"So you're just here to deliver a letter?"

Faced with the question, Sanji, who was forced to change into women's clothes and had a dead look on his face, showed some signs of pain.

Thinking that Miss Alrita was still waiting for him to save her, Sanji's chivalry once again supported him to stand up.

He struggled to stay away from the shemale who kept blowing kisses behind him, and spoke with a face full of disgusting lip marks.

"The letter is in my pocket, could you please give it to this... miss?!" Sanji looked at the burly man in women's clothing, feeling a little uncertain. Seeing that he did not object, he heaved a sigh of relief and continued,"Miss, could you please pass it to His Majesty the King?""

""Your Majesty?" The man in women's clothing stroked his cheek with a sad face, and said in a resentful tone:"Our Majesty the King has not returned for many years. Now she is the acting queen, Caroline.""

Huh? The queen can act as a proxy?

Sanji inexplicably felt unreliable, but the acting queen is also the king.

Looking to the side, there is a weird"lady" holding his stripped suit, smelling it with an intoxicated look on her face.

"Ah~ This is the breath of a young man, such a strong hormone……"

Sanji suddenly felt a chill. If he hadn't been defeated, he would have kicked him.

Caroline walked over and took out a wax-sealed letter from her pocket. The wax seal was intact, and it was obvious that it had never been read.

In front of Sanji, he opened the envelope with his orchid fingers and read it. As a result, he saw that he, a seven-foot-tall man... um, a shemale, actually cried.

"It's really... so touching."

Caroline's bearded face was full of tenderness. She gathered with a group of demons in a circle, and then they were discussing something. As they talked, these strong men, the shortest of whom was 1.8 meters tall, were all moved to tears.

Acting Queen Caroline walked over to Sanji and patted his shoulder.

"Originally this is against the rules, but seeing how determined you are, we will make an exception and help you this time."

The other transsexuals also nodded in agreement

"If it was you, Xiao Shanji, I would sacrifice my life."The shemale holding Sanji's clothes spoke

"I didn't expect that you, little Sanji, are such a man. You are so fascinating."The others also looked at Sanji with stars on their faces.

This made the latter a little embarrassed, thinking that his chivalry was appreciated by others.

Just when Sanji was smug, he didn't notice that the acting queen Caroline took something from the guards and came behind him without anyone noticing.

""Little Sanji, I believe that if Lord Ivankov knew, he would agree to use his power on you.""

Hey... what does it mean to use your power on me?"

Before Sanji could ask, Caroline suddenly showed the syringe in her hand and stabbed it into Sanji's waist with lightning speed.

"Embrio. Female hormone!"


With some painful groans, Sanji's body shape began to change. His figure became slender, his skin became fair and delicate, and two big mountains gradually bulged on his chest...

In just a few seconds, he changed from a man to a graceful beauty.

Feeling that his body was no longer uncomfortable, Sanji panted and glared at Caroline

"What did you inject me with?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Sanji was dumbfounded. Why did his voice become so thin and soft?

"Hahaha……"Caroline covered her mouth and laughed:"Congratulations, little Sanji, your long-cherished wish has come true, I believe your mother can rest in peace."

After that, he took out a mirror.

At first glance, Sanji looked at the beauty in the mirror and his heart was instantly moved. His eyes turned into a heart shape.

But after reacting, he...she was petrified.

The next second, he jumped up

"Bastard, what did you do to me?"

She lost her mind and didn't care who the other person was. She raised her leg and hit him directly.

Caroline jumped back and dodged while covering her mouth.

"Ah, I saw your panties."

Sanji blushed, quickly pulled his legs back to hold the hem of his skirt, and said angrily

"Asshole, what's so good about it."

Caroline stood still, with a puzzled look on her face:"Why is Sanji so angry, isn't this what you want?"

A hash mark popped up on Sanji's forehead:"When did I want to become a woman?"

As soon as she finished shouting, she suddenly realized a very serious problem. It seemed that she could enter the women's bathhouse openly.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that becoming a woman is a good thing... bullshit. If she becomes a woman and loses her little brother who has been with her for many years, what can she do even if she enters the women's bathhouse?

Can she still look up excitedly?

When she thought of this, she burst into tears.

Faced with the questioning, Caroline showed the letter paper and waved her hand.

"Oh, don't be so stubborn, it says it all here, you have always hoped that you were a girl."

What the hell?"

Sanji couldn't believe it, snatched the letter and read it.

Just one glance, she was dumbfounded.

The content above can be summarized as follows: This man is called Sanji, born in the Vinsmoke family in the North Sea. His parents were full of expectations for him before he was born. Before him, he already had two older brothers, and this time, his parents hoped that he would be a little princess.

Unfortunately, Sanji's birth disappointed his parents. After seeing that he was a boy, his father Judge turned around and left him and walked away.

And his mother, because of physical damage caused by giving birth to him, could no longer give birth in this life. The Vinsmoke family's wish for a little princess was completely shattered..

But even so, his mother still loved him very much, but his father never looked at him more, which caused little Sanji to always long for fatherly love.

Fate did not pity Sanji because of his pity. When he was just sensible, his mother died of illness, and Sanji lost the only person in the world who cared about him.

Until her death, his mother regretted that she could not give birth to a little princess for the Vinsmoke family. This deeply hurt Sanji's young heart. He asked himself countless times in his heart why he was not a girl.

If he were a girl, his mother might not have died.

Sanji was blamed for his mother's death by his father Judge.

"If it weren't for giving birth to you, Sora wouldn't have died."

Sanji, who longed for his father's love, collapsed under his father's reproach. He couldn't forgive himself for the blame from his two brothers.

Young Sanji ran away from home. But it wasn't because he was cowardly and couldn't face it, but because he wanted to go out to sea to find a way to fulfill his mother Sora's last wish and give the Vinsmoke family a little princess!

After reading it, Sanji was so angry that he tore the letter into pieces and threw it on the ground.

"What nonsense!"

She stepped on the debris with her long, straight legs until the floor was cracked. Then she calmed down and thought about everything that happened before. She realized a serious problem. She seemed to have been tricked by Miss Alrita. ps: Good news, it has been reported. The book has been tampered with. I have been revising it for a long time but it still hasn't passed the review. I may not be able to play with it anymore.

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