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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Looking at the Moby Dick in front of him , Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was silent. Su Ruian was just a boat, but the man standing on the bow was too threatening. One person, they are estimated to have to pay a small price, and they may not be able to win.
But just when Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was hesitating whether to attack or not, a yellow light came from a distance and landed directly on his warship.
” General Yellow Monkey! ”
” It’s General Yellow Monkey! ”
That beam of yellow light was the Great General Yellow Monkey.
” General Polsalino! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel saw Kizaru landed on his warship, he was stunned for a moment, and then immediately shouted in surprise.
He had just spoken to Marshal Sakaski, although the other party said that Kizaru had arrived, but he did not expect the other party to come so quickly.
” Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~ I really didn’t expect it! It was put together by the Whitebeard Pirates ~” After Kizaru appeared, he looked at Whitebeard standing on the Moby Dick and said softly .
” General Polsalino, what should I do now? ” Although Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel is the commander of the fleet, it is clear that the situation is beyond his ability now, so he will ask Kizaru
” Wait for now, the fleet is estimated to arrive in an hour, the old man is afraid that you will not be able to resist, so come first! ” Huang Yuan said without looking back.
” One hour … In this case, it shouldn’t be a problem. The other party is only the Moby Dick coming here, and compared to leaving the rest of the pirate ships behind! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel nodded and said.
Now he was a little relieved, at least Sakaski really didn’t treat them as abandoned sons, and he also had a plan to deal with Whitebeard.
At the same time, because of the appearance of Whitebeard and Moby Dick , the morale of the navy, which was hit hard, also rebounded a lot because of the appearance of Kizaru.
” It seems that your worries are superfluous, the headquarters can’t abandon us all! ” Bellumeb said to Kebi with a smile when he saw Kiabei appeared.
” That’s the best way! ” Kirby said with a sigh of relief, nodding his head.
In fact, they didn’t know that Sakaski’s plan, although they did not completely regard them as abandoned sons, but also did not think of coming to support early tomorrow morning. It was planned that their remnants would come out in ambushes after the battle with Whitebeard.
As a result, Whitebeard’s sudden appearance broke Sakaski’s plan, which made the ambush come out ahead of schedule.
But whether it was Kizaru or Sakaski, they didn’t expect that Reina had already waited halfway with people, and the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates were not dumped by the Moby Dick . Dropped, but turned to join Reina.
” Vice-captain, what are we going to do now? ” Wydibe the Ice Witch asked Reina with a smile.
” Hehe … Wait, the reason why we let Kizaru pass just now is because our target is not Kizaru! Although he is powerful, we can ambush the warships behind after letting him pass. Don’t they want to surround and fight for reinforcements? ? We will treat the other person with the way of the person! ” Reina replied with a slight twist on the corner of his mouth.
” Wouldn’t there be a problem with Papa and Thatch? ” asked the other captain.
Because Reina came over and took the captain of Saatchi’s side, he was worried about the lack of strength there.
” Don’t worry! With Dad and the rest of the captains there, there won’t be any problems, and isn’t Captain Ace already gone? ” Lakyo, who came with Reina, said with a chuckle.
” Okay, everyone, get ready! At most half an hour, the navy’s fleet will be here! ” Reina smiled and replied.
The camera returns to the Moby Dick .
Because of the appearance of Kizaru, the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates entered a stalemate. Because they knew Reina’s plan, the Whitebeard Pirates were not in a hurry at all, and the navy was also waiting for reinforcements. Not in a hurry.
” It seems that they are indeed waiting for the pirate group under their command! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said softly, seeing that Whitebeard did not make a move.
Logically speaking, the Moby Dick has arrived, so the Whitebeard Pirates should start breaking through at this time, but they haven’t done it now, obviously waiting for their pirates.
” Do n’t wait any longer … Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, order it! The whole army is attacking! ” Kizaru squinted for a while, then suddenly said.
” Why is this? ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel asked inexplicably.
Just now, it was clearly said by Kizaru himself that the reinforcements would arrive in an hour at the latest, but why should they attack in advance now?
Even if the pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates will come, but the navy has been planning for so long, the force will definitely have an advantage, and the Whitebeard Pirates are just hurriedly fighting, and they will definitely not be able to match them, so he does not. Understand why Kizaru is ordering an attack now.
” Look! ” Kizaru pointed to the Moby Dick and said, ” Actually, they should be more anxious at this time! Whitebeard has arrived, so what they have to do now is to take advantage of our reinforcements. Before arriving, the whole army broke through! But they have seen the old man coming, they must know that our navy has a backer! But they are still unmoved, guess why? ”
” This …” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was stunned for a moment, and then said somewhat incredulously: ” They are also waiting! Waiting for our reinforcements … There is a problem! ”
” That’s right! So now we can’t wait, let’s go to war! ” Kizaru said, narrowing his eyes.
” Okay! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel nodded, then said to his adjutant: ” Order the entire army, attack! ”
” Yes, my lord! ” The adjutant nodded quickly and turned to leave.
After a while, all the naval ships began to shrink the encircling net and headed towards the Moby Dick .
” Goo la la la … It seems that there are still smart people in the navy! But … just you … it’s not enough! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh when he saw the navy attack.
” Whitebeard … don’t think you can really win! This time I’m not alone here! ” Kizuna stood on the bow and replied.
” Oh? Interesting! ” Whitebeard smiled and said: ” Then you should also know … We Whitebeard Pirates have a deputy captain! ”
Kizaru’s face changed, he knew who Whitebeard was talking about.
However, Reina went to Wano Country before, and now he should have returned directly to Xuanyue Island. Even if he received the news, he would definitely not be able to make it.
But at this moment, he saw Fire Fist Ace standing behind Whitebeard , and his heart was half cold.
Because Fire Fist Ace and Phoenix Marco appeared in Wano with Reina, and now that Fire Fist Ace is here, it means Reina and Marco are also here .

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