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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Sure enough, has your world government colluded with the Beast Pirates? ” Reina said with a chuckle when he saw Lu Qi appearing with someone.
” Collaboration ? No , no, no … We’re just cooperating with Wano country! As for the Beast Pirates … we don’t know anything! After all, Wano country is not a member of the World Government! ” Lu Qi smiled slightly , replied.
In front of Reina, he did not let the pigeons speak, but spoke directly.
Although Reina’s condition doesn’t look good now, Chopper, who brought back the Asura boy, has bandaged his whole body.
But Lu Qi was sure that once a battle broke out, the opponent would definitely burst into a powerful force in an instant.
Hearing Lu Qi’s words, Fang Yi’s eyes flashed, and he replied with a chuckle: ” It seems that the World Government has a good plan! If Kaido is defeated, you plan to take the opportunity to bring the country of Wano into the jurisdiction of the World Government. Inside, right? But … with just the few of you, can you do it? ”
” Of course! I think the people of Wano Kingdom must have been looking forward to it for a long time. After all, not everyone can join the World Government! Regarding this matter … Do you Whitebeard Pirates have any other ideas? ” Lucci said while looking at Robin, the meaning expressed is already obvious.
” Hehehe …” Reina didn’t answer directly, but smiled.
The other party is using Robin to blackmail themselves. If they interfere in Wano’s affairs, then they will shoot at Robin. On the contrary, as long as they don’t care about Wano’s affairs, they will not shoot at Robin.
But Reina wanted to say, is Lu Qi thinking of himself too much? Today, there is no one here that is easy to pass away, even if it is the weakest local power in Wano, it is not something that a few CP0 members can deal with.
After absorbing a lot of the power of the Hundred Beast Pirates, the number of samurai in Wano Kingdom is now more than before they came.
So just Lu Qi and the others, Reina doesn’t think they have any chance of winning. Although Lu Qi’s strength is indeed good, the strength of the warriors in Wano country is not bad, especially Kappa Hesong. He basically keeps it now . After defeating Fu Lushou, Lei Zang still has the strength to fight.
With the Straw Hats, Kidd, and the Heart Pirates here, it might be difficult for Lu Qi to defeat them.
Not to mention Reina, you must know that both Marco and Esko retain some of their combat power.
” You don’t think … we are really just that many people, do you? ” Lu Qi naturally heard the meaning in Reina’s laughter.
” Oh? So? Does your world government have extra manpower to help you? ” Reina asked with a strange expression.
When Lu Qi heard Reina’s words, his face changed and he asked, ” I knew that your Whitebeard Pirates wouldn’t be so quiet! ”
” Of course! ” Reina raised his brows and said with a chuckle: ” And you canceled the King’s Seven Martial Seas. After those guys return to their pirate status, the navy will be busy, right? ”
Lu Qi was speechless. He didn’t mean to intervene about the cancellation of the Qiwuhai under the king, but in terms of timing, it was indeed not a good time.
” Just based on what you just said, I didn’t want you to leave alive! But … some things still require the help of your world government, so if you are wise … now go away, I can pretend I didn’t see you! ” Reina The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said softly.
And as his words fell, all the people on Reina’s side who wanted to retain the power of the first battle stood up and surrounded Lu Qi and his subordinates.
At this time, except for Lu Qi, his subordinates immediately became nervous.
” So that means … are you going to be the enemy of the world government? The people of Wano country … are you really ready? Prepare to be the enemy of the world government! ” Lu Qi said with a slight smile.
” Fuck your motherfucker! This is the country of Wano, our country, we have the final say here, what are you? ” The boss of Hyougoro immediately stood up and said.
The country of Wano has implemented a policy of closing the country all the year round, so they have no understanding of the world government.
But Lei Zang, who had gone out to sea, was different. Hearing Lu Qi’s words, his face changed.
The reason they started this war, apart from crusade against Kaido and taking back the country of Wano, isn’t it precisely to let the country of Wano be founded? But if you offend the world government, how will Wano be founded?
” Can you represent the world government? ” So before everyone started, Lei Zang came out and said to Lu Qi.
” Hehe … ignorant guys! As long as I report to the top officials of the world government, what do you think the world government will do about the current actions of your Wano country? As for my identity … I am the chief of CP0 , and I am directly responsible to the Tianlong people. Existence! If you don’t believe it, you can ask him! ” Lu Qi pointed at Reina and said with a chuckle.
Although he doesn’t want to do things in tiger skin, sometimes tiger skin is really the best way to deal with the enemy.
Hearing Lu Qi’s words, Reina couldn’t help laughing and said: ” He is right, the World Government, it can be said to be the biggest force in the world, if he really decides who he wants to deal with, There should be no one who can escape! ”
Hearing Reina’s words, the expressions of all the samurai of Wano country changed.
” Take your Wano country as an example, if Wano country is a world, your official power is the world government, the names of the townships are the alliance countries, and the bandits and robbers who are entrenched in one side are like the sea. Thief, and you Wano country is like this Oni Island, it has always been independent of Wano Country, and now the official power of Wano country wants to conquer Oni Island! ” After thinking about it, Reina made a simple analogy .
” That is to say … We have no choice but to surrender … Is there no other way? ” Many warriors of Wano Kingdom could not help but put down their weapons when they heard Reina’s words.
” So what’s the point of us fighting Kaido down … what’s the point? ” The morale of the samurai became extremely low.
” It’s not like this … everyone! ” Nami glared at Reina and quickly explained: ” Although the world government is indeed very powerful, they can’t just do anything to a country, otherwise the world will be messed up? So as long as Together, you can resist Wano! ”
The rest of the pirates also looked at Reina with strange expressions. According to him, these pirates would face the encirclement and suppression of the world government and the navy.
” Hahaha …” Lu Qi laughed when he heard Reina’s explanation. He felt that Reina saw it better than him, the world government … that’s how it exists!

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