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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Dad! Reina! This island is a little different from what it says on the treasure map! ” After landing on the island, Olvia and a few crew members surveyed the surroundings, and then found Whitebeard and Reina and said .
” Different? What do you mean? Did we find the wrong place? ” Reina asked Olvia, handing the food she had just baked to Whitebeard.
” No, according to the map, it should be right here! But … according to the place indicated by the treasure map … The place where we are seems to be only the periphery of the island, there should be an area, and The appearance of the island is also different from the treasure map! ” Olvia pointed to the treasure map and said.
” Is it too old, so the topography of the island has changed? ”
” Impossible, I have calculated, even because of time, the appearance of the island will not be like this! ” Olvia shook her head and said.
” This …” Reina looked at the white beard who was eating and drinking, and was instantly speechless.
” Gu la la la … Don’t worry! Since the location is correct, the things are there and he won’t run away. Now … let’s have a full stomach first! ” Whitebeard saw Reina and Olvia both looking towards himself, he said with a laugh.
Reina was stunned for a moment, then smiled and handed the food in his hand to Olvia.
” Bah bah bah … ah ~ Reina, this is still raw! ” Olvia took a bite and immediately roared at Reina angrily.
Reina stared blankly at Olvia, and said somewhat confusedly: ” I baked it for you, it must be raw! ”
” Pfft … Vice-Captain! You’re awesome! ”
” Haha … Live! Really live! ”
Seeing this scene, the surrounding crew members all burst into laughter.
” Hee hee hee … Our deputy captain is single based on his strength, can you manage it? ” The Ice Witch Wai Dibe said with a big smile, holding a glass of wine.
” Ah ~ I really …” Olvia wanted to throw the food in her hands on Reina’s head, but considering that everyone had fought with the navy today, she let him go.
Reina’s face darkened. Olvia was Robin’s mother. He didn’t mean to be Robin’s father, and if Robin couldn’t appear in this world because of his reasons, wouldn’t it be bad?
On the coast, it was originally just a simple barbecue dinner, but it turned into a banquet in the end. However, considering that he had experienced a war today, Reina did not dampen everyone’s interest. He just contacted Kongdao and asked them to also Descend down and take the Moby Dick with you.
After all, Olvia just said that there is something wrong here, and the navy is likely to be around, so be prepared just in case.
And it’s best not to have too many people on this treasure hunt. If the navy catches up, Reina can still be psychic, and if there are not many people, he can ride away.
After the banquet was over, under Reina’s ruthless drive, everyone was driven to the empty island to rest. Except for Whitebeard, Olvia, and Reina, only Marco and others were left on the coast. .
” Reina, they are not injured, why can’t they go!? Dad, you don’t care about him! ” Olga refused to go to the sky island, and she also wanted to go on an adventure with her.
” It’s okay, Olga, I will protect you! Reina let Olga follow! ” Olvia interceded for Olga.
” Just you? If you weren’t the only one who knew ancient writing, you should also stay on the empty island for me at this time! You know that something is wrong with this island, why are you bringing Olga with you? ” Reina rolled her eyes , refused directly.
Olvia blushed, her strength was not comparable to the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, so she knew that what she just said was a bit taken for granted.
” Let her follow! Olga, follow my sister! My sister protects you! ” Whitebee had a good relationship with Olvia and Olga recently, so she stood up and said at this time.
” Okay! Wydibe, their safety is left to you! We’ll rest on the coast tonight and leave early tomorrow morning! ” With Wydibe speaking, Rayner couldn’t continue to say anything, so he had to agree down.
After setting up some traps around the camp, Reina also received today’s salary. After a little look, and there was nothing special, Reina also entered the tent and began to rest.
The next morning, Rayner came to start exercising, and with him was the chef Saatchi, who had to get up early to prepare breakfast for everyone.
” Tsk tsk tsk … That guy Reina is really perverted. He keeps exercising day after day, year after year! ” After waking up, Olga said with some emotion when she saw Reina who was exercising.
” That’s why he keeps getting stronger! ” Wydibe and Olvia both stood by Olga’s side at some point. Wydibe looked at Reina, who was exercising not far away. said with admiration.
” His talent is actually not strong. Apart from those strange abilities, his physical fitness is actually very ordinary, even inferior to ordinary pirates! When I first saw him, he was only cleaning, A guy who can’t do anything! ” Whitebeard said while sitting on a large rock while drinking.
