushi family is … he can only die in vain! Hahaha …” Kanjuro said with a big laugh.
” Shut up! ” Kinemon suddenly raised his head with tears in his eyes, and shouted at Kanjuro: ” The greatness of the Yasushi-sama, in fact, someone like you can slander? Besides … the wisdom of the Yasushi-sama, you This little guy will never understand! ”
” Hahaha … I don’t want to argue for a dead person, even if he is powerful, so what? Isn’t he dead? ” Kanjuro laughed quite crazy.
The two ships of the Beast Pirates in the distance slowly approached here, as if they had been waiting for them for a long time.
” Who the hell is an idiot … ? Kanjuro! ” Kinemon took out his saber, pointed at Kanjuro, and said softly, ” I should have killed you now! Use your blood to wash away your sins! But … I’m not going to kill you now! I’m going to show you … Who the hell is a fool! ”
” What do you mean? ” Kanjuro asked, looking at Kinemon in surprise.
” Take a good look! Below the viper representing the Renwu Port, the two slashes drawn represent the deletion of the middle of the Renwu Port! What do you mean by removing the middle of the Renwu Port? ” Kinemon took out The code map, shouted at Kanjuro.
” Shibo? ” Kanjuro was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Kinemon and said, ” So the real gathering place is at Shiba Port, not the current Tokage Port! So … there is no one here? ”
” That’s right! ” Kinemon nodded and said.
In fact, he only knew this when he saw the Kang family this morning.
Before Ah, he specially went to see the Kang family and told him that they were going to Changying Port to meet, and said that they would definitely win this battle.
But when they heard the words of Jinweimen, the Kang family was shocked, because the secret code he passed out was clearly Zhibo Port. Why did Jinweimen say it was Changying Port?
So after the Kang family explained it again, Jinweimen suddenly became stunned. He always thought it was Changying Port, and the meeting point that Luffy and the others said was also Changying Port, but now if he made a mistake, he should How to do?
But soon the Kang family calmed down, and after asking about everything, they told Kinemon to go to Changying Port and Luffy and their receipt. As for the rest of the people going to Zhibo, it didn’t matter at all, because they still had to come to Changsha in the end. On the Shadow Port side, because it is the closest place to Ghost Island, they can wait for everyone to gather at Changying Port, and then set off together.
And there is another advantage of doing this, which is to confuse the public. Reina said that there was a traitor, and the Kang family believed it. As for whether it is Kanjuro, it is difficult to say now, so it may be better to separate them from the main force. The way is uncertain.
So in the evening, Kinemon brought the rest to Changying Port, and when he saw that it was attacked, he had already determined that Kanjuro was a traitor.
” Zhibo Port … that was the favorite place of the Yasushi family, because there is a red leaf forest there … We all know this! Isn’t it? ” Looking at Kanjuro who was extremely surprised, Kinemon said in a deep voice .
” Kinemon … I really underestimate you … but … it doesn’t matter, I still have my back! ” Kanjuro’s figure slowly faded, and finally turned into a picture printed on the boat .
At the port, watching the development of the situation, Momonosuke, who was a little dumbfounded, did not notice that the real Kanjuro appeared beside him.
” Lord Kanjuro! How could you … ? ” Shinobu, who fell to the side, was completely trapped by the snake drawn by Kanjuro.
” Momonosuke -sama … General Orochi and Admiral Kaido said that they want to see you, so … you just follow me! Hahaha …” Kanjuro, who appeared on the main body, directly held Momonosuke hostage. said with a big smile.
” Is it really you? Kanjuro! The Kanjuro we know doesn’t have such excellent drawing skills! ” Inu Arashi said softly, looking at the traces on the boat.
As for Momonosuke’s arrest, he was not in a hurry at all, because since Kinemon had already noticed that Kanjuro was a traitor, he would have to take precautions, so he was not in a hurry at all.
The rest of the people obviously had the same idea as him, so they all behaved quite calmly.
” Momonosuke-sama … You bastard Kanjuro, let me go, Momonosuke-sama! ” But when Kinemon shouted anxiously towards the port, everyone was a little stunned.
” Kinemon … don’t you prepare a backhand? ” Ashura boy asked Kinemon in disbelief.
” Backhand? What backhand? ” Kin’emon asked in surprise.
” Idiot, since you know that Kanjuro is a traitor, don’t you have any means to deal with him? ” Ashura boy asked at Kinemon with a speechless expression.
Kinemon was a little embarrassed, how did he know it earlier? It was only after he came to Changying Port that he figured it out, so naturally he didn’t have any preparations.
” Boom boom ~~~”
At this time, the pirate ship of the Hundred Beasts Pirates also approached and fired cannonballs at them.
” Kin’emon, what should I do now? ” They didn’t know anything before, so they were naturally determined to die. Now that they know the truth, they definitely can’t continue to sit still like this!
Otherwise, when everyone comes to meet, they find that they are already cold, and that’s a tall ass!
But how did Kinemon know what to do? He has absolutely no plans of his own.
” Boom! ” At this moment, a shell suddenly hit the ship of the Beast Pirates.
” Hey … don’t bully the samurai boats, in the sea … let us pirates be your opponents! ” A lion-headed pirate ship appeared, it was Luffy’s Straw Hat Pirates .

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