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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
In the face of Kebi’s questioning, the rest of the lieutenant generals did not speak, just looked at the flying squirrel lieutenant general.
Although they didn’t speak, the meaning of the expression was obvious. What Kebi said was not wrong. There seemed to be no other explanation for doing so above, other than treating them as abandoned sons.
” Okay! There are indeed other arrangements above! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was silent for a moment, then said: ” But what kind of arrangement is it, I can’t tell you now! ”
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel’s words made the other lieutenant generals nod their heads. Since the words have already been said to this extent, there is no need for them to ask any more questions.
” So tonight’s battle is arranged like this? ” Now that the previous things are finished, it must be done according to the plan.
” Tonight’s battle is still in accordance with the previous plan, first to encircle and suppress those pirates, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and those captains cannot let one go! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said in a deep voice:
” As for tomorrow’s Moby Dick , of course someone else will deal with it, you don’t have to worry! ”
UI , after negotiating the details of the night’s plan, several lieutenant generals said goodbye and left and returned to their warships. They also needed to make specific arrangements for the night’s battle.
Although Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was the commander-in-chief of this operation, the specific combat mode of each warship still had to be arranged by these lieutenant generals.
” Did you just … lie? ”
The ghost spider with a cigar sat on the spot and did not leave. At this time, only he and Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel were left in the conference room.
” I didn’t lie! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel raised his brows and replied.
” Hehe … If there is really any arrangement above, according to your character, you will definitely say it just now! Hu ~~ So I am sure that you have not received any notice! And the style of Marshal Sakaski, I’m more familiar than you! ” Lieutenant General Ghost Spider breathed out a smoke ring and said with a chuckle.
” Hehe … No matter what you say, my answer is that I really received the news! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel smiled and replied.
The ghost spider smiled and didn’t answer, but got up and left directly.
After he left, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel’s face darkened.
After waiting for a while, the lieutenant of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel appeared, brought a phone bug, and said in a low voice, ” Sir, I have already contacted. ”
” Huh? Is it a flying squirrel? What’s going on? Is there a change in your side? ” From the phone bug, Marshal Sakaski’s voice came.
” No! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel replied calmly: ” But … why did you decide to attack those pirates tonight? ”
As for Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel’s question, the other side didn’t seem to be surprised, and said with a chuckle: ” If you start early, it is very easy to leak information. After all, you are not sure, you will destroy everyone, right? Once the information leaks out, then The last big fish can’t be caught! ”
” So what? Don’t you tell us the plans on the Moby Dick tomorrow ? ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel asked calmly.
” Of course, the fewer people who know, the lower the probability of failure! ” Sakaski replied affirmatively.
” Then I know! We will act according to the plan tonight, and what will we do after that? ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said with a blank expression.
” After eliminating that part of the pirates, your mission will be completed. As for what to do … you will know tomorrow morning! ” Sakaski said with a chuckle.
” Aren’t you going to retreat? ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel finally couldn’t help asking.
” Retreat? Why retreat? You are a righteous navy! Isn’t it an honor to witness the demise of a Four Emperor Pirates? ” Sakaski said.
” Hopefully we don’t need to pay the price with our lives! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said, and hung up the phone.
And Sakaski, who was at the Naval Headquarters, was holding a cigar and didn’t speak.
” It seems to be suspected of being an abandoned child! ” A man sat on the sofa in Sakaski’s office and said with a chuckle.
” Okay, don’t talk nonsense! Tomorrow morning is the time to decide the winner! Then you can go too! ” Sakaski said in a deep voice.
” Isn’t there already Mr. Kizaru and Mr. Yixiao? In my words … dispatching three generals at one time? Wouldn’t it be too exaggerated? ” The man sitting on the sofa said with a chuckle.
” Don’t underestimate any opponent, especially the Whitebeard Pirates! If it wasn’t for my inconvenience, I should have gone there in person tomorrow! ” Sakaski, who was smoking a cigar, cast a glance at the other party and said.
” Okay okay ~ Who made you the marshal? Then let me rest for a night tonight, can I leave tomorrow morning? ” The man spread his hands and replied.
” As long as you don’t delay things, I don’t care when you leave, but …”
” Don’t worry ~ I know, there will be no problem! ” Before Sakaski’s words were finished, the other party waved his hand, got up and said, ” I’m going to find the beautiful young lady! ”
” You guy … some things, give me a little bit of time! Many people have complained to me! ” Sakaski said with a helpless look when he heard the words.
” Ah ~ ah ~ I see! I’m just pursuing a legitimate pursuit, is there any mess! ” The man seemed not to care at all, waved his hand, and replied.
” If you really messed up, I wouldn’t just tell you like that! ” Sakaski said with a headache looking at the man who left.
Although many people complained, they were only complaining about the harassment of the other party, not what the other party really did.
But even if that was the case, it gave Sakaski some headaches. After all, the other party had the title of Admiral on his head.
That night, all the warships of the navy were ready to go, ready to destroy the pirates surrounded by them.
” Is there really no problem? Why … do I always feel a little uneasy? ” Kirby said softly, standing on the deck, looking at the pirate ship that didn’t move at all.
” We have dispatched so many troops this time, there will be no problem! ” Beilu Mabe on the side said with a relaxed expression: ” And you see, so far, everything has been smooth, hasn’t it? ”
Kirby glanced at each other, but did not speak.
He doesn’t think it’s really going well now, but it’s just that the top navy leaders are obviously fighting against the Whitebeard Pirates. They’re just pawns, even pawns that don’t even know the plan. This feeling makes Kebi very uncomfortable. .
” Hoo ~ I hope so! ” Kirby said softly after a long time.
” Okay, Kirby, don’t be too nervous! It’s time to fight soon, we just need to do what we need to do, that’s it! ” Beilu Maber saw Kirby’s mood was not high, and patted He patted the other person’s shoulder and said with a smile.

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