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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Are those the so-called aliens? ” Smoothie asked curiously, looking at the warriors who were shrouded in armor and fighting against the pirates.
” Yes, they never communicate with us, but they seem to have a way to communicate! ” Ace nodded, looked at Brin and said, ” And once you fight, you are not afraid of death, so I hope that through her ability, Come get to know these people! ”
Brin also looked curiously at the two sides who were fighting.
In fact, it is a bit inaccurate to describe the opponent as brave and not afraid of death, because those who come from outside the sky will dodge or even retreat in the face of attacks.
But from a general perspective, they are even more afraid of death, and they are attacking every day. Even if their casualties are huge, they still don’t know how to back down, so it gives them a feeling of being brave and not afraid of death.
” So what do I need to do now? ” Brin asked, looking at Reina.
Before coming here, BIGMOM specially explained that she didn’t need to fight, she only needed to get the information and bring it back. Even Smoothie was specially sent by BIGMOM just to escort her back .
” Your ability can read other people’s memories, right? ” Reina asked softly: ” Show the other party’s memory in the form of film, and can be spliced at will? ”
Brin nodded and said: ” Yes, but this is not absolute. After splicing, he may find and recover by himself! So if you want to control them for a long time in this way, it is not advisable! ”
” Don’t worry, I didn’t mean that! As long as you show their memories! ” Reina smiled and replied.
After Reina finished speaking, he nodded to Jingudo and Lakyo beside him. The two of them didn’t say a word, they directly joined the battle, and they soon caught an extraterrestrial visitor.
” Can I do it directly? ” Reina asked Brin, looking at the alien who was still struggling.
” It’s better to let him pass out, to be safe! ” Brin said after thinking about it.
Reina nodded and gave Rakyo a look, so Rakyo raised his hand directly to the back of the opponent’s neck, which was a hand knife.
But something unexpected happened. The alien who was hit was not in a coma, but turned his head to look at Lakyo in a dumbfounded way.
” Fuck! ” Lakyo’s face was a little unbearable. Isn’t this slapping him in the face in front of so many people?
So he raised his hand again and put a knife on the opponent’s stamina, but the opponent still didn’t faint, and the other party seemed to have discovered their intention and pretended to faint.
Looking at Lakjoo, he almost couldn’t help but smashed each other into meat patties with a hammer.
” What should I do? ” Rakyo asked, looking at Reina.
He has no choice. If the shot is heavy, the opponent’s life will not be guaranteed. If it is light, the opponent will not faint at all.
Reina thought for a while, winked at Brin, and asked her to do it directly.
The reason why Brin needs the other party to faint is because moving will affect her, not because her ability can only be used on comatose people.
Now that the other party is pretending to be dizzy, the effect is the same. As long as Brin extracts the other party’s memory, Reina will be able to know the other party’s purpose.
Seeing this, Brin nodded directly, then reached out to the other party’s head and directly pulled out the other party’s memory.
Seeing this, the alien visitor who pretended to be dizzy immediately planned to struggle, but Jin Guduo and Lakyo, who had been prepared, directly suppressed each other and did not give him the possibility of making trouble.
After reading the other party’s memory, several people were shocked.
” What is this? They … why can they be resurrected after they die? ” Ace asked in shock as he looked at the film in Brin’s hand.
Reina didn’t speak, and his heart was full of shock, even more than Ace and the others.
” Pfft! ” With a wave of Qianben Sakura, this guest from the sky was killed in a different place.
” Go catch a few more! ” Reina said in a deep voice.
Jin Gudo and Lakyo also put aside their jokes and nodded solemnly.
If the other party can really be resurrected infinitely, then this war will definitely be more difficult than they imagined.
Soon, Jinguduo and Lakeyo caught a few more visitors from outside, this time Reina shot directly, suppressed each other, and then let Brin use his abilities.
As a result, the final results were not much different, which made the expressions of several people change immediately.
” Deputy Captain … Who the hell are these people? Why can they come here while lying in that kind of box? And they won’t die? After being killed by us, they can actually be resurrected again? ” After reading Ace, asked confused.
” Things have become a little more complicated! ” Reina sighed and did not answer Ace, but looked at Smoothie and Brin, and said, ” Now that you have the information, go back and talk to Sister Lingling carefully. In the end, I will It is estimated that it is inevitable to send people over! I will not keep you, and now we have to go back to Xuanyue Island! ”
Smoothie and Brin looked at each other, nodded, and said, ” Okay! Let’s go back and report the matter to Mom immediately! ”
Indeed, this was somewhat unexpected to them.
And they finally figured out the purpose of those foreigners who came here. They came to seize this world. As the local residents of this world, they are bound to participate in the resistance.
After sending Smoothie and Brin away, Rayner was lost in thought.
Judging from the information Brin obtained just now, these foreigners come from other worlds. They enter this world through a box-like device, and gain the luck of this planet by seizing the world’s territory. After all the luck of the planet is taken away, this world is over, and they will continue to look for the next world.
But Rayner saw more clues through the film that Brin had intercepted just now.
Those box-like devices are clearly game nutrition cabins.
” That is to say … these guys in front of me … are all players? ” Reina looked at the aliens who were still fighting pirates in the distance, and his thoughts drifted to somewhere.
” Deputy Captain … Dad wants to talk to you! ” At this time, Ace interrupted Reina’s thinking and handed him the phone bug.
” Big brother! ” Reina took the phone bug and shouted softly.
” Ah ~ I’ve already heard about Ace, what do you think? ” On the other end, Whitebeard’s rare face didn’t have a smile, but asked a little seriously.
” Well! Things are a little troublesome! I originally planned to go back to Xuanyue Island. After all, many things are not clear from the phone bugs! ” Reina sighed and said.
” Then come back! This kind of thing cannot be solved by you alone. We will come up with two methods at that time! ” Whitebeard said directly.
” Okay! I’ll rush back immediately! ” Reina nodded and said, ” Big brother … things may be more serious than expected! “

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