Luo Li:...

So, Miss. Huang Jinzhou talked in her sleep, and her innocence was ruined?

No, she is sick, why did she slander the boss in her dream and speak it out loud?

Looking at Robin with a face full of resentment, Luo Li touched her nose awkwardly.

This hardworking and capable vice president who doesn't need to be paid, will he run away because of this?

However, this little scene is not difficult for Luo Li

"Vice President Robin, I said there is a reason for doing this, do you believe it?"

Luo Li pretended to be affectionate again and grasped Robin's bound hands.

"Since I learned about your experience, my heart aches. I want to ask God why an eight-year-old child has to bear so much. When I think of you wandering for nearly twenty years, I am determined to give you a home. Do you see this port outside?

This is the safe haven I built for you. From now on, you don’t have to worry about the wind and rain. Just stay here and I will take care of everything."

Subtext: Just stay here and work for me. I will be angry with anyone who dares to steal my free labor.

"boss……"Robin, who was unaware of the darkness in someone's heart, was touched and began to shine.

Just when Luo Li thought that her deep affection had made the iron tree bloom, Robin's attitude suddenly changed, and he looked dark.

"Is this why you tied me to the torture device?"


At this moment, the door was opened with a bang.

"Mr. Luo Li, I……"

Weiwei stopped talking halfway through her words, took in the scene inside the house, and sweat broke out on her forehead. Then she bowed.

"Excuse me!"

With a thud, the door was closed again.

Outside, Weiwei leaned against the door with a red face.

"How could could he……"

My mind couldn't help but think of the rumors from the morning. It turned out that Mr. Luo Li had a crush on me. If I agreed to his pursuit...

Weiwei couldn't help but imagine herself being tied to a tiger bench like Robin. Her face instantly turned red and she shook her head frantically.

"No, no, I absolutely don't want that."

Just as she finished speaking, the door suddenly opened.

Suddenly losing her support, Weiwei fell backwards, and Luo Li supported her in time.

""Princess, what do you want?"

She looked up and saw a smiling face that looked harmless but actually had murderous intent. Weiwei's back was instantly soaked and she looked away.


"What's the matter that the princess is looking for me so urgently?"

Faced with the question, Weiwei's mind was full of the scene of herself being tied to the chair. She had no time to think about anything else. In order to avoid this result, she just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

"It's okay, I went the wrong way, sorry to bother you."

She was about to leave, but Luo Li grabbed her fate by the back of her neck.

"It seems that Her Royal Highness has misunderstood. I was actually massaging President Robin's legs just now."

Weiwei didn't believe such a ridiculous excuse, but she didn't dare to expose it. She avoided his gaze.

" that so?"

"Yes, Princess, you will know if you try it."It was not Luo Li who answered Vivi, but the liberated Robin. She directly used the power of the Flower-Flower Fruit to pull Vivi over and press her on the tiger bench.

Being seen in such an embarrassing scene, Robin was emitting black gas all over her. For the sake of her own face, she decided to drag Vivi into the water.

As long as everyone is the same, then the eldest brother should not say the second brother

""No." Weiwei wanted to struggle, but with her meager fighting power, anyone in the room could beat her up, so how could she possibly break free? She was pressed on the tiger bench without any resistance.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Luo Li looked at Robin who was on the verge of evil, and her brows twitched wildly. Isn't it just social death? Is it necessary to be so resentful?

"It's our boss's... benefit for the employees."

Robin's faint voice came into her ears, and Luo Li felt for the first time that pushing employees too hard was not a good thing.

Well, in order to appease the vice president's resentment, Vivi had to be wronged.

The ability of the Flower-Flower Fruit was activated, and in Vivi's horrified eyes, he attacked the soles of her feet.


Alrita and Mikita were awakened by a comfortable moan. When they opened their eyes, they saw Vivi, whose face was flushed and paralyzed like mud, and Robin, who had returned to normal.

"Princess, now you believe it, we are really giving you a foot massage."

"I believe it!" Weiwei's voice was very lazy. She was still savoring the comfortable feeling.

"Okay, Princess, can you tell me now why you came to see me?"

Luo Li threw a drop of water to sober her up.

The scandal had just happened this morning, and according to Wei Wei's personality, she should have avoided him, but the hurried look just now clearly showed that she had something to do.

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