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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Jinpei and Robin looked at Reina with some puzzlement. If he just survived, with Reina’s current strength, he can get very good no matter where he is, so why do this now?
” Don’t you understand? If you can’t stand on the right side, no matter how strong you are, you will be wiped out by the times, just like Kaido and Auntie in front of us, aren’t they strong? Very strong! But they are very likely Will die! Because they are on the opposite side of the times! ” Reina said with a smile.
Robin and Jinping looked at each other, they didn’t quite understand what Reina meant, but Reina didn’t want to continue to explain.
Soon Auntie also came out of the locker room and announced the alliance with the Beast Pirates, so for the first time there was an alliance of Pirates between the four emperors. Such a powerful force is enough to threaten any force. If they Attacking the Whitebeard Pirates, then the Whitebeard Pirates may not be able to stop it.
And Nami seems to be caught by auntie too. Fortunately, auntie didn’t mean to kill them, but after catching them, she wanted to use them to lure Luffy out.
” That guy Marco … what is he doing? Why is Nami being caught? ” Reina frowned slightly and said.
Ace followed Luffy, and Marco followed Nami, why is Nami being caught now, but not seeing Marco?
At present, the people who can trouble Marko are basically in this hall, and there should be no more enemies that will entangle him!
Marko’s strange disappearance gave Reina a bad premonition. There is actually another force hidden in the dark, and that is the CP0 of the World Government . Did Marko encounter them?
While Reina was still watching the play, the bare-sold samurai had already met at the back door, but at the back door they met Kanjuro, who had escaped from Reina’s hands by fake death.
” I knew that you would definitely appear here, and it seems that there is nothing wrong! Hand over Kozuki and Momonosuke ! ” Kanjuro led a group of scumbags from the Beast Pirates and blocked Kinemon. Waiting for the way forward.
” Shut up for me! ” Xiaoju didn’t want to hear Kanjuro’s nonsense anymore. He was wearing an armor and put on the mask of Shura. At this time, he was a samurai, a powerful samurai.
” Then, come on! After you kill you, I’ll kill that kid Momonosuke and cut off the last bloodline of the Kozuki family! ” Kanjuro said, and attacked Aju directly.
A battle broke out, and finally Kanjuro escaped with serious injuries.
” Sorry, the knife is a little full! ” Aju said apologetically.
Everyone didn’t make a sound. They knew that it wasn’t that Aju’s sword was slow, but because he couldn’t kill his former comrade, so he fled around Kanjuro, but they didn’t blame him, because it was their words. , they may not be able to succeed.
So after solving the last stumbling block, the red-sold samurai set off towards the main banquet hall. They had received the news that Kaido and Orochi were there.
But they didn’t know that Kaido’s speech at this time had come to an end.
” So … the future Wano country will become our super arsenal, including the flower capital, all the places will give me all the aborigines into slaves! ” Kaido said his new ghost island plan. .
” Wait … Kaido! The Capital of Flowers is my territory! Who do you think has been thanks to you for having so many weapons? ” When the snake heard Kaido’s lie, he was obviously stunned. This is completely different from what was said before!
However, Kaido just glanced at the snake in a daze, and then he dropped the knife and cut off the head of the snake directly.
” Who do you think you are? ” Kaido glanced at the big snake whose corpse had been separated, and said softly: ” I’m a pirate! Whether it’s Guangyue or black carbon, you are all just flags! Pirates … But I’ll never tell you that! ”
” Well , well, well ~ Sure enough, your kid is still the same! ” Auntie laughed proudly when she saw Kaido’s actions.
Originally, as the four emperors, it was impossible for them to be on an equal footing with a general of the country of Wano, especially when the other party did not have any strength, the so-called cooperation was more like a joke.
” Hehe … Sure enough, this is Kaido’s style, even a mere black charcoal , a big snake, dare to seek skin with a tiger? ” Reina, who was sitting at the wine table, said with a chuckle while watching the farce upstairs.
After seeing his Jiajun being killed, the people of the Orochi in Wano Kingdom were also amazed, but before they could react, Kaido said: ” Now … when you choose, Orochi’s subordinates Guys, I’ll give you a chance now, do you want to rely on me to become a pirate, or are you now resisting for the snake and then being destroyed by me? ”
” In order to cope with the upcoming world war, I want to turn this country into a real pirate empire! After that, I will have greater requirements for the strength of my subordinates, so you still have a chance! ” Kaido’s words made Lei Nadu was a little impressed, this guy is not completely a sham, at least he can see that the world is about to change greatly, so he will launch the final coup at this time.
In order to be able to get the most benefits after the changes in the future.
Presumably he and Charlotte Lingling joined forces for this reason.
” The Ninja Legion of the Wano Kingdom, the 5,000 members of the Royal Court, are willing to swear allegiance to you! ” Fu Lushou, the captain of the Royal Court, declared his allegiance to Kaido directly on behalf of the ninja army.
This result is actually not surprising at all. They were originally subordinates of the Guangyue clan, but after Orochi took over, they immediately changed their faces and became Orochi’s lackeys.
” Second! Wano country’s samurai, a total of 5,000 people, will follow your command from now on! ” Patrol Chief Budai also announced that Wano country’s samurai would join Kaido’s camp.
” Really … the faces of the warriors of the Wano country have been thrown away by them! They are such spineless things that they deserve to be called samurai? ” Man has completely abandoned the spirit of the samurai.
” Well ~~ Well, the integration of combat power is quite neat! Then now … arrest them both for me. I heard that the straw hat boy is also here. I would like to see if he will continue. Hide! ” The aunt pointed to Garrett and Nami beside her, and said with a big laugh.
” Father, what should I do? Are you going to shoot? ” Robin looked at Reina and asked.
” If I take action, it means that the war has fully started! But … this war should not be started by me! So wait … don’t worry! ” Reina waved his hand and said softly.

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