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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Mom, is it really alright to let Smoothie accompany Brin to Beihai? Why don’t I go there! ” Katakuri looked at the two younger sisters who were about to leave, and said to BIGMOM with some worry .
” Well … Katakuri, Smoothie is already very strong, you have to believe her! ” BIGMOM said confidently: ” And this time they worked with Reina in the past, don’t you think Reina can’t Keep them safe? ”
When Katakuri heard the words, Reina’s figure appeared in his mind, the man who was already on the same level as his mother, and the man he wanted to surpass the most.
After sighing, Katakuri turned to leave, while BIGMOM stood there and laughed.
While waiting for Charlotte Brin to arrive, Reina and others also occasionally dispatched to help kill the invading aliens.
Because of the continuous increase of the navy, the situation in the North Sea has stabilized. The two sides formed a tug of war in the battlefield area, and did not continue to lose more islets.
After limiting the other party’s expansion rate, they also found that the growth rate of foreign visitors has stabilized.
After they killed each other, there would not be countless enemies emerging like before, which was one of the important reasons for the stability of the situation in the North Sea.
” It seems certain, the size of the opponent’s territory determines the speed of their arrival! ” Reina said softly, standing on the bow, looking at the battlefield area in the distance.
” We can see this, and the navy should also understand it! As long as the troops from the Great Route are dispatched back, the navy will completely recover the lost territory, shouldn’t there be any problem!? ” Ace said after thinking about it.
” They can’t do it! The stronger the foreign visitors are, the more the navy will increase its troops. Once the opponent’s power grows, the navy will stop increasing its troops! After all, they think that the biggest opponent now is the pirates! And the short-sighted guys in the world government don’t care about the situation in the North Sea! All they want is that the navy can protect them! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Hmph, what a bunch of worms! ” Lakyo said dissatisfied.
” Forget it, these don’t have much to do with us for the time being! ” Reina chuckled and said, ” First find out the purpose of those foreign visitors, so that we can make plans for the next step! ”
” Are you sure, BIGMOM will let her daughter come to assist us? ” Jin Gudo looked at Reina and asked curiously.
” She will! With the intelligence capabilities of their BIGMOM pirates, they will definitely be able to see the threat of visitors from outside the sky. Once the situation here deteriorates, Brin will fall into the same situation as Robin, and it will be worse! ” Reina The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said, ” Robin is only about the treasure of One Piece, but Brin … But it is about the safety of the whole world! Whether it’s a pirate, the navy, or the world government, she will not be spared! So and Our cooperation is the best! ”
” That’s right, just relying on her BIGMOM Pirates is not enough to be an enemy of the world. I guess I won’t be able to hide this news in the end! ” Bista also nodded and agreed: ” If things worsen, even pull It’s not enough to join our Whitebeard Pirates! ”
Reina also nodded and said, ” That’s right, but one step ahead, one step ahead! So as long as we get the information one step ahead, that’s enough! As for how long this secret can be kept, it depends on the strength of those outsiders! ”
” They don’t seem to have any powerful characters yet, do they? ” Ace looked at Reina and asked, ” Even when Fujitora made his move, they just relied on numbers to bring down Fujitora, and there was no strong man. ! ”
” It’s just that it didn’t appear, it’s not really not. I can feel that there is a powerful momentum there, I’m afraid it’s not much weaker than me! ” Reina looked at the beam of light that directly connected to the sea from the sky, and said: ” That strong man should be the reliance to ensure that the beam of light will not be interrupted by us, so he never participated in the attack! ”
“I ‘m really looking forward to it! I don’t know how powerful their powerhouses are! ” Ace chuckled and said excitedly.
” I can’t attack them for the time being, at least not until we figure out their purpose! If you feel bored, just go to the battlefield area to play, it can be considered to relieve some pressure on the navy! The speed of the opponent’s arrival has stabilized, from a certain On the one hand, as long as the number of kills we kill every day exceeds the number of them coming, we can take back the lost ground step by step! ” Reina looked at Ace, shrugged, and said.
” We don’t want Beihai’s territory, it’s useless to hold it, and I don’t mean to help the Navy, but it’s fine if we go to play! ” Ace replied with a smile.
A few days later, Reina took Ace and the four to meet Brin and Smoothie.
” Yo ~ Isn’t this Smudge from Sister Lingling’s house? Are you one of those three generals now? Sister Lingling actually sent you here? You don’t believe me ! ” Muji, Reina said with a chuckle.
” Mr. Rainer! Want something to drink? ” Smoothie replied with a slight smile.
” Forget it, I don’t want to drink anything other than spirits! ” Reina waved his hand and said, ” Let’s go, let’s get down to business first! ”
As a fruit squeezer, Smoothie can squeeze all the water out of any creature, which is similar to Crocodile’s rustling fruit, meaning that it can absorb water.
Seeing Reina, he didn’t mean to talk too much, and Smoothie just smiled slightly and took Brin off the boat.
” Are you going to wait here for us to catch a live one, or are you going to go to the battlefield area together? ” Bista asked after explaining the current situation to both Smoothie and Brin.
” I’ve come here, wouldn’t it be too boring if I didn’t get to know each other? ” Smoothie looked very interested, licked his lips, and said with a smile: “I don’t know the juice squeezed from them, What would it taste like! ”
” Well, you only arrived today, take a day off, and tomorrow we will go to the battlefield area! ” Reina nodded and said.
He still recognizes Smoothie’s strength, but Brin, who has been acting cute all the time, doesn’t speak at all, just listens honestly.
As a descendant of the Three-Eyed Clan, even if she ate the Devil Fruit of the Superman type Memory Fruit, her fighting power was almost nothing in front of Reina and the others.
Before coming here, whether it was BIGMOM or Smoothie, they had reminded her not to provoke the Whitebeard Pirates. This time, she only needed to use her abilities to get things done, and she didn’t care about the rest.

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