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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Dad, the Straw Hat Pirates are here! ” Soon, when Ace brought Luffy and his party to the banquet square, Joz, who was standing beside Whitebeard, whispered to Whitebeard.
” Gu la la la … Is little Robin here too? I didn’t expect that the little girl back then could already challenge us! Reina, do you think we are all getting old? ” Whitebeard looked at Reina, who was beside him, asked with a smile.
” They’re still too tender! ” Reina replied with a slight smile.
” Hahaha … Vice-captain, they are now the fifth emperor of the sea! They are no longer children! ” A certain captain who had not left, said with a big laugh.
” Hahaha … Then let me see how our group of children are going to challenge us! ” Reina said with a big laugh.
But not to mention, the people Luffy brought with his straw hat big boat are quite imposing, especially the giants, which are very oppressive.
” Is this … the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard? ” When Luffy and the others saw Whitebeard, except for the big-hearted Luffy, the expressions of everyone else sank.
There are many strong men in the Whitebeard Pirates, not to mention Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, Reina, who they are familiar with, is also a powerhouse of the Four Emperors. Some time ago, Genshi defeated the Admiral of the Navy.
The strength of each captain is not bad. When they were in Wano Kingdom, they had seen the strength of Marco and Ace. Compared with the three disasters of the Beast Pirates, they were indistinguishable.
However, the Beast Pirates have only three disasters, but the Whitebeard Pirates have sixteen captains. As for those captains who have not left or returned after hearing the news, they are not fuel-efficient lamps. They are all in the new World famous captain.
The people in the Straw Hat Big Fleet didn’t feel anything at the beginning, but at this time, under the watchful eyes of these powerhouses, the pressure suddenly came up.
Except for Luffy, who has a big heart, the rest of the people are a little afraid to move, because they feel like they are the prey locked by the beasts, as long as they move casually, they will be torn apart.
” Hey! You’re the Whitebeard daddy, right? I’m the man who wants to become the Pirate King, Monkey D. Luffy! ” At this moment, Luffy suddenly opened his mouth and said to Whitebeard.
” What did he say? ”
” kid! do you know who you’re talking to? ”
” One Piece? He actually said in front of Dad that he was going to become One Piece? ”
” I’m afraid this kid is not a fool? ”
Luffy’s words made everyone stunned for a moment, and then they burst into laughter.
But the people in the Straw Hat Big Fleet didn’t smile. Their expressions were serious. They believed in Luffy and thought that Luffy could do it.
” What’s so funny? ”
” Damn, these people dare to laugh at Senior Luffy! ”
The flames in their hearts ignited immediately.
” Hey, kid! Do you know who you’re talking to? ” Frank has long been disliked by Luffy and the others. He is the chief steward of the Whitebeard Pirates and the first supporter of Whitebeard. No one can say anything bad about the Whitebeard Pirates in front of him.
” I’m not talking to you anyway! ” Sanji took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it for himself, and replied softly.
The boss of the other party didn’t speak, so he thought that Luffy didn’t need to answer the other party, so he gave the answer immediately.
” Haha … it’s interesting ! ” Frank didn’t mind, he just smiled and said, ” Don’t think I’m ugly, if you were on my side, I’m afraid you would have done it a long time ago! ”
Sanji was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he didn’t speak.
Indeed, they came to challenge today, and it is normal for the other party not to give them a good face. If Luffy is not Ace’s younger brother, and the existence of Robin, they probably wouldn’t be able to come to the island.
So what the other party said was correct, which was why Sanji didn’t refute it.
” Gu la la la … boy, you said … you are the Pirate King? ” At this moment, Whitebeard, who was sitting in the first place, suddenly laughed, then looked at Luffy and asked.
” That’s right! I’m the man who wants to become the Pirate King! ” Luffy said directly and firmly without any courtesy.
” Interesting! Do you know what One Piece means? ” Whitebeard asked with great interest.
” Of course! ” Luffy nodded and said.
” So … do you want to be the king of all pirates? ” Whitebeard’s eyes became sharp.
” No! ” Luffy shook his head, then said word by word: ” Only the freest one is called One Piece! ”
” Goo la la la la …” Luffy’s Hua Da made Whitebeard laugh out loud, and even Reina, who was beside him, couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.
But except for the two of them, the rest were quite shocked.
” Only the freest person is the Pirate King! ”
Marko looked at Luffy and couldn’t help but chuckle, this little guy really dares to say it!
But it looks like I can’t fight today.
” Nami, Nuoqigao asked you to go to the house for dinner at night, you can go directly with me later! ” Marco walked out of the crowd and said to Nami.
” Huh? ” Nami was stunned, and looked at Marco in confusion.
Although Marco is also her brother-in-law, is it really appropriate to stand up and say this at this point in time?
They came to challenge the authority of the Whitebeard Pirates, but as soon as Marco said this, he was helping them out. He didn’t believe that Marco didn’t know. After all, as the captain of the first team, Marco was in the Whitebeard Pirates. The status in the group is not low.
Just as Nami thought, after Marko spoke, many members of the Whitebeard Pirates looked at Marko in surprise.
” Gu la la la … Well, you are a guest from afar, no matter what your purpose is, take a good rest today! Robin, you didn’t come back to see my father, is it because my father is not good? ” Seeing this, Whitebeard also smiled and said.
” Dad, didn’t I come back! ” Robin heard the words, first gave his friends a look, and then slowly walked to Whitebeard’s side and said with a smile.
” Gurus … Okay! Saacey makes some food that Robin likes tonight, my daughter came back to see me! ” The white beard seemed to be very happy, laughing more than laughter.
Except for Luffy, the Straw Hats finally let go of their dangling hearts. At least the two sides are no longer fighting each other. In fact, they never thought about a real conflict with the Whitebeard Pirates. Now this situation is just right. .
” Frank, arrange a place to stay for the guests! Luffy, you stay here first. What’s going on tomorrow? You haven’t been to Xuanyue Island, you can have someone show you around! Frank, don’t embarrass them, you know. “Huh ? ” Seeing this, Reina knew that he wouldn’t be able to fight today, so he walked to Luffy’s side, patted him on the shoulder, and said.

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