Weiwei realized that everyone was looking at her, and thought about her posture during the massage, her face instantly turned red, and now she just wanted to find a corner to hide, too embarrassed to see anyone.

But she finally remembered the purpose of her coming here

"Mr. Luo Li, the Four Emperors Whitebeard, he suddenly sent a large sum of money to Alabasta."

Vivi's face was a little panicked, even she knew that

Whitebeard Edward Newgate had the power to easily destroy a country.

The other party suddenly sent money to Alabasta, making her feel like she was lying in a coffin at a funeral and being given gifts.

"What are you panicking about?" Luo Li rolled her eyes at her:"Have you forgotten, I said before that we should make a big fortune together, and the money has been delivered now."

After being reminded of this, Weiwei instantly remembered that this bastard had spread rumors about her having a fiancé.

So... is this the compensation given to her by the Whitebeard Pirates for her dead"fiancé"?

After thinking about this, Weiwei was completely numb. If she had known that Luo Li's talk of making a big fortune was to cheat Whitebeard, she would never agree to it even if she was beaten to death.

"Luo Li, do you know that if you do this and Whitebeard knows the truth, Alabasta will most likely be doomed."

She felt that the money was hot.

Compared to the previous damage to her body, Vivi felt that her heart was also damaged.

First it was the Seven Warlords of the Sea, then the Navy, and now it was the Four Emperors.

How could Alabasta have provoked the three strongest forces on the sea?

Now think about it, compared with the Four Emperors, a mere Crocodile is nothing.

Vivi really regretted why she made a deal with Luo Li, this scumbag.

"Don't worry, I have a feeling that the Whitebeard Pirates will soon encounter a disaster and will not come to Alabasta for trouble.

Luo Li looked confident.

This made others curious.

"That's the Four Emperors, unless Whitebeard……"

At this point, Weiwei stopped abruptly, her eyes filled with doubt.

"You mean, Whitebeard is coming soon?……"

Out of taboo, Weiwei did not say it directly, but made a gesture of wiping her neck.

"The legendary pirate, Whitebeard, is dying?" Alrita didn't have so many taboos and exclaimed directly

"It's normal for Whitebeard to age and die soon. Luo Li didn't care.

"How do you know Whitebeard is dying of old age?"Robin was very curious, his eyes dim, as if he wanted to see through the man in front of him.

"When did I say he would die of old age?" Luo Li asked back, then revealed an unfathomable expression and said:

"You still don't understand politics. Whitebeard is a legendary pirate of the same generation as Roger, and he is the source of evil for the World Government.

A pirate who has committed many evil things in his life can actually die peacefully in his old age. Isn't this a mockery of the incompetence of the World Government and the Navy?"

The knowledgeable Robin quickly figured out the key:"You mean, the Navy will start a war with the Whitebeard Pirates, take off his head before Whitebeard dies of old age, and maintain its own authority?"

Luo Li raised her hand and snapped her fingers:"That's right, now we just need a fuse"

"Which future admiral told you this?"Weiwei was relieved to hear that the Whitebeard Pirates were about to be destroyed, but she still wanted to get the exact information.

Obviously, the future admiral she was talking about was Smoker.

As far as she knew, the person who was suspected to be Luo Li's disciple

"Guess what?"Luo Li just didn't want Wei Wei to feel at ease, so she was very mean and refused to give any accurate information.


Weiwei had the urge to bite this bastard.

Luo Li saw it. He liked to see the expression of others who wanted to do something to him but couldn't.

"Since the money has arrived, let's do as we agreed, 20% to 80%, you 20% and I 80%."

After all, it was Alabasta who took the blame, and 20% was considered as funeral money... oh no... it was hush money, and

Vivi got even angrier when she heard this.

Alabasta was the one who took the risk, but she could only get a small share of the compensation. If she had known the risk was so great, she would have at least asked for a 50-50 split.

"Princess Weiwei, you are not going to default on your debt, are you?"

Luo Li narrowed his eyes, his expression became dangerous.

This reminded Weiwei of his record of defeating the entire resistance army alone, and her rebellious nature immediately wilted. She obediently called her father in front of Luo Li, explained the whole story, and asked him to send 80% of the compensation.

"Are you satisfied with these?"

After angrily glaring, Her Royal Highness the Princess stomped heavily on the ground and walked away.

Looking at her receding back, Robin inexplicably felt that she was a fellow wanderer, but fortunately, this scumbag boss didn't cheat her as hard as Weiwei.

It was just a little more work to do every day.

When she thought about working overtime until late at night every day, the resentment that Robin had just suppressed came out again.

If you want to know how big this resentment is, just look at those people who complain about 996 work on the Internet.


At the same time, on the Peach Color Island, a small boat slowly approached the shore.

Sanji felt puzzled. It was just an island, but the merchant ship he was on refused to approach it no matter what. It would rather lose money to send him a small boat than to approach the shore. Could there be a devil on this island? After paddling the boat to the shore, Sanji looked at the coastline and saw no one around.

After pulling the boat up to prevent it from being washed away by the waves, Sanji began to look around.

But he didn't know that several"slender" figures had already stared at him in the dark.

Whoosh... a few sounds of breaking through the air, before Sanji could react, he was already embraced by someone. The world was spinning in front of his eyes and he couldn't see clearly, but he could smell the fragrance of women's perfume and the long hair that swept across his face.

This is... the embrace of a beautiful woman!!!

After making this judgment, Sanji's original intention to resist stopped instantly, his eyes turned into a heart shape, and his eyes stared at the face covered by the long hair, with full expectations, waiting for Lushan to reveal his true face.

After turning a few more times, the two finally stopped. The flying hair gradually fell down, revealing the moving...

The next second, Sanji's expression froze, and he was petrified on the spot.

""Oh, you are such a bad man, staring at me with such lustful eyes."

Hearing the old smoker's voice, who had smoked for at least 20 years, saying such pretentious words, Sanji's stomach was churning uncontrollably.

Without any hesitation, he raised his foot and kicked the face covered with stubble but made-up.

He was determined to kill her with this blow.

But the next second, his powerful kick was easily caught by the thriving"girl" in front of him.

"Uh, hum, I can't stand such enthusiasm."

Sanji's expression twisted, and the service etiquette he learned in Barati was directly broken:"You monster, stay away from me."

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