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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
“The whole army is ready! Attack! ” After all the combat units were ready, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel gave the order to attack the whole army.
But just as the navy set off and was about to attack Sage and the others, suddenly the entire sea shook.
” What’s the matter? ”
Countless navies began to feel inexplicable, but the commanders on each warship did not seem too surprised.
” Sure enough … it’s not that easy to encircle the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Lieutenant General Ghost Spider with a cigar squinted and said to the adjutant beside him.
” It seems that there is still an accident! ” Kirby said with a sigh.
” What’s the accident? What do you mean … is this a movement made by the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Belumeb asked in surprise.
” Boom ~~~”
Before Kebi could answer, a huge splash of water suddenly exploded on the sea, and a huge whale pirate ship emerged from the bottom of the sea.
” It’s the Moby Dick ! ”
” It’s the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates! ”
The appearance of the Moby Dick surprised the navy.
” I hope our Marshal Sakaski can expect this! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel looked at the Moby Dick that suddenly appeared , took a breath, and said.
” Sir, what should I do now? Should I report it to the headquarters? ” the adjutant asked with a gloomy expression.
” Of course, although I don’t know the headquarters’ response method, but … this time it also shows benefits, because everyone … don’t know if we were put together! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said with a chuckle .
If Sakaski had told him the plan before, and he had told everyone, then as long as there was a flaw in the plan, it would definitely affect the military’s morale.
But now everyone doesn’t know the plan, which means that everyone still has an expectation in their hearts, maybe … the headquarters has already anticipated the other party’s actions?
This is also the reason why after seeing the Moby Dick , although the Navy was surprised, it did not collapse.
” Den … Den … Den …”
Just when all the navy was in shock, suddenly a slow footstep sounded in everyone’s ears.
” Goo la la la … I heard … someone wants to touch my son? ” The Moby Dick , a white beard with a naginata slowly appeared on the bow, and said with a big laugh.
His voice reaches everyone’s ears with ease, like someone is talking to you face to face.
” Gulu …” Beilu Mabe couldn’t help swallowing his saliva, and said to Kebi beside him: ” This … this is the big pirate … whitebeard ? It’s … it’s terrifying! ”
” Belumeb, don’t say such things! We are the navy, facing pirates … only a deadly battle! ” Kerby said firmly.
Before the war, he really didn’t feel like an abandoned son, and wanted to know the battle plan, but once the battle started, as a navy, only defeating the opponent was what he should do, no matter who the opponent was, even Whitebeard couldn’t back down. !
” Ah ~ it looks like it’s not that easy today! ” Beilu Mabe was not afraid either. He is not a rookie who didn’t know anything when he first arrived at the Navy Headquarters.
” I hope so! ” Kirby whispered back.
At the same time, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel’s warship accelerated slightly and approached the Moby Dick …
” Whitebeard … I didn’t expect you to come here at this time! It seems that you deliberately slowed down before? ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel stood on the bow and shouted loudly.
” Firefly Fire Dharma ! ”
However, Whitebeard did not answer Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, but Ace stood up and released countless fireflies to illuminate the surroundings.
” Lieutenant General, you are not qualified to talk to Daddy, call out Akainu! ” Ace stood in front of Whitebeard and replied loudly.
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel’s face darkened.
After all, he is also a senior lieutenant general of the navy headquarters, and even the temporary commander of the fleet this time, but now he is said to be ineligible to talk to the other party.
” Since you don’t want to talk … let’s go to war! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel raised his arms, waved forward, and loudly replied.
Countless warships turned their guns at the same time, aiming their guns on the Moby Dick .
” Hey … Who is this? Isn’t that Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel? You are the commander of this operation? ” At this time, in front of a smaller whale pirate ship, it was Whitebeard Hai Thatch, captain of the 4th Division of the Thieves Corps.
” Saatchi … It seems that you already knew about it! That’s why you decided to do it! ” With Saatchi coming out, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel started chatting with each other. Now they are in a weak position, so they need time to prepare.
It’s not that the troops are weak. Even with the addition of the Moby Dick , they still have an advantage in numbers.
But now it is clear that the Whitebeard Pirates are one step ahead in terms of strategy, breaking their plan, and with Whitebeard and many captains there, then in terms of the number of strong people, they have fallen into a disadvantage.
That’s why he deliberately delayed the time and asked the navy to make more preparations.
What’s more, Sakaski’s backhand has not yet appeared. He doesn’t know whether to start the war directly now, or delay the time until tomorrow morning.
” Of course, otherwise you thought we would stay here quietly for so many days? Your plan has already been seen through by us! So … retreat! Continuing to fight will only hurt both sides, and it will not benefit you at all! ” Saatchi said in a deep voice.
Although they have strong reinforcements now, and Reina has other plans, it would be best if they didn’t fight.
After all, how can there be undead in war? Whether it is the Navy or their Whitebeard Pirates, once they fight, they will definitely suffer heavy casualties.
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was silent.
How could he not know such a thing?
But there is no news from the headquarters yet. It is impossible for him to retreat directly. Unless there is clear news from the headquarters, he will not dare to let the other party leave.
” Sir! ” Just when the flying squirrel general was thinking about how to delay the time, the adjutant hurried over and whispered in his ear: “I have contacted the headquarters just now. The reinforcements arriving tomorrow have also arrived here. ”
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel’s face sank, knowing that things were indeed going in the worst direction.
Although the adjutant brought the news that reinforcements are on their way, when exactly will they arrive? How many casualties will there be on their side when they arrive?
And since Wang Jun has already arrived, the corresponding news is to let them stick to it, but in the face of the Whitebeard Pirates, who dares to say that they can hold on?

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