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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Luffy’s Straw Hat Pirates and Shanks’ Red-haired Pirates got together for three days. During these three days, Shanks and Luffy talked a lot and told him a lot about this world. secret.
Three days later, the Straw Hat Pirates began to move in the direction of Xuanyue Island. This time, instead of quietly advancing, they announced to the world with great fanfare that they would challenge the Whitebeard Pirates.
This news naturally made the already turbulent world situation even more bizarre. Now most people know that Luffy’s brother is Fire Fist Ace, and the historian on their ship, Benery D. Robin, It is the daughter of the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Akahito Reina .
So the fact that the Straw Hats are going to challenge Whitebeard seems weird and exciting.
At the same time, after learning that the Straw Hats are going to challenge the Whitebeard Pirates, the Pirates of the Straw Hats, who are venturing around the new world, began to get ready and ready to help their boss, so they all directly Go full speed towards where Luffy is.
The Whitebeard Pirates naturally knew the declaration of the Straw Hat Pirates, and even Hancock, who was about to leave, made an excuse to stay.
As for the rest of the pirate groups that have left, Reina told them not to come back.
Now there are more than fifty pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates, and even if they leave most of them, there are still more than a dozen pirates left here, which is enough to deal with the Straw Hats.
And Reina didn’t think there was any advantage in dealing with Luffy and the others.
After all, the relationship between the two sides is here, and Reina feels that it is more likely to fight in the ring at that time, instead of suppressing each other with numbers like in Wano country.
However, if he knew that the so-called Straw Hat Big Fleet had also come with him, he might let some of the pirates come back. At least they had to show the momentum of the world’s No. 1 pirate group in pomp.
It didn’t take long for Luffy to join all the members of the Straw Hat Fleet, and then he killed in a mighty way near Xuanyue Island.
Since learning that the Straw Hats are coming to challenge them, the location of Xuanyue Island has not moved, otherwise they would have to work hard to find Xuanyue Island.
” Go and inform Dad and Vice-Captain Reina that the Straw Hats are here, and there are a lot of them! ” After Frank received the report from his subordinates, he immediately sent someone to contact Whitebeard and Reina.
However, neither Reina nor Whitebeard had any intention of coming forward. In any case, the Straw Hats are all juniors. Although the other party now has the title of Fifth Emperor, this is just a title, and not all pirates recognize it.
So when Luffy and the others arrived at the port, they saw Ace waiting for them here.
” Ace! ” Luffy was naturally happy to see his brother.
But Ace wasn’t so happy, so he went up to give Luffy a chestnut, and said, ” You really dare to do it! You actually came to challenge our Whitebeard Pirates? Don’t you know that some time ago we Have you just had a big fight with the Navy? ”
” Eh? ” Luffy was stunned, and asked with a surprised look: ” Is that so? Didn’t you say you defeated the Navy? Are you also injured? Then … why do n’t I wait a few days? Wait for you all Rest well! ”
” Idiot! ” Ace was almost pissed off by his younger brother, and replied angrily: ” Don’t you know how much combat power we invested in the battle with the navy? Dad issued a summoning order, our subordinates There are more than 50 pirate groups, you come here at this time, aren’t you courting death? Even if I want to give you some water, it will be impossible! ”
” Humph! I don’t want you to release water! We are very powerful! I am here to defeat you! ” Luffy said with a confident look.
” Captain Ace! Dad and the vice-captain are waiting! Or … let’s go first? ” Frank stepped forward and said with a smile.
He didn’t have a good face for the straw hat Luffy who dared to challenge the Whitebeard Pirates. If it wasn’t for Ace’s younger brother, he would have been sarcastic.
As a fanatic of the Whitebeard Pirates, anyone who dares to question or is against the Whitebeard Pirates is his enemy.
” I see! Luffy, you come with me, Daddy is already waiting for you! ” Ace nodded helplessly and replied.
He naturally knew very well what kind of person Frank was. If he hadn’t been here, he would definitely have made things difficult for Luffy and the others. Now he just ignores each other, which is already very face-saving.
However, Frank’s ignorance did not anger Luffy, but made Sanji and Zoro on the side quite dissatisfied.
But before the two of them broke out, Frank smiled, and even came to Robin with a slight ingratitude, and said, ” Miss, welcome back! You don’t know how much the co-captain usually misses you! Come back this time! Just living on the island for a while longer, my father’s health is not as good as it used to be, and he usually likes to drink, so it is useful to persuade him when you are there, we dare not say anything more! ”
Frank looked like he was licking a dog, which immediately made Sanji, Zoro and others lose interest in him.
” Hey … Look at this guy, doesn’t it look like when you treated Luffy’s boss? ” Cavendish on the side bumped Bartolomeo with his elbow and whispered.
” Humph! My respect for Boss Luffy is unparalleled! But this guy’s vision is also good, and Robin senior is also a very good person! ” Bartolomeo said proudly.
Cavendish on the side looked like he had eaten dead flies. That idiot Bartolomeo didn’t understand him at all!
” Director Frank! I’m not the eldest lady now, but a member of the Straw Hats! ” Robin smiled and nodded.
Frank was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, ” Understood! But don’t worry, Miss, no matter where you are or what you do, you are the eldest lady of our Whitebeard Pirates. This is what my father said! ”
Robin had no choice but to smile at his friends.
Luffy and the others don’t mind, as partners, they still trust each other quite a bit!
” Sister Robin … you have to protect me then! Look at those people, staring at us all the time, it’s so scary! If you don’t tell them when the time comes, you’ll just think we’re just visiting? ” Na Regardless of this, Mei Ke immediately stepped forward, hid behind Robin, and said.
Now is a good time to hug your thighs. Obviously, Robin is better here than Luffy, Sanji, Zoro!
Like Nami, there are two other members of the worried trio. Chopper and Usopp also came behind Robin for the first time.
Although Usopp also wanted to be a hero or something, he didn’t think about anything when he heard that Ace said that there were more than fifty pirate groups here.

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