Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 238 Luo Chen Uses Spatial Abilities


While Luo Chen was hunting Marine Sengoku, Kizaru, and Fujitora.

Under the leadership of Redfield, the Luo Chen Pirates have been involved in a fierce war with the Red Ten Alliance.

Mihawk was stopped by Shiryu of the Rain and Bista.

Redfield is under the greatest pressure. Facing the red-haired Shanks and Beckman alone, it can be said that there are dangers everywhere.

After all, the red-haired Shanks alone is on the same level as Redfield, and there is another Beckman on the same level.

No matter how strong Redfield's fighting power is, he can only barely hold on.

Diamond Jozy intercepts Crocodile.

Ace, Katakuri and others intercepted the Straw Hat Pirates.

It can be said that all battlefields are fully open, and no one, whether it is the Luo Chen Pirates or the Red Ten Alliance, has benefited.

The person under the greatest pressure is Redfield, and everyone else is basically evenly matched.

On the other hand, the battle between Fire Fist Ace and Straw Hat Luffy was more dramatic, because neither of them fought seriously, as if they were just competing with each other.

The red-haired Shanks and Beckman's coordinated combos forced Redfield to passively defend.

Redfield said with a gloomy face: "Kid, you two cooperate well! You can actually make me feel such a lot of pressure."

Although Redfield said this, there were already several wounds on his body. These wounds caused a dull pain to Redfield when he fought.



After the red-haired Shanks swung a flying slash, he asked: "Ledfield, where is your captain Luo Chen? Why didn't he join the battle??"

This point made the red-haired Shanks feel very confused. There was no way that guy Luo Chen ran away and didn't come to join the war for no reason. There must be some reason, and it was impossible, impossible, not to come.

Beckman was also constantly fighting and analyzing, but this guy Redfield's mouth was tighter than anything else, and he couldn't get any words out of Redfield's mouth.

After Redfield waved the umbrella knife in his hand to block the flying slash of red-haired Shanks, he sneered and said: "You still want to make a comeback? You people are destined to be terminated by Captain Luo Chen!!"

When red-haired Shanks and Beckman heard this, they both frowned at the same time. Since Redfield dared to say this, there must be some basis for it.

Beckman glanced at Shanks and said seriously: "Shanks, no matter what Luo Chen's conspiracy is, we should work together to kill Redfield as soon as possible. Once Luo Chen appears, our situation will immediately fall into a passive position."

The red-haired Shanks understood what Beckman meant, which was to seize the opportunity of Luo Chen's absence to kill Redfield. If Luo Chen appeared, then indeed, as Beckman said, their Red Ten Alliance would definitely fall into a serious passive position. middle.

"Do you want to kill me quickly? Haha!" To this! Redfield did not feel any surprise, and Redfield did not intend to defeat the red-haired Shanks or Beckman, because his task was only to hold these two people down.



At the same time, the battlefield where Fire Fist Ace is located.

Straw Hat Luffy said loudly: "Ace, let's stop fighting here! I'm going to fight Luo Chen away."

"Luffy, I won't let you go, because you are no match for Captain Luo Chen, and I won't let you die." Fire Fist Ace responded in a very serious tone.

Because Ace knows Captain Luo Chen's behavior, if Luffy rushes in front of Captain Luo Chen so recklessly, he will definitely be punished, and in serious cases, he will be killed.

Fire Fist Ace didn't want Luffy to take risks, so he might as well stay here and fight with him until the end of the war. This way he could at least save Luffy's life.

It can be said that Ace also has very good intentions for Luffy, and does not want Luffy's life to be in danger because of Luffy's recklessness.

However, Luffy just doesn't understand this! That's why Fire Fist Ace felt a huge headache.

Straw Hat Luffy smiled and said: "Ace, in that case! I will defeat you personally, and then I will fight Luo Chen away."

"Luffy, you are very confident!" Ace heard what Luffy said and responded with a smile.

After all, it's certainly a good thing that his brother Luffy is so confident.

Straw Hat Luffy didn't hold back either and used his fourth gear to attack.

Fire Fist Ace also covered Armament Haki with both hands and fought back with all his strength.



On the future island, those who were not packed away by Vegapunk were all taken away by Luo Chen.

At this time, Marco asked: "Captain Luo Chen, our Luo Chen Pirates have started a war with the Red Ten Alliance. Should we rush back to support? Or?"

"Go back and provide support." Luo Chen gave the order.

"Yes, Captain Luo Chen." Marco and Jhin both responded respectfully at the same time.

Just when Marco and Jhin were about to open their wings and fly back, Luo Chen raised his hand and said, "Don't worry, I will take you directly to the battlefield."

As Captain Luo Chen said this, Marco and Jhin were also surprised. The distance from Future Island to the battlefield is very long! !

Captain Luo Chen was able to take them there in one go? This is too incredible! !

But no matter what, this is their Captain Luo Chen. As long as Captain Luo Chen is stronger, they will feel more at ease.

Luo Chen began to mobilize the Paramecia space fruit ability in his body. This Devil Fruit can also be evaluated as a god-level fruit.

Because the ability is too buggy and cannot be solved by ordinary people.

The physical energy consumed by moving from Future Island to the battlefield is not a serious consumption for Luo Chen today.

"Get ready, let's go."

After Luo Chen gently touched Marco and Jhin with the palms of his hands, he disappeared on the spot in an instant.

After disappearing, no trace of breath was left behind.



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