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The sudden change made the ring battle have to stop.
Everyone looked at the sky with some puzzlement. There was a huge black vortex there, which looked quite strange. In addition to the previous vibration, Reina had a very bad premonition.
” Dad, what’s going on here? Why does the sky seem to have a big hole? ” The captains came to Whitebeard and asked.
Whitebeard shook his head and said, ” Although I don’t know the reason yet, I can feel that it is full of tyranny! It seems that something big is about to happen! ”
Reina nodded and said to Luffy next to him: ” After this battle, this sudden change may cause changes in the world! Now is not the time for us to fight! ”
Hearing this, Luffy nodded and replied, ” Okay! But what is that? ”
” I don’t know right now, but for the sake of safety, don’t leave for the time being, settle down on Xuanyue Island first, and we will send someone out to inquire about the news! ” Reina shook his head and said.
He told the Straw Hats not to leave, because not only Robin, but also the relatives of the Whitebeard Pirates such as Nami, in the Straw Hats, if they left, it would be bad if they encountered any big trouble.
Reina knows that Luffy is synonymous with trouble. If he leaves, he will inevitably encounter something.
” This …” Sure enough, Luffy was a little hesitant about Reina’s proposal. He didn’t really want to stay, and he still had adventures to finish.
” Luffy, you are also the leader of the big fleet now. You can no longer do things according to your own temperament. Even if you have no problems, can you guarantee the safety of everyone under your command? Before you have absolute strength, see the situation clearly. It will be safer for your companions to act later! ” Reina patted Luffy on the shoulder and said:
” Of course, I don’t mean to keep you here forever! Your intelligence capabilities are limited, and now you don’t know what this thing is, and rash actions may bring consequences that we can’t afford, so wait and find out. , you decide how to act, the better! ”
After thinking about it for a while, Luffy grinned and said, ” Then will you have a banquet? ”
” Of course, waiting for the information while having a banquet! ” Reina replied with a smile.
” Okay! ” Luffy replied without hesitation.
At the same time, the Holy Land Mary Joa and the Marine Headquarters Marine Vando were also busy because of the sudden vision in the sky.
Sakaski, who was then the Admiral, stood on the balcony of the office of the Admiralty Headquarters, looking up at the dark vortex in the sky, frowning tightly together.
” Is there any news yet? ” Sakaski, who was smoking a cigar, asked softly.
” No! Even those who are capable of flying can’t reach the sky at all! So I don’t know the reason for this strange astronomical phenomenon! ” A colonel wearing a navy justice cloak shook his head and replied.
” Where’s the World Government? What are they doing? ” Sakaski asked after thinking about it.
“I don’t know, CP has dispatched a lot, but there is no information at present! ” The colonel shook his head and replied.
” Stay pay attention, and don’t let down your guard on the pirates of the New World! ” Sakaski sighed and commanded with some headache.
” Yes, Master Marshal! ” After the officer saluted, he turned and left.
On the other side, in the living area of Marin Fando, the former Admiral Sengoku, the naval hero Karp and the Great Staff Crane were eating food while looking up at the strange vision in the sky.
” He, do you have any information about this vision? ” Warring States asked while putting a piece of fairy shell into his mouth and eating it.
Lieutenant General Crane took a sip of tea, then shook his head and said: ” There is no information at present, and I don’t know why! Anyway … just wait! ”
Karp on the side smiled and said, ” Is there any news about the previous shock? ”
” Yeah! Whether it’s the great route or the four seas, I feel it, so theoretically … the whole world is shaking! ” Lieutenant General Crane nodded and replied.
” The whole world? ” Warring States was taken aback, looked at Lieutenant General He in surprise, and asked, ” Are you serious? Even Whitebeard … shouldn’t be able to do it, right? ”
Garp’s expression became a little more serious. They all knew that at this time, the Whitebeard Pirates should be accepting the challenge of the Straw Hat Pirates, but even if Whitebeard made his own move, it should not have such a big impact, and the sky’s Visions, not only the new world can see, but the whole world can see.
They didn’t think it was something Whitebeard could make.
But so far, they don’t have any information, so they are all confused.
But no matter who made this kind of thing, they have to be careful, because this kind of ability … is too terrifying, it can actually affect the whole world.
At the same time, all the major forces in the world are paying attention to this strange celestial phenomenon that suddenly appeared. Although they don’t know what happened, they are all waiting for someone to stand up and explain.
On Xuanyue Island, because of the suspension of the ring battle, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Straw Hat Pirates returned here.
” What are we going to do now? ” In the meeting room, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, as well as Robin, Nami, and Jinpei from the Straw Hats, all participated in the meeting.
” This kind of celestial phenomenon that affects the whole world cannot appear for no reason. It must have happened, but we don’t know it now! ” Lakyo said with a frown.
When they returned to Xuanyue Island, they had already contacted the pirate group under their command and the intelligence personnel of some strongholds, and had already received news from them, inferring that this strange celestial phenomenon appeared, and the previous shock , should be worldwide.
Reina, who was sitting there, kept frowning.
Whitebeard didn’t attend the meeting, so he was the host of the meeting.
Moreover, he knows more than the people of this world. It is outrageous that this kind of strange celestial phenomenon can be seen by the whole world at the same time.
The planet is spherical. In theory, it is impossible to have some kind of celestial phenomenon that can be seen by people all over the world at the same time, but now the fact is defeated, so he has to believe it.
” Apart from the vision and shaking, did anything else happen today? ” Reina asked, knocking on the table.
” No! ” Rakyo shook his head and said, ” Nothing special happened today, or we don’t know what happened! “

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