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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After entering the sea, Reina found that the broken road on the island was indeed at the bottom of the sea.
After following the submarine road for a while, Reina found some buildings. In terms of style, they were similar to the remaining buildings on the island, which proved their guess was right. The missing part of the island is really has sunk to the bottom of the sea.
” Whoa …”
” hu ~ hu ~ hu ~”
Reina came out of the sea and took a few deep breaths.
” Reina, what’s the situation next? ” Olvia asked anxiously.
” We were right, the missing piece … is on the bottom of the sea! ” Reiner said, crawling back ashore.
” Then what should we do? We can’t dive at all! ” Olvia frowned and said.
The rest of the people also sighed, which shows that the legendary treasure is indeed missing from them.
” Don’t worry! Idiots … It is really difficult to dig up the treasures on the seabed by ourselves, but don’t you know that there are salvage teams in this world? And although the missing part of the island has sunk, it is also It’s not too deep, let’s find a place to buy some diving equipment, and we can dive down for a while? ” Looking at his companions with pity expressions, Reina said with a smile.
” Yes! We can buy or make some diving equipment ourselves! ” Olivia said excitedly after being reminded by Reina.
Lakyo contacted Sky Island directly and asked Dr. Sière if he could make diving equipment. As a result, the doctor told them that there were already diving equipment on Sky Island, but there were only five sets of them.
This is the equipment that Reina purchased himself when Reina first discovered the treasure hunt mode, just in case, but it took too long, Reina himself forgot.
After the equipment was transported from the empty island, Reina, Olvia, Saatchi, Lacoyo, and Olga were ready to go into the water.
Originally, Reina wanted Bista or Hansen to go down, but Olga was clamoring to go, and the swordsman’s strength on the seabed was indeed limited, so Reina reluctantly agreed with Olga to go.
However, before diving, Reina still called Yoyo over, and with Yoo around to help, their trip should go a lot smoother.
Soon, after the five people put on the diving equipment, they rode on Yoyo and dived directly towards the area where the island disappeared.
” Stop! ” When reaching the center of the disappearing area, Reina patted Yoyo and made it stop.
After each gestured to the other four, they began to disperse in search of clues.
However, the progress of their search was very slow. Because this area was on the seabed for a long time, it was covered with a lot of sediment, and the view of the seabed was not good, which made the progress of the search very slow.
” Go up first! ” About an hour later, Reina found the other four and asked them to follow him to the surface first.
” How is the situation? Have you found any useful clues? ” On the sea, Reina took off the round helmet on his head and asked the other four.
Rakyo shook his head, he really didn’t find anything for an hour.
” I found some traces of human life, but it should be quite a long time! ” Saatchi also shook his head and said.
” Humph! They have gained something! ” Olga said proudly, she was very concerned about Reina not letting her into the water: “I found a dilapidated building with some murals in it, but I can’t see it clearly. So don’t know what’s painted on it! ”
” Mural? Olga, where is it? ” Olvia’s eyes lit up when she heard it, and asked.
” Sister Olvia, I’ll take you there later, we won’t tell Reina! ” Olga glanced at Reina and said arrogantly.
” Okay! ” Olvia snickered and glanced at Reina, nodded and said: ” I tried to find the location indicated by the treasure map and found it was a ruin, but I couldn’t find the entrance, maybe from where Olga just now You can get some clues from the murals mentioned! ”
” I also found a relic. The entrance should be buried under the soil. If you want to clean it up, it will be a big project. Just the five of us … I’m afraid it will be difficult! ” Reina frowned and said.
” It seems that the place should be right, because it is on the bottom of the sea, so it is relatively difficult! ” Olvia heard that Reina had also found a ruin, and immediately said.
” Then let’s go down this time to see what the murals Olga found, and then go to the ruins you found! ” After thinking about it, Reina clarified his thoughts.
So the five put on their helmets and dived again.
This time Olga led the way, and soon found the place she said was similar to a temple, but more than half of the temple was buried in mud, and she could only barely enter alone.
Reina gestured to them, took out the flashlight prepared, and entered the temple first.
After entering the temple, Reina really found the surrounding frescoes, and gently pushed away the soil on the frescoes with his hands, and some simple paintings appeared in front of Reina.
It’s just that he watched it for a long time, but he didn’t understand what was recorded on the mural.
