The next day, before the two men who had fought all night got up, a piece of news spread quietly that the boss was infatuated with Princess Weiwei, but could not get her, so he could only order a doll to sleep with as a solace.

When it comes to the boss and the princess, gossip about big shots always spreads quickly.

This led to Luo Li getting up at noon and walking outside, and everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

When he met Robin in front of the office door, he was teased in person.

"Boss, you don't have to be so humble. You saved the country, and it's not too much to ask Princess Weiwei to marry you."

Luo Li was full of questions:"Wait, what are you talking about?"

Robin smiled, but couldn't hide her dark side:"Boss, everyone knows that you have a crush on Princess Weiwei."

"Nico Robin, be careful or I will sue you for defamation."

Luo Li was furious on the spot. Feeling the gazes around him with different meanings, he even considered killing all these people. After all, he wanted to keep his innocence in the world.

As long as all those who slandered him were sent to hell, wouldn't the world be left with an innocent person?

"Ah... Boss, a man should be brave enough to take responsibility for his actions."

Looking at Robin's mocking smile, Luo Li was inexplicably furious. Seeing her look like she was about to leave after lighting the fire, the devil in someone's heart was awakened again.

Suddenly he took a step forward, stretched out his hand to hold the person, and performed a"magic circle of love" in front of everyone. It was the scene in the old love drama where the little white rabbit heroine was suddenly tripped and spun inexplicably, and the hero suddenly caught her, and the two hugged each other again, spinning in slow motion together.

Looking into each other's eyes, Luo Li's eyes revealed infinite melancholy

"Robin, don't you understand? I'm doing this for you."

Robin's forehead was full of black lines, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He directly attacked.

Luo Li had expected her to do this, and clamped her slender hands together with her backhand to prevent her from using her ability. She continued to look at each other affectionately, as if she was going to kiss her in the next second. When the people around saw this scene, they subconsciously held their breath, for fear of disturbing the boss's flirting with girls.

Unable to attack with both hands, facing the lips that were about to come close, Robin narrowed his eyes, and suddenly headbutted him, ready to knock this scoundrel down with a nosebleed.

Unexpectedly, Luo Li's nose was suddenly stained with black and gray, as if it had turned into metal. Obviously, this was the hardening of the armed color. Caught off guard

, Robin felt like he had hit against steel, and was a little dizzy for a while.

Luo Li is such a lazy person, and the fact that she can have armed color naturally comes from the synchronization of her disciples, but it is not the domineering Alrita who has been training, but the opposite. Crowe was forced to join the Blackbeard Pirates.

It should be the skyrocketing bounty that doubled Crowe's pressure. He seemed to have been training very hard during this period. Not only did his proficiency in the Six Styles improve greatly, but he also learned to use Armament Haki.

But Luo Li obviously thought too much. Crowe's sudden increase in strength was forced.

The ambitious Blackbeard was exposed in advance and was ordered to be killed by the Celestial Dragons, resulting in the Blackbeard Pirates not having a peaceful life recently.

And because of Crowe's super recovery ability, the champion Basas used him as a mobile training sandbag every day.

He was beaten so many times that he was hardened by Armament Haki.

But these are all off-topic. Robin was hugged by the waist, his hands were clamped, and he was almost knocked into a fool with a headbutt. It was difficult for her to get away for a while.

Luo Li smiled wickedly and kissed her on the red forehead:"Ms. Robin, actually the person I have a crush on... is you."

This sentence made the whole audience boil

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"


I don't know who started the commotion, but everyone around started shouting.

Hearing that this jerk boss dragged him into the center of public opinion with just a few words, Robin's face turned black. Was this stealing a chicken but losing the rice?

"You... bastard, let me go!"

"How can this be? I want to hold you forever, until the end of time, and never be apart."

Robin wanted to say something, but when he saw Luo Li coming behind him, he smiled darkly again:"If the two of you behind you agree, I don't mind."

Luo Li turned around and saw Alita and Michita standing behind him with a jealous look on their faces, and they were constantly emitting black air. However, he was not embarrassed at all about being caught cheating, and he directly carried Robin on his shoulders

"Since Vice President Robin doesn't care, what are you waiting for?"

He picked it up and ran to the office, leaving the two disciples staring at the closed office door and gnashing their teeth secretly.

After a while, the office began to hear the screams of a woman who tried her best to hold back.

Many people wanted to eavesdrop with shining eyes, but they were all driven away by Michita and Alrita.

After confirming that there was no one around, the two of them leaned on the door and eavesdropped.

They only heard Robin inside constantly shouting something like"no","not possible here" and so on.

The two of them were furious when they heard it, and they kicked the door open together.

"You bastard, you actually……"

The words came to an abrupt end.

The scene was a little different from what they had imagined. They thought... cough cough...

But the reality was that Robin was chained to a smoke-shaped tiger bench, her shoes were missing, and Luo Li was scratching her feet with a feather.

Seeing her eyes laughing with tears in her eyes, you can tell how happy she is now. The sadness of her childhood has been forgotten.

After realizing that she was seen in this embarrassing state, Robin tried her best to resist losing her composure, but the more stubborn she was, the more excited Luo Li became. She fiddled with the feathers quickly, making her whole body tremble unconsciously.

The two of them closed the door silently again, but they did not go out. Instead, they admired it with relish. After all, it was rare to see someone who usually had a serious face showing this attitude, which made Robin even more upset.

Luo Li shook the feathers frantically in her hand, and asked fiercely on her face:"Are you going to tell me or not?"

Robin opened her mouth, but only laughed out loud, tears kept flowing from the corners of her eyes, showing her stubbornness.

"Hey, you're still being stubborn."

Luo Li took out another feather with her backhand, and used a two-pronged approach to turn the tide.

The piercing itch made Robin twist and turn to try to dodge, but the smoke-shaped chains on her body were as hard as steel, and it was obvious that she couldn't break free.

She opened her mouth and tried to speak, but only giggled.

"I didn't expect that our Vice President Robin is still a tough guy."

Luo Li pinched the roots of the feathers with both hands and spun them wildly. In her breathless laughter, there was only despair in Robin's eyes.

It was as if she was telling others that she would not betray others even if she died.

At this time, Michita raised her hand weakly.

"Teacher, I think the vice president really wanted to say something, but she had no energy to do anything but laugh."

"Yeah……"Luo Li froze, looked up at Robin, and saw her nodding frantically.

"cough cough……"

Robin finally breathed a sigh of relief, his laughter gradually died down, and he took a deep breath, and it took him a long time to speak.

"Yes... Yes Miss. Golden Week said...……"

Hearing this code name, Luo Li slapped her forehead, and then she remembered that when she ordered Weiwei's wax figure, she also asked this painter Loli to help color it.

Mr. 3 was so brave that he didn't dare to spread rumors about his boss, but Miss Golden Week, I didn't expect that she was so brave despite her small size, actually...

Luo Li was thinking about how to punish that girl, but Robin took a long breath before saying the second half of the sentence

" my sleep, everyone heard it."

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