"We are here to arrest him. Please cooperate with us so that we can catch him as soon as possible and recover your losses!"

After a long silence, the leading man still did not speak.

Carl shook his head helplessly, turned his head and said to Smoker: "You take all the navy soldiers back to the warship, I and I will stay here."


Carl did not answer. You can't say that you don't look like a good person!

After Smoker and others left, Carl and Ian instantly looked harmless.

"We are the only ones left now. Please trust us and the navy!"

The leading man first covered his mouth with his hand and coughed softly, then turned his head and said to the people around him: "Put down your guns."

"Hello, Major General Carl. I am Mayor Joe. Just call me Old Joe. We just couldn't..."

Carl smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay. I understand, but don't worry. I mainly want to find you to understand Gaspard's situation."

"Alas~ Two days ago..."

After a while, Carl and Ian returned to the port, and he had almost all the information he needed.

"Wu~ This is trouble!"

"What's wrong?" Smoker was confused.

Carl glanced at Ian, and Ian said, "Gaspardi robbed a steamship in Borios Port, named "Saloman Snake", which is very fast. I'm afraid he will get away soon."

Smoker said anxiously, "What should we do? We can't just let him get away with it, right?"

Carl rubbed his temples and recalled the information provided by Mayor Joe just now.

Gaspardi can change his body parts into any shape and ignore bullets.

This made Carl feel familiar. Could this guy also be a character in the plot?

Alas! This kind of small character is really troublesome.

"Ian, what are the surrounding islands?"

"Wait, let me see the sea chart."

Ian spread out the sea chart and said one by one: "Salum, Mastal Island, Wind's Rest Island, Banana Island, Lerwick Port..."

"That's all?"

Ian shook his head: "No, there is another island called Hannabar, but it..."


Hannabar, the name of this island sounds a bit familiar to Carl.

"Let's go to Hannabar!"

Ian and Smoker looked at each other and said in unison: "Why?"


Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say.

No matter what they think, Carl is full of confidence, because he has remembered that Gaspard is the one with the ability of the soft candy fruit.

The nature of the soft candy fruit is similar to the glutinous fruit. If it is well developed, it will be very strong, but with Gaspard's strength, it is estimated that it will not be that strong.

"Depart immediately!"


Hannabar, it sounds a bit confusing, but this island is indeed a real "drifting island". Because its magnetic force is not good, the recording pointer cannot store magnetic force, so it takes some luck to find it.

However, the navy has long studied the drifting law of Hannabar, so it is easy to find this island.

It only took three days for them to successfully reach the waters near Hannabar.

The appearance of this island looks like a roadblock, because there is a very high mountain in the middle of the island, and what is even more amazing is that there is a passenger stream on the top of this mountain that goes straight into the sea.

"It is said that Hannabar holds a death match every year, with extremely generous rewards, which attracts a large number of pirates."

"So, this is actually a gathering place for pirates. If we go directly there, we might alert the enemy."

Carl nodded: "That makes sense, Ain, you stay on the boat, Smoker and I will go to Hannabar."

"Why me again?"



In order not to attract attention, Smoker changed into the suit of the slicker, and Carl put on the standard flowered shirt, beach pants and thongs of the big boss, and a pair of large sunglasses on his face.

"Almost done, we shouldn't be discovered, let's go!"

As for how to get to Hannabar from the boat, it's like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

After seeing Smoker's elemental flight, Carl also rode on the enlarged raven. It would be too strenuous to use the moon step.


The arrival of the two did not attract any attention at all. Smoker had a firm grasp of his temperament, and Carl looked more like a tourist.

"Tsk tsk tsk~ There are really pirates everywhere here~"

"Just some small fry, don't forget our purpose."

Smoker nodded and followed Carl into a tavern, where there were guys with tattoos everywhere, and they looked unserious.

After ordering two glasses of rum, Smoker walked to the bar and asked in a low voice:"Excuse me, is the death match held here?"

The boss with a flat head took a look at Smoker. Hmm, he looked fierce, had knife wounds on his body, and was dressed in a shabby way. He must be either a pirate or a gangster.

"What do you want to do? Participate or bet?"

Smoker blew out a smoke ring and laughed, "Of course... bet!"

Then he took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket and sniffed it pretentiously.

"Follow me!"

Smoker turned his head to look at Carl, blinked, and Carl followed immediately.

After following the bartender into a secret room, the bartender closed the door, leaned over to light the lantern next to him, and illuminated the entire room.

In front of him was a dark tunnel, a bit like an abandoned mine.

"Walk in a straight line until you reach the end. I can only take you here. You will know when you go there later."

Smoker did not speak, but walked straight forward. Carl smiled at the bartender and asked, "Will there be any danger?"

"Don't worry, you are guests!"

Carl pretended to be relieved, took the lantern from the bartender, and followed Smoker.

The two walked for about five minutes, and a glimmer of light appeared in front of them.

"It seems to be here! Wow, it's really a different world!"

This seems to be a casino inside the mountain, with pirate flags hanging everywhere, and many pirates gather together to eat, play cards, and drink.

"Hey, two guys over there, are you here to gamble? The head of the bureau is up there!"

"Thank you for reminding me!"

After reaching the top floor, the two finally saw the so-called head of the bureau, a fat man with flesh all over his body, and a white and beautiful woman sitting on his legs.

After seeing the two, the fat man chuckled: "You two are here to gamble, right?"

"Yes, but I don't know who to bet on. Are there any popular players?" Smoker put a stack of Baileys on the table.

The fat man chuckled and took the Baileys: "Of course, this is the list of contestants, and the seeded players are all on it."

Carl took the list and flipped through it quickly. When he saw the man with a wide chin in the photo, he smiled.

"Smoker, let's bet on him!"

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