After a round of training, Mickeyta was completely obedient. Luo Li then used his observation Haki to check the surrounding situation.

As expected, the outstanding young men of CP9, Luchikaku and others were there.

The two were scattered in different places, obviously familiarizing themselves with the terrain and secretly observing Robin.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will kidnap him and Robin today.

Luo Li frowned and thought about how to solve this matter.

Thinking about it, he set his sights on Vivi.

The Nefertari family is one of the twenty royal families that originally formed the World Government. Nefertari Vivi is the only heir to the royal family today. Among the many member states, Alabasta is definitely the top one. The

World Government sent a CP9 agent to assassinate the only heir of a member state, but failed. He was arrested on the spot and caught red-handed...

I believe Morgans will like this news very much. How will the World Government react at that time?

This kind of thing can be done secretly. If it is put in the open, then those member states will definitely be dissatisfied.

After all, among the member nations, the important Alabasta is treated like this, so what will they do?

They understand the principle of the lips and teeth being cold.

So after this matter was exposed, many member nations would unite and ask the World Government for an explanation.

And in order to quell the grievances of the member nations, the World Government will most likely abandon Luchika, Kalifa and the other two, and publicize to the outside world that they acted on their own initiative and the World Government did not have such an order.

Spandam, as the chief, will be pushed out to take the blame.

In this way, he can take the opportunity to fool... Oh, no, it's the opportunity to recruit.

Thinking of this, Luo Li laughed a cunning laugh, he had already figured out what to do.

Vivi can only suffer.

However... on Marijoa, through the spies planted in Baroque Works, the"sister" learned that those damn CP9 had targeted Xiaoli, and was furious on the spot.

"Go tell Spandine that if Xiaoli loses a hair, their family will no longer exist."

Spandine, the former CP9 leader, was the one who launched the Demon Killing Order and destroyed O'Hara.

As you can see from the name, he is the current CP9 leader Spandam.

Spandine was at home, enjoying a massage from a beautiful woman, but a few CP0s broke in and beat him up without saying a word. They stayed to warn him and left.

Knowing that this was a warning from the Celestial Dragons, Spandine did not dare to neglect it and directly called

"Moses, Moses, Daddy?"

Hearing the voice of his stupid son, Spandain instantly had an outlet for his anger at being beaten.

"You idiot, didn't you check the other person's background before you made a move? He is protected by the Celestial Dragons, how dare you make a move? If you want to die, don't drag me along.……"

Blah blah, a series of curses, leaving Spandam confused. From the series of curse words, he quickly extracted the key information.

The target of this mission, Luo Li, is a person valued by the Tianlong people, and may even be a Tianlong person.

Suddenly, Spandam broke out in a cold sweat.

"Dad, I understand. I will immediately stop the mission and ask CP9 to evacuate.

Spandine choked and roared in an unbelievable and disappointed tone.

"Stupid, how could I give birth to such a stupid son like you? This is an opportunity to get closer to the Celestial Dragons, and you just want to run away?"

Spandam was stunned, and then he slapped his forehead and said,"You are worthy of being my father. How could I not think of this?"

"Ah……"Spandine sneered, raised his head 45 degrees to look up at the sky, and recalled his heroic deeds in the past.

"Do you know how your father became the chief of CP9? When Saint Charlos was born, his mother was using the toilet and accidentally pulled him out with too much force. There were dozens of people at the time, looking at Saint Charlos covered in feces, no one dared to go in, only me, the father, rushed in without hesitation and rescued him.

At that time, looking at Saint Charlos who was dying, I didn't dare to delay at all. Facing the mouth full of feces, I rushed over and gave him artificial respiration. I was unwilling to insist, and a great Celestial Dragon was rescued from the hands of the god of death.

I made great contributions and became the chief of CP9. Even the generals of the Warring States period at that time admired my heroic deeds."

It's a pity that Saint Charlos became stupid because his brain was lacking oxygen due to being soaked in sewage for too long. Otherwise, thanks to this life-saving grace, I, Spandane, might have been a senior figure in the world government by now."

Of course, he didn't say this out loud. Except for the Celestial Dragons, who would dare to say that Saint Charlos was stupid?

Spandane listened with envy:"Damn it, why don't I have this opportunity?"

"How come there isn't one?" Spandine asked back,"Isn't the opportunity right in front of you now?"

"hiss……"Spandam took a deep breath, then was overjoyed:"Yes, as long as I have a good relationship with Luo Li……"

"Bastard, you have to call him Lord Luo Li, and you have to let those CP9 agents take good care of Lord Luo Li. You can't go west when he points east.……"Spandine kept talking, sharing his years of experience

"Yes, yes, yes." Spandam nodded frantically, but soon he hesitated again:"But over at the Seven Water Islands, the Pluto design drawings……"

"Let me handle this."

"Thanks, Dad. But... there's one more question."

"what is the problem?"

"I found Nico Robin, the son of the devil, next to Lord Luo Li. Should I take her away?……"

Before Spandam finished, Spandane said with a look of disappointment:"Why are you so stupid? Could it be that Lord Luo Li didn't know Nico Robin's identity? He must have his reasons for doing this. It is very likely that he is using Nico Robin to plan something big.

I warn you not to do anything unnecessary. Whatever Lord Luo Li wants to do, you can just let the CP9 agents cooperate secretly. Maybe after the success, we father and son can also get some credit."

Spandane was afraid that his son was not sensible, so he taught his"licking method" earnestly and earnestly. Only by licking the leader, promotion and salary increase are not a dream.

On the CP9 side, Lucci and the other two were still planning how to quietly kidnap Luo Li and Robin, but Spandane's phone call silenced them.


The target of the mission, Luo Li, was actually sent by the higher-ups to carry out a secret plan? The original mission was cancelled, and now the mission was changed to hiding the identity and secretly cooperating to protect Lord Luo Li?

What the hell is going on?

Although Lu Qi did not show it, he was very angry. The mission kept changing.

What was he doing? This was not the way to play with monkeys, right? But, the higher the rank, the more powerful the person. He was the superior, what could he do? He could only follow orders.

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