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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Marshal Sengoku, Mr. Garp … you really gave me an embarrassing idea! ” On the warship heading to the North Sea, Fujitora smiled wryly, facing Sengoku, who was lying on a reclining chair in the sun. Talk to Cap.
” What’s so difficult about this? You just treat the two of them as ordinary soldiers! Although Sakaski is radical, he is the marshal now, and there is no need for people like us to appear! The old man is by the general’s side, Be a staff officer! ” At some point, Lieutenant General Tsuru, the chief staff officer, came to Fujitora and said with a chuckle.
” It’s not right for the staff to say that. It has nothing to do with me how Marshal Sakaski wants to live. I’m just an admiral, an admiral of the navy. Everything I do is for the justice in my heart! You have powerful Strength should be used to bring peace to this world! ” Fujitora shook his head and replied.
At the beginning, it was because he had seen too much darkness that he blinded his eyes in a rage, thinking that he would not be able to see the darkness.
But when he became a navy, he discovered that this world is not only dark, but also has many beauty. As a navy, we must protect these beauty and combat those darkness.
Therefore, Fujitora does not want to touch all political things. There is such an element in his character, which is somewhat similar to Aokiji.
When Qingzhi encounters those dark things, he deliberately procrastinates and looks lazy.
And Fujitora is even more straightforward. Those dark things, he doesn’t even want to watch, and he doesn’t know if he doesn’t see it. If he doesn’t know, it means that it didn’t happen.
Although these are self-deception, but for them, this is also no way.
In a spoof and the world, it is impossible to have only sunlight without darkness, so what Fujitora has to do now is to reject darkness and protect the sunlight.
Unlike Sakaski’s annihilation of darkness, Fujitora hopes to protect those beauty and sunshine.
Because when you’re eliminating that darkness, it’s likely that you’re also creating some darkness, just like Sakaski.
” As a general, you have such thoughts. No wonder Sakaski did not dare to let these two old guys go out again! ” Lieutenant General Crane sighed, shook his head and returned to the cabin directly.
The two who were lying on the reclining chair and pretending to sleep were also silent in their hearts.
However, when they thought that after going to Beihai, they would be able to fight side by side with their old friends again, and the sadness in their hearts lessened a bit.
Soon, the navy’s reinforcements arrived at the temporary headquarters in Beihai, which is not far from the first-line battlefield. It can understand the information ahead at the fastest speed, and also allow the navy to make the fastest response.
The arrival of General Fujitora made the lieutenant generals on the navy side a little relieved. The recent onslaught of foreign visitors has caused them a lot of losses. If the headquarters does not send reinforcements, their front line will be broken.
The navy has invested a lot of troops here, with more than ten lieutenant generals, and even Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Lieutenant General Kong Ming and others who are good at commanding.
Moreover, in the battle of the foreign visitors, there were basically no powerhouses above the forty level, that is, the general level, so these lieutenant generals are sitting here, which is completely enough.
If it weren’t for the fact that the offense from the aliens had become much more violent this time, Fujitora would not have been dispatched from the headquarters.
However, when Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Lieutenant General Kong Ming and others saw that Sengoku, Garp and Staff Officer Tsuru also appeared with Fujitora, they couldn’t help being surprised.
They don’t understand why strong men like Warring States and Garp also come here. Could it be that something happened here in Beihai that they don’t understand?
” General Laugh! ” Lieutenant General Kong Ming, who was standing beside Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, gestured with his eyes to the three of Warring States behind him, and wanted to ask him why the three of Warring States appeared here.
” Don’t wink there, don’t you know that Fujitora is blind? ” Sengoku rolled his eyes and said to Lieutenant General Kong Ming.
When Garp and Staff Hearing heard the words, they couldn’t help but laugh.
Lieutenant General Kong Ming is different from Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel. He has been in charge of the branch for a long time, so he does not know some of the reasons.
That’s why he opened his mouth, but Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel didn’t seem to see the three of them.
” Sorry, Lord Warring States, I am just a little curious. Although the situation here is a little more tense than before, it is still not the three of you to come over, right? ” Lieutenant General Kong Ming heard the words of Warring States, and then he remembered, this vine General Tiger couldn’t see.
” Don’t worry, we’re just here to relax. It’s boring to stay at the headquarters every day. Why don’t you just come to the front line to play, you don’t need to care about us, just treat us as if we don’t exist! ” Warring States smiled and replied.
” This …” Not to mention the strength of the three, can they be regarded as not seeing the identity of the three?
This time, not only Lieutenant General Kong Ming, but even Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel frowned.
” Hehe … Don’t worry, after all, my eyes are inconvenient, and the situation on the Beihai side is also very important, so Marshal Sakaski asked Mr. Warring States and Mr. Garp to come and help me. After all, their experience is much richer than mine. Let’s go, let’s go to the conference room first, and tell us the situation here first! ” Fujitora said with a smile.
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel nodded, and under his guidance, he quickly brought Fujitora into the conference room.
” That is to say … Actually, the situation here is not as good as we imagined? ” After listening to Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel’s report, Warring States first frowned and asked.
” This …” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel looked at Lieutenant General Kong Ming next to him, and then said to the Warring States: ” According to Marshal Sakaski’s intention, as long as this place can maintain the current appearance, there is no need for Beihai. these little islands, go to war! ”
As soon as these words came out, not only Sengoku and Garp, but even Fujitora frowned.
When the foreign visitors just arrived, Fujitora also sat in the North Sea for a period of time. Compared with that time, the naval forces invested in the North Sea increased by more than ten times, and the pirates also shared some defense tasks. , so in his opinion, the situation on the Beihai side, not to mention driving away the aliens, at least maintain a state of suppressing the enemy, right?
But I didn’t expect to hear such remarks when I came back this time.
” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, may I ask how many islands are in the hands of the aliens now? ” Fujitora asked in a deep voice.
” This … we don’t know the exact number, but according to the total area of the North Sea, the other party has occupied almost one-sixth! ” After thinking about it, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said.
” What? ” Fujitora was taken aback, to know that when he left, only a few small islands were occupied by visitors from outside the sky, but now they have occupied one-sixth of the entire North Sea area?
This surprised him very much.
” This is still with the help of the Whitebeard Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates, otherwise the situation may be worse! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel lowered his head and said.
In fact, he also reacted with the headquarters to the situation on the side of the country, but Sakaski didn’t seem to care about the situation on the Beihai side, but set his sights on the new world.
In Sakaski’s view, the pirates of the New World are the confidants of their navy!

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