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Looking at Luffy who appeared in front of him, Reina smiled slightly and said, ” Luffy, are you ready? I won’t show mercy! ”
” Hee hee hee … Uncle Reina, I’m ready, I’m going to defeat you! ” Luffy nodded with a smile and replied.
” That’s good! Let’s start! ”
As Reina’s words fell, Luffy suddenly noticed that something seemed to be approaching around him.
So the moment he noticed it, Luffy left from the spot.
” Boy, you’re doing a good job of seeing and hearing! ” Reina said with a light smile, holding a knife handle in his hand.
Luffy had a solemn look on his face, because the place where he was just now was full of petal-like blades.
As for the information about Qianben Sakura in Reina’s hands, basically everyone knows that there are two weapons in this world, which are not the Twelve Works of the Supreme Sword, but they have special functions.
That is Senbon Sakura and Hirinmaru in Reina’s hands.
The characteristics of these two weapons have long been known to the world along with Reina’s name.
Seeing that the next move did not hit Luffy, Reina waved his hand, and the petals on the ground rolled up and flew in front of him, turning into a sword blade again.
” Phew ~ 2nd gear! ” Luffy took a deep breath and turned on the 2nd gear mode directly.
In the face of Reina, the normal self is not the opponent’s opponent at all, so the second gear is directly turned on.
” It’s interesting, but are you sure you don’t want to turn on the fourth gear? ” Reina asked with a slight smile.
” Let’s try it first! ” Luffy replied after thinking about it.
Seeing Luffy disappearing from the spot, Reina smiled slightly and also opened the Shaker.
With the help of Sharinyan, Luffy’s actions are completely under his control.
” Bang bang bang …”
” Boom ~”
” Sure enough! ” Luffy grinned, looking at Reina who was standing there smiling.
Just now, the two were only tentatively fighting, but Luffy was completely restrained by Reina, and he was kicked away by the opponent before he even had a few moves.
” Fourth Gear Balloon Man! ” Biting his arm, Luffy directly turned on the Fourth Gear Balloon Man mode.
Although he is not very smart, he always knows what he should do when he is fighting.
Instead of procrastinating with Reina, it is better to start fighting recklessly, which can save more energy.
Seeing that Luffy finally got serious, Reina smiled slightly, and replaced Qianben Sakura in the middle of the week with Hing Lun Maru, but did not turn on the state of solution.
” When! ”
” It’s so fast! ” Luffy, who had turned on the fourth gear, punched Reina with a punch. Although he was blocked by the ice wheel pill in his hand, the speed was a bit like an air cannon.
Reina also put away the contempt in her heart and began to fight Luffy seriously.
The battle between the two became more and more intense, and Reina had to solve Hirinmaru.
Controlling the roar of the power of ice, and relying on the help of the ice wheel pill, Reina suppressed Luffy again.
But Luffy, who has understood the entanglement of the overlord, already has the strength to fight against the Four Emperors.
And Reina, who opened the Eternal Kaleidoscope and Swastika, truly possesses the combat power of the Four Emperors.
So in the battle, he can suppress Luffy, but even if he is suppressed, Luffy is not beaten all the way, but fights back and forth with Reina.
” What a good boy! ” Reina rubbed his chest and said with a chuckle.
His Black Emperor’s ability can absorb damage, but some of Luffy’s attacks just now exceeded his absorption limit.
” Hu ~ hu ~ hu ~” Luffy, who was still bouncing and adjusting in the air, had a cautious look on his face.
Through the fight just now, he already knew Reina’s strength very well. If he continued to fight, he might not necessarily be the opponent’s opponent.
” It seems … I can’t keep it for you any longer! ” Reina smiled slightly, and the momentum on his body increased again.
” Susanoo! ” Reina looked like he was wearing a purple armor. After moving his hands and feet, he said to Luffy: ” Next … you be careful! ”
After speaking, Reina disappeared directly from the spot.
Luffy was stunned for a moment. When he reacted, Reina had already come to him, and Luffy, who was caught off guard, had to resist with his arms reluctantly.
” Boom! ”
” Hey ~~~ Boom! ”
Luffy, who blocked Reina’s attack, was directly knocked into the air, and after he landed, he smashed a big hole on the ground.
” Luffy! ”
The Straw Hat gang shouted quite nervously.
” Speed and strength have increased a lot! ” Luffy, who slowly emerged from the pit, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Reina in the air again, and said softly , ” You … Not using all your strength? ”
” Boy, don’t underestimate the people of the world, you are progressing too fast, so you have time to die, it is best to settle down, this will be good for you! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
After turning on Susanoo, not only the speed and strength, but also the defense and attack power have been greatly improved. In addition, the Reina at this time is no longer the Reina of the year, so Susanoo treats him to him. The improvement has also become more terrifying.
” I will defeat you! ” Luffy stepped a little and charged towards Reina again.
He couldn’t understand Reina’s words, but he knew that as long as he kept fighting, his strength would become stronger and stronger.
But now, it was clear that Reyna was the mountain in front of him.
All he has to do now is to defeat Reina first.
The battle between the two was very fierce and lasted for a long time. By the second day, Luffy’s injuries were no longer light, but his spirit was still full.
” This kid … really can’t be killed! ” Reina shook his head with a wry smile.
Up to now, he hasn’t let out the slightest bit of water, but no matter how he knocks Luffy down, the opponent will stand up again, as if he can never be defeated.
As far as Luffy’s injuries are now, the other person has died several times.
” Bingtian · Hundred Flowers Sword Burial! ” With a finger of Hungry Bing Lun Pill in his hand, snowflakes began to fall from the sky of the island. This is not an ordinary snowflake. Every piece of snowflake contains sword intent.
This is the new trick that Reina created after combining the powers of Senbon Sakura and Hirinmaru.
” Whoa, whoa, whoa …”
It has completely turned into an island in Iceland, and Luffy’s figure is moving fast.
Although snowflakes were everywhere, Luffy, who was covered in armament colors, approached Reina again at the least cost.
” Boom boom boom …”
But just when he was about to make a move, a loud noise suddenly sounded, Tianlong suddenly darkened, and it seemed that the whole world was shaking.
” Huh? What’s going on? ”
” What happened? ”
Whether it was the members of the Whitebeard Pirates or the Straw Hats, they looked around in confusion, wondering what was going on all of a sudden.
Luffy and Reina also stopped fighting.
” Why is it suddenly dark? ” Luffy asked with a puzzled face.
” Big brother! ” Reina whispered when he saw the white beard coming from the Moby Dick : ” What do you feel? ”
” Ah ~ it looks like something happened! ” Whitebeard nodded and replied.

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