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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Unlike BIGMOM ‘s boldness in bringing all its troops to the North Sea, although the navy has invested a lot of troops in the North Sea, what they need is to stabilize the situation in the North Sea, not to drive out the aliens.
Whether it’s the navy or the top officials of the world government, it’s obvious that they don’t really pay attention to those outsiders.
However, the BIGMOM Pirates cooperated with Reina to recapture several small islands, which attracted the attention of the navy.
It’s not that they recaptured the island, but the combination of the two aroused the navy’s fear.
If a pirate group like the Four Emperors began to cooperate because of foreign visitors these days, it is definitely not what the Navy wants to see.
Because since the other party can cooperate to deal with those foreign visitors, they can also cooperate to deal with their navy.
In the eyes of the navy, the strength of those extraterrestrial visitors is not very strong, if not for the large number, they don’t care at all.
Even the world government has issued an order to arrest some extraterrestrial visitors as slaves, although this order seems to be issued by Tianlong people!
But the navy so far has not caught a single survivor of the country.
Because as long as the opponent is not dead, they will not stop fighting. Even if they use some means to make them unconscious, as long as the opponent is awake, they will definitely attack at the first time. If they cannot act, they will choose to self-destruct.
Yes, the other party has the ability to gather all the energy in the body and then explode directly.
The most important thing is that after the death of the other party, not even the body will be left. Anything related to those outsiders will slowly disappear after their body dies.
Therefore, the existence of this kind of danger, the navy did not dare to give it to the Tianlong people, except for a few sent to the scientific force, otherwise it would be fun to blow up a few Tianlong people.
” Has the investigation come out? Why did the BIGMOM Pirates suddenly join forces with the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Sakaski sat in the office and asked the Navy’s intelligence officers.
” Returning to Marshal, it seems that they are trying to seize Beihai’s territory from the hands of visitors from outside the sky! ” The intelligence officer replied after saluting.
Sakaski frowned and said, ” It shouldn’t be possible! It’s just a few small islands. Need to use strong men like BIGMOM and Reina? ”
” This … According to the information we have obtained, they just captured a few small islands and trapped a strong opponent on the other side, and there was no other action! ” The intelligence officer hesitated and replied.
Akainu ‘s fingers tapped rhythmically on the table. Although he didn’t understand why BIGMOM and Reina joined forces, it was not a good signal for the Navy.
” Notify Fujitora, let him go to the North Sea, and let him sit there recently, and keep an eye on the movements of the BIGMOM Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Akainu thought for a while before giving the order.
Although I still don’t know what happened, I still have to do what I need to do first. There is a general on the Beihai side. Whether it is Reina or BIGMOM , the action will be much restrained.
Moreover, the situation in the North Sea recently became tense due to the sudden actions of BIGMOM and Reina, and the offensive of the aliens became more and more violent. Sending an admiral to sit in the past was still in line with the Navy’s plan.
” Yes, Master Marshal! ”
But just as the soldiers were leaving, an old man with steamed buns and white hair walked in outside the door.
” Hehe … Marshal isn’t that easy to be a marshal, is he? ” Sengoku, who was holding a senbei in his hand, said with a smile as he looked at Sakaski, who was a little overwhelmed.
Seeing the Sengoku who walked in, Sakaski’s face turned black and he said in a low voice, ” Are you here to see me for a joke? If that’s the case, then you’re going to be disappointed! I feel very good now, and the navy must be there too. I’ve grown stronger under my leadership! ”
” Pfft! ” Sengoku, who was eating the senbei, finally couldn’t help laughing.
” What are you laughing at? You’re just an idler now! ” Sakaski couldn’t help but roared in a low voice with the word ” Well ” popping out of his forehead.
” Hahaha …” Sengoku suddenly laughed and said: ” Then what are you worried about? I’m just an idler, not only me, but also Karp! But we are the navy, the navy! Even if we don’t have rights , but we still have obligations! ”
Sakaski was stunned for a moment. In order to stabilize his regime, he has continuously weakened the influence of the old naval veterans such as Warring States, Karp, and Crane staff. As Warring States said, he and Karp have now completely become idlers in the navy. Even the task of teaching and returning recruits is only occasional guidance.
Looking at the silent Sakaski, Sengokuche shook his head with a chuckle, and said, ” Over the North Sea, let me, Karp, Ah He go over there! If we continue to stay in the headquarters, we won’t be able to exert any heat, so just Let’s do something for the world with one last bit of fire! Please! ”
The words of the Warring States period gave Sakaski a great impact. After a while, he raised his head and said: ” Stinky old man, you are so old, you should stay in the headquarters for old age! The front line of the navy has never been young or old. This is a tradition, and it is also a rule that I, as a marshal, must abide by! ”
Previously, Sakaski did deliberately target them in the Warring States period, because they had been in power for too long, and they are still alive and well, not to mention in the entire navy, at least in the minds of most generals, they have a pivotal weight , so he will keep them idle.
But what he said just now was not really afraid of the Warring States period and their return, but the navy did have a system for dealing with meritorious deeds. As long as the navy was discharged from the army, the headquarters would be responsible for their retirement.
In the living area of the headquarters, there is a special area, where all the veterans are retired, some are retired due to injuries, some are too old, but they are indeed a very powerful force, and the navy will never the power to use.
Sengoku was stunned for a moment, he really didn’t expect Sakaski to say such a thing.
The other party will reject him, he is guessing the country, but in Sakaski’s words just now, he can hear that the other party is not worried that he will affect his prestige status, but is really out of respect for naval exploits .
” Although we are idlers, we haven’t been discharged from the army! ” Warring States’ words were simple and expressed determination.
Sakaski sighed and said: ” Since you want to go, then go! But I have already ordered Fujitora to pass, and you can only serve as his deputy! ”
” Hahaha … Do n’t worry, I only need a soldier’s quota! ” At some point, Garp, who was full of white hair but still strong, also appeared at the door of the office.
” If that’s the case, then get out! ” Sakaski couldn’t help but yelled.
They came prepared!
With Sakaski’s permission, Sengoku and Karp left Sakaski’s office with their backs on each other’s backs. Ah He should be ready to set sail at the port at this time!

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