"Good vision, sir!"

The fat man said with a smile: "This guy owns a steamship, which is very fast and has good strength. After all, he is the most prominent naval traitor recently!"

Carl's face changed, and he grabbed the fat man's collar and glared at him: "What? Naval traitor, damn it, are you kidding me, what if it's just a bait of the navy!"

The fat man was not angry at all, but understood Carl's reaction. After all, he is a navy! It's normal to have a bigger reaction.

"Please rest assured, sir, he is an absolute naval traitor. If you don't believe it, go to the lowest channel and see, he should be resting there."

Carl let go of the fat man's collar and snorted: "It's better to be like this! Let's go!"

Smoker, who was confused, followed Carl and left stupidly.

"Were you acting just now?"

"What else?"

Smoker: Live and learn.

When we got to the bottom floor, as expected, a steamship without sails was quietly docked at the port, and Gaspard and his men were drinking nearby.

"It was him, I'll come right away..." "Don't panic!"

Smoker: "??? What if he runs away?"

"Don't worry, wait for me to call for help! There are so many pirates here! How can we not catch them in a trap?"

"But, didn't you say that the pirates here are just trash and don't care?"

Carl ignored Smoker, looked around, and secretly took out the Den Den Mushi after confirming that no one was nearby.

"Hello, this is Carl. Is Ain here?"

"Yes! Please give instructions."

"Notify the nearest naval base in my name and ask them to send people to surround Hannabar. I will catch all the pirates here today!"


After hanging up the phone, Carl called the waiter: "Bring up your best dishes and wine."

"Okay, please wait!"

Just like that, Carl and Smoker sat there and ate for three hours. Carl seemed to have become fat.

"Hey! You ate too much!"

Life is returned.

"What did you just say?"

Smoker was silent. Okay! Life is returned. I didn't expect Carl's six styles to have been practiced to this level.

He hasn't learned all six styles yet.

"Bru Bru Bru~"

"I'm Carl. How's the situation?"

In the waters near Hannabar, more than a dozen warships gathered quietly. Ain looked at Hannabar Island with a telescope and smiled.

"We have assembled 15 warships. Shall we act immediately?"

"Closing the net!"


Ten minutes later.

"Oh no! The navy is here. The whole island has been surrounded by the navy. Run!!!"

The cave was in chaos.

"It's our turn. Smoker, I'll leave Gaspard to you. If you can't catch him, don't come back to see me."

Smoker extinguished his cigar and smiled evilly: "Don't worry, leave it to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Smoker instantly transformed into an element and rushed towards the nearby Salamandra.

"Gaspard, do you still recognize me?"

Gaspard, who was about to sail away, was stunned when he saw Smoker's face and swallowed his saliva.

How could he not recognize him? He knew him too well!

Who is Smoker? The most powerful recruit of their class, he was invincible in the training camp with the power of the natural system. He was also beaten by Smoker.

"It's you, Smoker, ha ha ha, are you here to arrest me too?"

"You betrayed justice, you should have expected this day!"

Gaspardi laughed wildly: "Justice? Justice is shit, can it give me power? No!"

"Can it give me power? No!"

"Can it bring me countless wealth? No!"

"Then what's the use of it for me? Smoker, don't be a navy, let's be pirates together!"

Gaspardi became more and more excited, and finally invited Smoker. After all, this guy always complained about the navy before, and he must have been unhappy with the navy for a long time!

But he didn't notice that Smoker's face was getting darker and darker, and his anger value was directly off the charts.

"Shut up! You are hopeless. Get ready to go to Push City and repent!!!"

"Smoke strangling array!"


The overwhelming smoke enveloped the Salamandra....

Carl, who was watching the battle not far away, nodded slightly. It seemed that Smoker had already taken action, and he could start too.

Looking at the thunderstorm in the system space, Carl said silently: "Speaking of which, I haven't used the thunderstorm for so long! Today is a good time to try it."


A red light flashed, and the thunderstorm trembled slightly, as if expressing its desire for blood.

"One sword flow·Broken Jade!"


AA huge red flying slash swept across the field, and a crack appeared on the mountain instantly, followed by a deafening sound.

This mountain is about to break.

The pirates in the cave became even more panicked, and they ran out one by one as if they were risking their lives.


Carl's figure flashed by, and dozens of pirates died. Blood gushed out like rain, and the blade of the thunderstorm became more and more red.

You can even feel that it is longing for more killing and blood.

"Forget it, I'll satisfy you today!"

Outside, artillery fire roared.

The warships have surrounded the island, ruthlessly bombarding every pirate ship that tries to escape the encirclement.

Inside, blood flows like a river.

Carl ruthlessly harvests the lives of the pirates. As long as they appear in Carl's sight, they will leave the beautiful world in the next second.

"Enough! It's almost done, don't be too greedy!"

After saying that, Carl put Lei Yu back into the scabbard without hesitation, blew the whistle, and called the raven back to his hand.

Raven is still obedient, Lei Yu is too easy to get excited.

On the other side, Smoker, who was hidden in the smoke, punched Gaspard's head, but found that his fist was completely sunken.

"Hahahaha, useless Smoker, your fist is useless in front of me!"

"Now, it's my turn!"

Gaspard hit nothing, and then embarrassedly retracted his fist. Damn, this guy is an "invincible" natural system!

"It seems that we can't tell the winner!"


"Compressed smoke bomb!"

"What!!! Uh~"

Gaspard swallowed the smoke bomb, and when he found something was wrong, he hurriedly scratched his throat, but nothing came out. After a while, he realized something was wrong and strangled his throat!

"Uh, uh, help, help me!!!"

Smoker watched Gaspard fall down with a hideous face and lit a cigar.

"I am no longer the same person as before, Gaspard..."

Half an hour later, Carl met Smoker. Behind him was Gaspard, who was tied up and was still in a coma.

Smoker was about to ask Carl if he had seastone handcuffs or something, but before he could open his mouth, Carl took out a pistol and shot Gaspard in each of his limbs.

"Seastone bullets are sometimes more useful than seastone handcuffs. Do you want to try?"

Smoker shook his head quickly. Try? I'll die if I try!

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