At the seaside of Alabasta, in a port that someone had carved out, Luo Li was sleeping soundly in the boss chair of a makeshift office.

With a clang, the door was kicked open.

Vivi, with a dark aura all over her body, walked in step by step, slapped today's newspaper on the desk, and asked with a fake smile:

"Mr. Luo Li, can you tell me what happened to her fiancé Jack?"

Yesterday Luo Li asked her if she wanted to make a lot of money, and she nodded in agreement because of her greed.

Then, she was posed for a few photos in a daze, and nothing happened.

The next day, she woke up her father's phone call early in the morning, and he started howling.

He said that he was ashamed of Didi and failed to take good care of Weiwei, but he was not careful and his daughter was pushed by a pig.

Weiwei was full of question marks until she saw today's newspaper, and her whole body was torn apart.

Who is Jack?

When did she have a fiancé?

【Standing at the bow, with Jack's arms around her waist, enjoying the free wind blowing towards her, Weiwei was the happiest woman at the moment. 】

Weiwei felt ashamed even when she was reading this paragraph.

If Luo Li knew what she was thinking, she would definitely tell her that she had been very restrained, at least the nude art portraits and the two highlights of sex were not written out.

"Don't worry about such details."Luo Li stood up and pressed Wei Wei, who was emitting black gas, on the chair:"If you want to inspire others' sympathy, how can the story not be touching? Just tell me, when you read this story yourself, were you moved?"

Wei Wei recalled her feelings when she read the story, and had to admit that she did put herself into it and cried.

Even she, the person involved, was like this, let alone others.

"But... what's the point of this story?"Weiwei had learned from her father that the compensation promised by the navy in the newspaper was just a casual remark, and there was no intention to really give it.

"You said you were going to help me make a lot of money yesterday, so I agreed to cooperate with you in taking photos. If I had known you were going to make up such a story for me, I would never have agreed to it.……"

Looking at the second half, you criticized Whitebeard so harshly, are you sure he won't retaliate?

You can see her worry

"Don't worry, the Whitebeard Pirates are not that petty. The Navy has been in the news for years, throwing dirty water on Whitebeard. Do you think he has paid attention?"

Luo Li gave her a reassuring look, and used her eloquence to make Weiwei completely forget her worries and return to the construction work. As soon as

Weiwei left, Mickeyta sneaked in, locked the door with her backhand, and sat directly on her, with her slender arms around Luo Li's neck, with a wronged expression on her face.

"Did you really make up that story in the newspaper?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Luo Li put her arm around his waist and asked in confusion.

"How could such a touching story be written without personal experience? This must be your personal experience. The heroine in the story is the woman you love the most."

Thinking back to her previous repeated seductions, except for the time when she climbed into the bed, Luo Li was indifferent.

Michita became more and more certain that Luo Li's heart must be filled with a beloved woman, so there was no room for her.

Just thinking that the teacher only had that woman in his heart, she was jealous and crazy. Luo Li didn't know why, but he couldn't help but think back to the time when he escaped from the control of his"sister". He and Hancock fled in two ways, and he was caught up and jumped into the sea.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but before he fell into the water, he seemed to see a black-haired loli on a lonely boat in the distance, shouting his name at the top of her lungs.

Seeing Luo Li's dazed look, Michita became more certain that the teacher must have a beloved woman in his heart.

It suddenly felt like a piece of my heart was dug out, it was so painful, and tears couldn't help but flow down

"Teacher, do you really have no place for me in your heart?"

I am sitting in his arms, but he is thinking about another woman.

Bah... scumbag.

But it is often the scumbag who makes people love and hate him.

"What are you thinking about?"Luo Li came back to her senses, raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her smooth face, hugged her in her arms, stroked her back, and said softly

"Didn't I say that before?"

Just when Michita thought he was going to say something touching, Luo Li said that particularly bad thing again.

"Only children make choices. I will lock you all in my heart."

Mikita's crying stopped abruptly, her teeth clenched, and the next second she bit Luo Li's neck.

As a result, due to the ability of the synchronized slippery fruit, her teeth slipped and she bit her tongue.


The pain made her burst into tears again.

Luo Li was speechless. It was the first time she saw someone biting his tongue. She straightened the person up.

"Open your mouth and let me see if it bleeds."

Mikita pursed her lips stubbornly, her attitude was very clear, even if she bit it off, she would not let you see it.

"You really won't show it to me?"

The woman was very determined.

Luo Li raised a wicked smile:"Then I can only use other methods to see it."

After saying that, he kissed her fiercely, their lips touched and their tongues pried open her pearly teeth, and their tongues entangled. The taste buds on the tip of his tongue told him that there was no smell of blood.

Michita symbolically resisted a few times, and then took the initiative to cooperate.

The night before with Alrita, she was more ashamed and had a desire to win. In order to divert her attention, she focused on competing with the other party and didn't experience it carefully at all.

When the love was strong, the two became more unscrupulous. Facts have proved that only stick education can produce high-level... disciples.

One wave has not settled down when another wave rises. Just when the two were about to have the second class, there was a knock on the door.

""Boss, I'm coming in."

Robin's voice sounded outside the door. Just when Michita was glad that she had locked the door, a hand suddenly grew out of the door and opened the lock.

Damn, doesn't this woman know how to give the boss some privacy?


Facts have proved that people's potential will really explode in critical moments.

Michita originally couldn't even control the direction when using the shaving knife, but when facing a socially fatal situation, her potential exploded. She picked up her clothes on the ground at a speed so fast that no afterimage could be seen, and then got under the desk like a gust of wind.

Luo Li was glad that she didn't take off her clothes and sat upright.

The door was completely opened and Robin walked in.

Luo Li had a somewhat resentful expression:"Mr. Vice President, could you please not break into the boss's office directly? What if the boss is reading some confidential documents?"

Robin looked at her with contempt. She had never seen Luo Li do business, and all the work was thrown to her.

""Boss, I'm very busy and don't have time to waste on idle people.""

Idle... people..."

Luo Li was a little embarrassed. It was really unkind of her to be a hands-off boss.

She looked at Robin. Maybe it was because Alabasta was really hot during the day, so she was dressed a little sexy.

Little Luo Li, who was still fighting bloody battles and could not fully vent her fighting desire, couldn't help but look up.

Mitchita, who was hiding under the desk, saw the tent propped up and smiled evilly.

The opportunity to take revenge on the scumbag... has come.

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