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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Just after Kaido killed Orochi and got Orochi’s remaining troops in Wano, Auntie came out with Nami and Garrot who were caught by him, and planned to use them to lure Straw Hat Luffy out.
” Huh? It’s Nami! ” Luffy, who was hiding with Yamato, naturally saw Nami and Garrot who were caught, so he ran out of the hiding place.
” Is that your companion? She seems to have been caught! ” Yamato naturally also acted with Luffy, and the little rogues of the surrounding Beast Pirates were not the opponents of the two at all.
” By the way, this one of yours, let me take it off for you first! ” Looking at the handcuffs on Yamato’s hand, Luffy suggested: ” Just take it off, right? ”
” No, just in case, take it off and throw it away! Although I don’t think it will explode, but … no one can say such a thing! ” Yamato shook his head and said.
She is Kaido’s daughter. Although Kaido told her that as long as you leave the area of Onishima with handcuffs, the handcuffs will explode, but in her heart, she still believes that Kaido is deceiving her, after all … she is Kaido’s biological daughter!
However, just after Luffy took off the handcuffs and threw them away, the handcuffs really exploded violently.
” Damn … that bull-headed gorilla … he really intends to kill me! ” Looking at the place where the explosion occurred, she was full of her heart, but it also made her make up her mind, and Kay How formally draws the line.
The huge explosion over there really caught everyone’s attention, but at this moment, the wooden door behind Kaido was smashed, and a group of samurai rushed out, officially selling them.
“I was actually found here by you guys … a bit capable! ” Kaido said with a chuckle as he looked at the red-sold samurai who appeared.
” She · Ming · zhi! ” The first time the Red Sellers saw Kaido, they attacked him directly.
” Your blades can’t hurt me! ” Kaido didn’t defend, as if he wanted to tell the other party that they were not at the same level of combat power.
“The good show is finally about to begin! ” Seeing Kaido being hit by the Red Sellers, Reina put down his glass and said with a chuckle.
” Well ~ Well ~ Straw hat boy! I finally waited for you! ” Over there, he found Luffy’s aunt, and rushed to Luffy with a strange smile, and said with a big smile: ” I came all the way to Hezhi. The kingdom … but just to take your head off! ”
” It’s Auntie! Damn, it happened at this time! ” Luffy naturally saw Auntie, but now he was thinking of joining up with Kinemon and others in the past and attacking Kaido together.
However, the aunt blocked here, so that he had no time or ability to break through the past.
” Luffy, she’ll leave it to me! ” At this time, Ace stood up directly, stood in front of Big Mom, and said to Luffy.
” Fire Fist Ace? You’d better get out of the way, otherwise … even if Newgate came over in person, he wouldn’t be able to keep you! ” At this moment, the aunt was angry, and when she saw the straw hat boy she was thinking of, no one could stop her.
” That wo n’t work … This guy is my brother! If you let him do it, it will be bad! ” The flames on Ace began to rise, and it seemed that he was ready for battle.
” Mom …” At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the door of the banquet hall.
” Huh? Perospero … You’re finally here! Where’s Smoothie and the others? ” The aunt looked back and happened to see her eldest son.
” Mom … they can’t come here for the time being. When we landed, we encountered Marco again. I used the candy giant to come from the sea! And … Marco seems to want to do something to us ! ” Said anxiously.
” It doesn’t seem like it! It’s really going to do something to you! ” At this time, Marco, who was already in the form of a half-beast, followed closely.
” Father, it’s Marco. It seems that he met Perospero before! ” Robin said immediately when he saw the two appear one after another.
“I didn’t expect that there were still fish that slipped through the net, but it’s a good thing that Smoji and the others didn’t come. Otherwise, the opponent’s high-end combat power is not something we can deal with! After all, they are two Four Emperor Pirates! ” Lei Na nodded and said.
” Mr. Reina, haven’t you shot yet? The battle has already begun! ” Jinbei got up slowly and said.
He is now a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, and the captain has already been involved in the battle, so he must also participate.
” You guys go! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Miss Robin … just please help me! ” Jinbei looked at Robin and said with a smile.
In fact, he also knew that Robin must have wanted to fight for a long time, but with Reina here, Robin was embarrassed to speak!
Sure enough, after hearing Jinpei’s request, Robin immediately got up and nodded, and said, ” Then father has a rest here, we will go first! ”
Reina glanced at Jinping with a laugh, and then said to Robin: ” Be careful, don’t get hurt! Call me, I’m right here! ”
” Okay! ” Robin replied with a slight smile.
With Reina sitting here, Robin suddenly felt very at ease. This battle … was her first time fighting with Reina. In previous battles, as long as Reina was there, she would not be allowed to fight.
” Everyone, hurry up and put on your weapons, it’s the samurai who have invaded! ” At this time, the talents of the Hundred Beast Pirates responded, but the warriors around them had already been disguised.
” Then now … it’s time for us to appear, the little ones … stop them, we must buy time for Kinemon and the others! ” Goro Hana no Bing removed his disguise and shouted loudly.
” Oh ~~~” The warriors of Wano Kingdom who disguised themselves removed their disguise one after another and fought with the hungry people of the Beast Pirates.
” Get ready to get out, Garrett! ” Nami whispered to Garrett when she saw that the scene began to become chaotic.
But at this time, Garrett was staring at one person the whole time.
” It’s him … He’s also coming to Wano Country? That’s great! Pedro! ” Garrett’s eyes were full of Perospero now.
” Galot, don’t mess around! With Marco over there, there will be no problem! ” Nami naturally knew the reason. It was because of Pedro’s sacrifice that they successfully pulled out the realm of the nations. .
” I see, Nami! It’s just … since he’s here, we fur tribe … can’t let him go! ” Garrot’s eyes were already red at this time, but he still suppressed the anger and sadness in his heart.

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