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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” So what’s the situation in Beihai now? ” Whitebeard’s voice came from the phone bug.
After a small fight with the foreigner, Reina and the others left, found a safe island, and began to report the situation to Whitebeard.
” At present, Beihai has lost almost one-third of the island, mainly because at the beginning, no one expected that the opponent’s offensive would be so violent! Now that the navy has increased troops, the plot has been controlled, but I think It’s still a little difficult to get back the lost island! ” Lakyo said to the phone bug.
” Gu la la la … This is inevitable. Whether it is the new world or the great route, it has always been the focus of the Navy’s attention. I am afraid that the North Sea is being invaded now, but they do not dare to mobilize their forces. They are afraid that we will take the opportunity to do something. What, I think that’s why they blocked the news! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” Dad, what are we going to do now? Is it to help the navy recover the North Sea, or …” Lakeyo hesitated and asked.
” Don’t act for now. If this kind of thing happens randomly, it will probably have a great impact. Let’s see how the navy acts! After the news of your appearance spreads, I think it’s impossible for the navy to act. Indifferent! ” Whitebeard said after thinking about it.
At the same time, Reina is also on the phone with BIGMOM .
” Well ~ Well ~ I said Reina, how come you have time to contact me? Where’s Edward? Why didn’t he come and talk to me in person? ” BIGMOM said with a weird smile.
” Sister Lingling, now I’m looking for you myself, not the big brother looking for you! What? You four emperors, have you already despised me? ” Reina replied with a smile.
” Well , well … Come on, it’s definitely not good for you kid to find me! ” BIGMOM asked directly, unmoved.
” I remember there was a little girl from the Three-Eyed Clan in your family? I want to borrow her time for a few days! ” Reina said without any nonsense.
” Bryn? What do you want her to do? ” BIGMOM immediately became alert, her three-eyed daughter, but she became One Piece’s trump card.
Now the whole world knows that to find the final island, the ancient script must be deciphered.
And the people of the Three-eyed Clan can read ancient characters after the third eye is opened.
So she has been waiting for Brin to awaken her third eye and interpret the text of the red road sign in her hand.
Now Reina suddenly asked her to borrow Brin, which had to make BIGMOM alert.
” Sister Lingling, don’t worry, I don’t want her to interpret historical texts. When it comes to interpreting historical texts, my daughter is much better than her! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Mmmmmmm … Then what do you want Brin to do? ” BIGMOM rolled his eyes and asked deliberately pretending he didn’t care.
” Okay, okay … The situation on Beihai’s side recently, I wonder if Sister Lingling has paid attention to it? ” Reina naturally knew the other party’s intentions, so he didn’t talk nonsense and said directly.
” Beihai? What happened to the North Sea? ” BIGMOM was stunned . Although their BIGMOM Pirates were known as the pirate group with the world’s strongest intelligence capabilities, they deliberately blocked the news in the navy, and BIGMOM didn’t care about the situation. Little did they know that something big had happened in Beihai.
If this happened in the new world, Reina believed that BIGMOM would definitely know the news immediately, but Beihai … obviously not in her concern.
So Reina didn’t hide it, and simply told BIGMOM about it.
” Well … So, you want to use Brin’s ability to spy on other people’s memories? ” BIGMOM asked with a big laugh.
” Of course, I borrowed your Brin anyway, and I will ensure her safety. When she goes back, it will be the same as this time, we will share information! You don’t have to pay anything, just send Brin. ! ” Reina said sincerely.
” Well … Indeed, it seems that I did take advantage of it, but … why should I promise you? I sent someone to bring Brin there, and I can also get the information, there is absolutely no need to share it with you! ” BIGMOM said proudly.
” Really ? Whatever … Anyway, as long as you want Brin to come over, it doesn’t matter whether you agree to my proposal or not! ” Renner hung up the phone after he finished speaking.
On the other side, looking at the phone bug that had been hung up, BIGMOM laughed and scolded a bastard, and immediately called the children of the boss.
” How much do you know about Beihai? ” BIGMOM looked at his children and asked in a deep voice.
” Beihai? ” Everyone was stunned, they didn’t receive anything about Beihai.
” It seems that these days are really comfortable. You haven’t received any news about such a big thing? ” BIGMOM’s face immediately sank and he said.
” Mom ~ what happened, our intelligence point basically only pays attention to the new world, and does not cover the four seas area, but if we deliberately investigate, I believe there will be news soon! ” The eldest son Pei Lospello asked in confusion.
BIGMOM sneered and repeated the news from Reina.
” What? Those foreign visitors actually landed in the North Sea? And they are attacking the North Sea? Why can’t we see it here? And the navy’s forces in the New World have not moved at all! ” Pelospero said in surprise.
” Is it true, just ask to find out! But since Reina said it, there should be no problem, then we need to discuss now, how to act! ” Kata has been closing his eyes and resting. Kuri suddenly opened his eyes and said.
” Mom, since Brin’s ability can figure out the other party’s purpose, or we will bring Brin there, then the information will belong to us! There is absolutely no need to share it with the people of the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Charlotte Owen stood up and gave her opinion.
” Idiot! If we could have known about this earlier, we could naturally do it! But now that Reina has spoken, as long as Brin or our people appear in Beihai, they will definitely be attacked by the other party! So now and Reina’s cooperation is the best choice, otherwise once he discloses Brin’s abilities, he will be in big trouble! ” BIGMOM rolled his eyes and reprimanded.
Now she still doesn’t know what the situation in Beihai is like, but according to Reina, visitors from those days have occupied nearly one-third of the island in the North Sea. Once the North Sea falls, Brin is the only one who can know the purpose , then no matter it is the other pirates or the navy, Brin will never let go, because at that time, it is a matter of the whole world, not a matter of any force!

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