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With the withdrawal of the BIGMOM pirates, the war in Wano is basically equivalent to having a result.
All that’s left is to wait for Luffy and Kaido to decide the winner, because just now, Zoro had defeated Jhin.
” It seems that you are the busiest now! ” Reina said with a smile while receiving Marco’s treatment.
Reina would say this because there are all wounded here at this time, besides him, there are Kinemon and Aju who were brought back just now, and Sanji who had finished fighting with Quinn.
Now I have to add the seriously wounded Sauron.
It didn’t take long for Chopper, Inu Arashi, and Cat Viper to bring back the seriously injured Asura boy, Kid and Luo.
Fortunately, Luo is also a very good voice, so after receiving treatment from Marco and Chopper, he also began to help on the spot.
Over there, Luffy and Ace are fighting Kaido for the last time, and in the depths of the island of Oni, Kanjuro is commanding a huge flame giant to move forward, but what stands in front of him is a half-beast. Yamato.
” Nothing can stop me … This is my curtain call! ” At this time, Kanjuro was already on the verge of death. If he hadn’t breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he would have been unable to stand at this time.
But Yamato didn’t pay attention to this. He is mainly blocking the flame giant now, and he can’t let him ignite the fire inside, otherwise the whole island of ghosts will suffer.
But the giant flame giant didn’t want to fight Yamato, his mission was just to rush.
At this critical moment, when the flame giant was about to break through Yamato’s block and enter the arsenal, a seed suddenly appeared in front of Kanjuro.
” Boom! ”
The seed directly turned into a huge piranha flower, which swallowed Kanjuro.
” Done! ” In the distance, Usopp took off his goggles and said with a chuckle.
After Kanjuro was defeated by Usopp, the huge flame giant slowly disappeared, and Yamato was slightly relieved.
” Thank you so much, you saved Wano country! ” Yamato naturally found Usopp in the distance, waved his hand towards him, and said gratefully.
” Wow hahaha … I am a genius sniper! ” Usopp said proudly immediately.
” The crisis here is over, and the only thing left is to deal with that bull-headed gorilla! ” Yamato said when he came to Usopp.
” Don’t worry, Luffy will take care of him! ” Usopp said confidently.
For Luffy, he trusts the other person more than he trusts himself.
at last. After everyone converged on the outskirts of Onishima, Luffy and Ace’s battle against Kaido finally came to an end.
But what everyone didn’t know was that on the sea not far from them, Rob Lucci was taking people on a disguised warship and heading towards the island of ghosts.
” What’s the situation now, is the battle over? ” After landing on the island of ghosts from the other side, Lu Qi asked the CP9 leader who came to greet him : ” What happened to you? What about the rest? ”
” I’m sorry, Lord Luigi, when we arrested Robin … we encountered Reina, so … except me, everyone else has been killed! ” CP9 ‘s little leader said apologetically.
” Trash! ” Lu Qi looked at the other party, and then suddenly shot, his fingers stabbed the other party’s heart directly, and said, “CP9 doesn’t need trash! Let’s go , we’ll meet that … Chitong Reina! ”
With the emergence of people from the world government, some uncertainties have once again appeared in the already stable situation.
Because Lu Qi and others obviously had some agreement with Kaido, otherwise Lu Qi and others would not come here at this time.
However, he didn’t know that the order Lu Qi received this time was not to help him, but to depend on the situation. If Kaido was defeated, the World Government would take over Wano. Otherwise, Kaido would win. Expand Cooperation.
Judging from the current situation, Kaido’s defeat is basically doomed, and there will be no surprises.
Unless Kaido himself shows great power, not only must he defeat the Straw Hats, Kidd, and the alliance of the Heart Pirates, but also the local power of Wano, as well as Reina and others from the Whitebeard Pirates.
This point, not only Lu Qi is not optimistic about him, he is also not sure about being promoted to Kaido, now his physical strength is not small, the straw hat boy is like a piece of candy that can’t be beaten, sticking to him all the time, when the BIGMOM Pirates quit , he knew that he lost the war in Wano country.
But Kaido is not a person who gives up so easily. If he wants to completely defeat him, he will not agree if the other party does not show some real skills.
And the most feared Reina, after the battle with BIGMOM , even if he did not lose his combat power, he must have been seriously injured, so he felt that as long as he defeated the two little devils in front of him, and then drove Reina away, then Wano country is still his.
It’s just that the straw hat boy in front of him that he didn’t like has become his last and strongest obstacle!
He can guarantee that as long as the straw hat boy is killed, Reina will never continue to fight with him. It is very likely that the two sides will settle it peacefully. .
” Kaido …”
Just when he was distracted and thinking about things, Luffy, the straw hat boy who had just been knocked away by him, attacked again.
And this time, the opponent’s attack actually caused a lot of damage to him.
” How … possible? ” Feeling the domineering arrogance entangled in the opponent’s attack, Kaido was knocked flying, and a sense of absurdity that he would lose suddenly appeared in his mind.
” How could it be possible … how could I = possibly lose to such a brat? ” Kaido turned his head, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and shouted at Luffy, ” Stinky brat, you really annoyed me, I want to Cut you into eight pieces! ”
” Come on! It just so happens that I want to fly you too! ” Luffy replied loudly without fear at all.
This kind of clamor is meaningless. It’s hard to say in terms of strength, but Lun Zui Pao, he is the protagonist, and he has never lost!
So seeing Luffy’s arrogant appearance, Kaido couldn’t help it, who is he? The strongest creature in the world, Kaido is known as the beast with the strongest defense.
So Kaido didn’t say a word, picked up the guy and attacked Luffy.
And Luffy is obviously a master who is not afraid of things. When Kaido really came over, he was also full of firepower and directly fought with Kaido.
It was at this time that Lu Qi appeared in front of Reina with someone.
” The guy who keeps pigeons … ? ” The moment they saw Lu Qi, the Straw Hats were a little stunned. Isn’t this the CP9 person they met on Judiciary Island ? Why is it here?
” Benery D. Reina! ” In Lu Qi’s eyes, the Straw Hats were no longer a threat, and he believed that the biggest threat was Reina.

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