"Boss, the secretary I mentioned to you before……"

Halfway through the conversation, Luo Li in front of him suddenly shuddered and straightened her waist, opened her mouth and exhaled slightly hot air, and her ears turned red.

Robin's face was full of question marks.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing...!" Luo Li's voice was a little muffled, and she couldn't help but clench her fist on the table.

"It's just... my feet are numb."

Robin looked doubtful and narrowed her eyes.

But this boss is not a normal person, so it's not surprising that he does something abnormal.

So she continued the previous topic.

"I have already found the secretary you mentioned before. If you have any problems in the future, you can let her handle them. I am very busy with my own work.

Looking up at Luo Li, she found that this guy was not listening to her at all. He bit his lower lip as if trying to hold back something.

"Boss, please listen to me carefully."


Robin slammed his hand on the table.


But this ordinary action of slapping the table seemed to scare Luo Li a lot, and he actually screamed.

Robin was getting more and more confused.

But how could she know that because of her slap, Mickey was frightened and subconsciously exerted force, causing someone to almost break a bone. Fortunately, there was no bone there.

"You are really strange today." Robin took two steps back cautiously. Something must be wrong when something is unusual.

Luo Li gritted her teeth, pinned down a troublemaker with her foot, and explained in a serious manner.

"You scared me so much that I stamped my feet just now. You should have tried it before. When your feet are numb, stamping your feet can make you feel like you are in heaven."

Robin thought this explanation was quite reasonable, so he told the purpose of his visit for the third time.

"I have already hired the secretary you want.

To prevent someone from making trouble again, she called the person in.

""Miss Kalifa, please come in."

Luo Li's face was full of question marks, thinking that she had heard wrongly.

Who... who???

Looking towards the door, she saw a blonde figure wearing glasses walking in. She had a curvy figure and was wearing a professional skirt and fishnet stockings on her legs. She was obviously a capable woman.

The person who came was Kalifa from CP9.

Luo Li's mouth twitched, and she looked at Robin and asked in a low voice:"Did you recruit a few more boatmen?"

Robin was stunned and a little surprised:"How did you know?"

"Guessed."Luo Li didn't know what to say. You are inviting a wolf into the house.

Shouldn't these CP9 be undercover in the Seven Water Islands now?

Kalifa walked in, pushed her glasses, and spoke

"Ms. Robin, let me correct you. I am here to cooperate with your company on behalf of Carrera Company. I don't want to be Mr. Luo Li's secretary."

"Ms. Kalifa, the treatment at Umbrella is definitely better than that at Carrera." Robin said with a smile, and then whispered to Luo Li

"I have found the person for you. Whether you can dig him over or not depends on your ability."

After saying that, she winked suggestively, and walked away without looking back. When she left, she closed the door.

What did she mean by this? What can't be said with the door open?

Through the conversation, Luo Li roughly understood that these CP9 undercovers should have been temporarily transferred from the Water Seven Islands mission.

Before, Dorag also revealed that Spandam coveted the non-existent bloodline factor transformation technology in his hands.

After such a long time, these people finally found themselves?

If they were temporarily transferred, they should not have much time. After all, if they disappeared for too long, the Water Seven Islands would doubt their identities.

So it is very likely that CP9 will make a quick decision. If nothing unexpected happens, there will be a good show to watch tonight.

Now the situation below is a bit urgent, so we should get rid of this woman quickly.

"Ahem... Miss Kalifa, please don't mind. Our Vice President Robin had a dark childhood, so……"

She pointed to her head and made a face that said,"You understand."

Kalifa nodded to show that she understood.

"But she is quite capable. You can just talk to her about cooperation. I know nothing about those things."As

Luo Li was talking, she realized that something was wrong. Why was Kalifa getting closer and closer?

Damn, why are you sitting on the desk?

"Mr. Luo Li, since you entered the room, your eyes have been looking at people's legs. Are you……"

Kalifa sat sideways on the desk, one of her long legs in fishnets came up, and she scratched her legs with her fingers.

Is this... a honey trap?

Luo Li was shocked, but the situation was not good now. Mitchita had just taken out a gun. If she continued to let Kalifa get close... she would definitely be misunderstood as a pervert.


Luo Li slapped her hand on the table, her face full of anger.

""Miss Kalifa, who do you think I am? I look at you with pure admiration, and I have absolutely no intention of blasphemy."

His sudden anger startled Kalifa, but he didn't give her a chance to react. Luo Li showed a look of deep pain on her face.

"Do you know what my first impression of you was? You were holy, noble, and cold, a flower from the mountains that could be admired from afar but not touched. I admit that I was indeed attracted to you, but... why?"

The last three words were roared out, and Luo Li looked like she had a face full of pain from a shattered dream.

"Why did you tear apart the perfect and holy image in my heart?"

Looking at Luo Li's trembling body and crying sadly, Kalifa didn't know what to do for a moment.

Well, in fact, someone was trembling because someone was pinching his thigh meat under the table.

"Ahem, Mr. Luo Li misunderstood. I just wanted to test your character. You just stared at me. I thought you were a lustful person.……"

As a professional agent, Khalifa quickly found an excuse for herself, stepped down from the table, and explained with a cold expression:

"After all, the cooperation between our two companies is very important. If Mr. Luo Li, as the boss, is unreliable and causes problems in the cooperation, I will be punished by the company's senior management."

Luo Li made a face of realization and embarrassment of his own misunderstanding:"I overreacted."

Kalifa smiled professionally:"I was offended. I already know Mr. Luo Li's character. I believe that the cooperation between us will be very pleasant."

After saying that, he took the initiative to extend his hand

"I've been sitting for a long time, my legs are a little numb, I can't stand up for the time being, please forgive me."

Luo Li shook hands very gentlemanly.

After letting go, Kalifa pushed her glasses:"Then I won't bother Mr. Luo Li anymore.""

Let's go, let's go quickly, if we don't leave now my legs will be pinched purple

"My legs are numb. Sorry I won't see you off."

Kalifa nodded to show her understanding and turned to leave.

Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief. He was almost exposed. He was about to teach the disobedient disciple a lesson, but Kalifa suddenly turned around and smiled charmingly.

"Mr. Luo Li looked so righteous just now, and I was really a little moved."

Damn, the beauty trap is not over yet, right?"

I thought to myself that it was not good, and sure enough, the next second, the dog under the table bit me.

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