After a while, Olga and Olvia came in, while Sage and Lakyo were on guard outside.
First, the space in this temple is not large, and secondly, they can’t do much when they come in, so they just wait outside.
Olvia took Reina’s flashlight and carefully watched the murals one by one. When she finished reading all the murals, she frantically gestured to Reina and Olga to let them leave immediately. .
But at this time, a burst of vibrations came, just like an earthquake, and the whole island seemed to be shaking.
” Damn it! ” Reina quickly grabbed Olvia and Olga and wanted to get out of the temple, but at this time the building on the top of the temple began to fall off, directly blocking their way out.
” Cough cough …” The way they came in was blocked, and the oxygen pipeline linking their heads was also cut off by boulders, and the seawater was poured directly into the diving equipment.
Reina tore off his helmet, and then protected Olvia and Olga behind him, because in addition to the lack of oxygen, stones were still falling from their heads.
” Oops, I have to find a way to get out! ” Reina glanced back at the two of them. Olvia was like him. The oxygen pipeline was cut off and the seawater had entered her diving equipment. Olga was lucky. Although the oxygen pipeline was held down by the boulder, it was not disconnected, so there was still residual air in the equipment.
Taking off Olvia’s helmet, Reina signaled the two to hide. He was going to break through the roof of the temple and escape.
Outside the temple, when the earthquake happened, Saatchi and Lakyo found that the boulder fell, blocking the entrance to the temple.
Moreover, two of the oxygen pipelines connecting the three of Reina were directly disconnected, causing the two of them to be shocked.
” Push the stone away! ” Lakyo gestured to Saatchi, and was about to step forward to free the boulder that was blocking the temple.
But at this time, Saatchi suddenly found that there were a lot of dark shadows around him. He immediately blocked behind Lakeyo, trying to buy time for Lakeyo and rescue the three of Reina.
At the same time, Whitebeard and others on the island also felt the vibration of the entire island.
” What happened? There was an earthquake? ” Marko asked in surprise, looking at the white beard sitting on the stone.
Whitebeard frowned, got up directly, and walked towards the coast.
As a person who can shake the fruit, Whitebeard has a feeling of resonance for this kind of vibration.
“The island is rising! ” Whitebeard’s palm had a circle of transparent energy, and then printed it directly on the ground, looking up at the sea and said.
” Dad, look! ” At this moment, Hansen suddenly discovered that two of the original five link pipes were floating.
” Oops, it must be that the bottom of the sea also vibrated, causing the pipeline to be cut by something! ” Marko’s face changed, and Lacoon’s eyes were completely open.
When Vista and Hansen saw it, they were about to go into the water to save people, but they were stopped by Marco.
With the strength of Reina and the others, they all need diving equipment to go down. Bista and Hansen absorb it like this, except to add confusion, it will not have any effect.
” There should be no problem with Yoyo, let’s just wait! ” Joz, who was on the side, also said aloud.
At this time, in the underwater temple, Reina held the ice wheel pill and slashed towards the top of the temple.
Immediately, the top of the temple was cut in half by Reina. He quickly pulled Olvia, who was about to be deprived of oxygen, and Olga, who had consumed the residual oxygen in the equipment, and was about to leave the temple.
But at this time, he suddenly discovered that the outside of the temple was not calm, and countless black shadows were swimming around.
Reina glanced back at Olvia, who was already in great pain because of the lack of oxygen. He didn’t care about anything else, cut off Olga’s link with a sword, and rushed outside with the two of them in his arms.
He just rushed out of the temple, and found that the shadows around him were actually long like goldfish, but strange fish with sharp teeth.
Next to the temple were Lakyo and Saatchi who were fighting with the strange fish. When the two saw Reina rushing out from the top of the temple, they immediately planned to come and join him, but they were entangled by the strange fish and could not move freely at all.
” No, I can’t wait! ” At this time, Olvia was almost in a coma due to extreme hypoxia, and Olga’s helmet was also filled with seawater.
Reina first removed Olga’s helmet, then kissed Olvia’s mouth, and gave her some of the oxygen remaining in his lungs.
Seeing that Olvia’s face looked a little better, he gritted his teeth, bit his fingers, and used spiritism.
” Bang! ” A string of water bubbles appeared, and Yoyo’s huge figure appeared beside Reina.

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