” Dad! ”
Several people found Whitebeard and immediately came to greet him.
” Dad, how did he become so powerful? Does it depend on his own training? ” Olvia asked curiously.
” No! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said, ” He may also have his adventures! I don’t know when he had that strange ability, but at the beginning, that ability was very weak, and even now Mal He couldn’t even take a punch from Ke! But as you can see, he’s the most diligent and disciplined guy I’ve ever met! Back then …”
Whitebeard shook his head as he spoke, as if he remembered something unpleasant, and continued: ” At the beginning, even that man said that Reina is the guy who obeys the rules of pirates the most among all pirates! ”
I don’t know when, except for Reina, the crew members who participated in the treasure hunt this time have gathered around Whitebeard. They rarely heard Whitebeard and Reina talk about the past, even Marco, who was the first to board the ship. , and do not know the past of Whitebeard and Rayner.
But from some clues in the past, he could infer that Reina and Dad should have been on the same boat before, and it was probably the boat of the legendary man who had fallen.
” That man? Dad, who is he? A very powerful guy? ” Olvia asked curiously.
She only dared to ask this question. After all, she is not a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, so I don’t know that Whitebeard doesn’t seem to like to talk about the past.
Sure enough, Whitebeard smiled and didn’t answer.
” Yo ~ what are you doing here? Listening to Dad’s story? Saatchi, is breakfast ready? I’m starving to death! ” Reina, who had finished the morning exercise, walked over slowly and asked with a smile.
Originally, he just said it casually, because he saw that except for Whitebeard sitting on the stone, everyone was standing around Whitebeard. It seemed that everyone was listening to what Whitebeard said. It was him.
” It’s ready! Breakfast is the nutritious breakfast you like! ” Saatchi smiled and took out a big bone stick and handed it to Reina.
” Oh ~ I ‘m really grateful. It’s the happiest thing to eat meat after the morning exercise! ” Reina said happily, holding the big bone stick.
Olvia, who was on the side, looked at Reina, who was a little stupid, and suddenly became a little demented. The scenes she met with Reina flashed like a revolving light. She found that she didn’t know when it started, but she seemed to be starting Pay attention to Reina.
However, Reina, who was focusing on the food, did not find it, only Whitebeard looked like an elder, looking at Olvia with a smile, and seemed very satisfied.
After the breakfast, the group began to search the entire island. With their current strength, it was only a small island, and they didn’t have the slightest scruples with Wu.
But when they explored the entire island, they only found a dilapidated temple.
” According to the display on these murals … It is indeed the same as the description on the treasure map, but why has the landform of the island changed so much? A whole area is missing? ” Olvia took the treasure map, Extremely incomprehensible.
Reina looked at the treasure map in Olvia’s hand, and looked at the right side of the island. There was originally an area, but now it seems that there is no place at all.
Presumably the appearance of the surrounding area of the island has changed, and the lack of such a large area is indeed a bit puzzling.
” Could it be flying into the sky? ” Reina whispered.
He didn’t just talk nonsense, but thought of Gaya Island. The original Golden Land was washed up into the sky by the current, and it just fell on the empty island.
” Do you think this is an empty island? It’s flying to the sky …” Olvia rolled her eyes and said.
” If it doesn’t fly to the sky, does it still sink to the bottom of the sea? ” Reina retorted casually.
But as soon as he finished speaking, Olvia and Reina looked at each other.
At the same time, they thought of a problem, maybe because of the rising sea water, this part might be submerged.
So a group of people came to the missing part of the island and planned to explore it carefully.
” It is indeed possible, you see … From here, it is obvious that there should be a way, but now there is no way! Dad, I want to go down and have a look! ” Olvia pointed to what should have been a way to In another area, he pondered for a moment and said.
” Forget it, let me go! ” Reina shook his head and took off his weight-bearing suit.
Whitebeard, Marco and others are all capable and cannot go into the water, so it is most suitable for Reina to go down.
Putting the weight suit aside, Reina jumped directly into the sea.
” If it really sinks to the bottom of the sea, we’re afraid there’s nothing we can do! ” Marco stood on the shore, looked at the location on the treasure map, and said with a sigh.
The rest of the people also nodded regretfully. Although they can dive, they can’t complete the treasure hunt in a short time. No one can stay at the bottom of the sea for such a long time without breathing, unless it is a murloc.

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