Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 239 The Improvement In Appearance Brought By The Slippery Fruit Ability


The position where Luo Chen reappeared with Marco and Jhin was already three thousand meters above the battlefield.

For Marco and Jhin, who can fly, they will not fall just because they appear in the sky.

Luo Chen said: "Marco, Jhin, you two can do whatever you want. The goal is to destroy the Red Ten Alliance."

"Yes, Captain Luo Chen." Marco and Jhin both responded respectfully at the same time.

After Marco and Jhin left, Luo Chen launched Observation Haki, covering the entire battlefield in all directions. The only thing Luo Chen was looking for was Demon fruit power. As for the non-Demon fruit power? Luo Chen plans to leave it until the end.

When Luo Chen's Observation Haki noticed a person hiding in the dark, he smiled and said: "Buggy the clown? Then it's you."

Now that Buggy the Clown has been discovered, it is natural to get rid of this so-called Conqueror's luck, otherwise it will not be justified.

Immediately, Luo Chen's figure disappeared in the sky.

Buggy the clown hides in a very secluded place, thinking that no one will find him. After all, fierce wars are breaking out everywhere outside.

The clown Buggy trembled and whispered: "Damn it! When will the battle outside end?"

"If this continues, my life may be in danger. The Luo Chen Pirates are too scary and deadly! I don't want to die!!" Buggy's face at this moment was even uglier than constipation.



However, the next second a voice sounded in the ear of Buggy the clown! !

"You said you didn't want to die, right?"

When Buggy heard the unfamiliar voice, he was a little confused. Why was there a sound in his ears? Then he slowly turned his head and looked over, and saw the figure he least expected to see.

His whole face turned pale instantly, and he stammered: "Luo...Luo Chen, how come you suddenly appear next to me??"

"What do you think?" Luo Chen asked with a smile.

Luo Chen asked this question, which scared the clown Buggy and ran out quickly. However, no matter how the clown Buggy ran, the entire space seemed to be blocked, making it impossible for the clown Buggy to run out of this space.

Buggy the clown knew he was doomed, he was completely targeted by Luo Chen.

The clown Buggy quickly knelt down and begged for mercy: "Spare my life! Captain Luo Chen, I am willing to surrender to you and become your most loyal subordinate."

"Oh! Really? But your strength is not very good! How can I take you in?" Luo Chen asked teasingly with a smile on his lips.

Buggy the clown's kneeling legs kept shaking, and cold sweat continued to break out on his forehead. This moment was simply a nightmare for Buggy the clown.

Only now do I know how terrifying it is to face Luo Chen directly. The feeling of oppression is many times more powerful than Captain Roger.

Buggy can't even figure out why this Luo Chen is so scary? It's almost like a non-human being.

He is not a person within the normal range at all. Now he can only temporarily beg for mercy, otherwise he will really die.



Buggy's head was about to break before he thought of his advantages and said quickly: "Captain Luo Chen, I know how to make money, I know how to make money, I can help you make a lot of money."

Buggy has no idea what other advantages he has besides making money. He is really afraid that Luo Chen will kill him suddenly.

"Making money?" Luo Chen crossed his arms, his eyes gradually turned cold and said, "You know how to make money, can you be better at making money than my subordinate Tezzolo?"

When Buggy heard Luo Chen's words, he was immediately blocked. He didn't know how to answer, because Luo Chen was indeed right! !

His ability to make money is simply not comparable to that of Tezzolo. There is no comparison at all. This time it is really finished and there is no hope.

Luo Chen didn't waste any time and directly used the Dark Fruit ability to grab Buggy's neck in the palm of his hand.

Buggy instantly felt that it was extremely difficult for him to absorb, and he couldn't even speak if he wanted to.

He could only helplessly kick his legs, but it was of no avail no matter how hard Buggy the clown struggled.

Luo Chen began to absorb the Devil Fruit's ability to disintegrate in Buggy's body.

Half a minute later, the lifeless clown Buggy was lying on the ground, his eyes rolled white.

After Luo Chen killed Buggy the Clown, he started hunting down the Demon Fruit Power of the Red Ten Alliance, not sparing any of them.

At this time, Luo Chen met the slippery fruit user, Alvida! !



Alvida looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her in shock and said in shock: "It's you Luo Chen. I never thought that a small person like me would be targeted by a big shot like you. I don't know whether I should celebrate or be sad!!"

Alvida couldn't even figure out how a big shot like Luo Chen could target a woman like her? Or a woman with little strength?

Could it be that he fell in love with her beauty? if it is like this? It is not impossible for Alvida to follow Luo Chen, because Luo Chen is fearfully known as the strongest in the world.

Being with such a powerful man, for Alvida, there is really no disadvantage at all.

On the contrary, it has many benefits for her.

Luo Chen said in a cold tone: "Put away your unrealistic ideas."

"Ah!" Alvida was frightened by Luo Chen's cold tone. It turned out that she was overthinking just now, and Luo Chen really came to kill her.

Luo Chen raised his hand and clasped Alvida's head. Without any mercy, he began to absorb the Paramecia slippery fruit ability in Alvida's body.

As the slippery fruit ability in Alvida's body was completely absorbed by Luo Chen, Luo Chen's entire body began to undergo subtle changes.

That is, Luo Chen has become more handsome, and his skin has become extremely silky.

This is the change in external factors brought about by Paramecia's slippery fruit ability.

It can be said that the effect of Slippery Fruit's ability is very obvious and manifests itself instantly.



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