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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Sanji, who got the brand new Transformer, didn’t plan to use it from the beginning.
But soon, under Marco’s offensive, in order not to hurt himself, he had to directly take out the transforming device and turn on the transforming state.
” Interesting … the ability to be invisible? ” Looking at Sanji who disappeared, Marko smiled and said.
In fact, in front of a strong person like them, this stealth ability is basically ineffective.
Because the other party is not really invisible, it just uses the surrounding colors to deceive the vision. For Marco, who is proficient in seeing and hearing, he can still vaguely feel the other party’s existence.
However, Sanji, who is wearing a battle suit, has greatly increased his defensive power and attack power, and even his speed has increased a lot.
Fortunately, Marco’s overall strength is still stronger than Sanji’s, so the two also fought back and forth.
Sanji, who is wearing a battle suit, has plenty of physical strength, and Marco, who has the ability of a phoenix, was consumed by Zoro, but it should not be underestimated. The battle between the two lasted for three days and three nights. It was a ring battle. The longest fight since the beginning.
Three days later, both of them were out of breath, and the regenerative flames on Marco were also shaky.
“I really didn’t expect that Germa’s technological capabilities are already so powerful! ” Marko smiled bitterly, looking at Sanji opposite and said, ” I still have one blow left, if you can stop it … I will admit defeat! ”
” Huh ~ It’s not a loss to be the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates! Then come on! Let’s decide the winner! ” Sanji also nodded and replied.
His physical strength is basically reaching the limit now, and even if Marco doesn’t say it, he plans to use his unique skills.
” Phoenix Seal Phoenix! ” When Marco heard the words, the flame of regeneration suddenly rose. The blue flame seemed to set the whole island on fire. In the end, Marco jumped up and turned into a phoenix. Form, carrying the last flame of regeneration, swooped to kill Sanji.
” Angels create ingredients, and devils create seasonings! Devil’s feet and eighteen flavors platter! ” And Sanji, who was wearing a battle suit, turned around in a circle, and then his entire right leg seemed to be on fire. An open flame, kicked directly to Marco, who was swooping in.
” Boom! ”
The blue flame of regeneration and the flame on Sanji’s feet were the first to touch, and the two sides were at a stalemate in the air, seemingly entering a state of wrestling.
But at this moment, a crack suddenly appeared on Marko’s right wing.
” Oops! ” Marco trembled in his heart, that was where he was injured by Sauron when he fought with Sauron before.
He had not cared about it before, because this kind of injury was not a problem for him, but at this time, this small injury has become his biggest flaw.
Sanji on the other side also instantly noticed Marco’s abnormality, so he immediately focused his attack on Marco’s right side.
” Bang! ”
Sanji kicked Marco’s regenerative flame with a flaming right foot and hit Marco’s chest with one kick, but at the last moment, Marco was not to be outdone, hitting his whole body with strength, turning around and whipping his leg, also He kicked Sanji directly in the waist.
” Boom ~~ Boom! ”
” Boom ~ Boom!! ”
The two were knocked into the air by the other at the same time, and smashed directly into the island. When the smoke cleared, Marco, who fell to the ground, did not lose consciousness, but he was unable to move.
Sanji’s kick just now broke his ribs and made him lose his mobility.
On the other side, Sanji stood up awkwardly.
” It’s not bad for Germa’s top technology, so he can still stand up like this! ” Looking at Sanji’s completely deformed waist, Reina shook his head and said softly.
“The ship doctor, go and treat Marco first! ” Saatchi, who was standing by the side, ignored Sanji and shouted to the ship doctor on the ship.
So a team of doctors with medical kits got off the Moby Dick and headed straight for Marco.
” Sorry …” Marko said with a wry smile as he passed Reina.
” It’s okay! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” It doesn’t matter now, but when the real battle comes, if you guys are at this level, the Whitebeard Pirates will be doomed! ”
Marco was speechless. It was precisely because this was not a real battle that they had reservations, but they didn’t expect to be forced to such a point by the Straw Hats.
Judging from the number of people on the field, they are now even. Although Sanji is already feeling exhausted at this time, at least they are not good-looking on the scene.
You must know that according to the prior arrangement, Reina should be against Luffy, and they did not count Whitebeard into the battle quota at all.
” Okay, let’s heal first! Leave it to me here! ” Looking at the silent Marco, Reina waved his hand and said to the ship doctors.
After the ship doctor carried Marco away, Reina walked a little and came directly to Sanji.
” Do I need to give you time to recover? ” Reina asked softly.
Although it is stipulated in the ring battle that Lien Zhan’s people cannot be given time to rest, but in Reina’s view, Sanji in this state has no ability to fight him at all.
” Hey ~~ huh ~ No need! Let’s start straight away! ” Sanji took a breath of the cigarette he just lit, then exhaled and replied.
” Then I’ll start! ” Reina smiled and replied.
Sanji nodded, and just as he was about to say something, he felt a pain in his chest, and then his whole body flew up.
The people watching the battle only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and Sanji was hit by Reina and crashed directly into a hill on the island, immediately destroying the entire hill.
” Okay, that … Chopper, come and save people! ” Reina, who was standing in the center of the island, waved to Chopper in the Straw Hats and said.
” Oh!? Oh! ” Chopper was stunned for a moment, and then ran to Sanji with him.
By the time he found Sanji, Sanji was completely unconscious.
He originally wanted to consume Reina’s physical strength, but he didn’t expect to be stunned by Reina’s blow.
” Luffy …” Nami and the others looked at Luffy.
This time, they challenged the Whitebeard Pirates, and they were afraid that they would fail. Now they only have Luffy, and there are Reina and Whitebeard on the opposite side, and both of them are four emperors. Fei Neng defeated Reina, but after that, how to face Whitebeard?
So what Nami and the others meant was to ask Luffy if he wanted to continue fighting.
” Hee hee hee … It’s finally my time! ” Luffy didn’t care about this at all, but said with a smile and quite excited.

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