Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 100: Unlimited train

The sea train was designed and built by Tom the murloc who built the Pirate Ship for One Piece.

The world government is not all waste, they realize how convenient the sea train will provide to their rule, so they are willing to admit that Tom's credit for building the sea train can even offset his crime of building a ship for One Piece.

It's a pity that Spandam deliberately designed it, and Tom finally lost his life in order to protect his apprentice Frankie.

Although Tom is dead, all the materials and drawings of the sea train are left. The world government has spared no effort to build more sea train tracks.

In the first half of the great route, the Queen’s City of Spring is a rare large-scale station.

The man in a black tuxedo walked into the station and smiled weirdly at the train stopping at the station.

The word "Xiadi" is engraved in the pupil of the left eye, and there is also a word "一" in the right eye.

"The name Smoking Tom is really ugly. From now on, this will be my infinite train! In order to get more blood from the adults, in order to become the wind, these people are my food!"


The Warring States has lost a lot of hair recently, mainly because the Tianlong people constantly urged him to take action against the White Beard Pirates and **** the pure gold from them!

The Warring States almost couldn't hold back the CP's curse! Those idiots, if the guy with the white beard had been so easy to deal with, the navy would have done it soon!

But this may not be a bad thing, the Warring States originally planned to attack a four emperor. But this plan is too risky, and the world government may not support it. But this time, with the power of Tianlong people, perhaps this plan can be passed easily.

Just as the Warring States period weighed the pros and cons, and supplemented the details of the plan in his mind. The door of the office was violently pushed open.

"Warring States, I brought new tea, quickly get out the senbei!"

In the entire navy, there is only such an abominable guy Karp who has such a carefree style.

The Warring States brows trembled, I don't know why, the same thing has happened tens of thousands of times in a movie, but every time the Warring States can not control his anger. Karp can always easily anger the Warring States, who is always calm.

The Warring States Period was about to reprimand this old and disrespectful fellow, and suddenly there was a knock on the door. He could only resist his anger and said: "Come in!"

A soldier walked in and saluted: "Marshal, the headquarters has received a special report that Lieutenant General Crane is not in the headquarters, so come to ask you."

The Warring States period tried not to look at Karp who was rumbling around for Senbei, and asked, "What happened?"

The soldier said: "There has been a large-scale disappearance on the sea train from the city of the queen of spring to the city of seven waters.

Not only civilians, but even CP agents and our navy are missing. The whereabouts of the soldiers we sent to check are also unknown, and it is still unknown what the cause of the disappearance is.

As of the last report, one hundred and twenty-one civilians, twenty-six cp agents, and sixty-three navy men have disappeared. "

Although the disappearance of more than 200 people is not considered the most serious vicious incident, the problem is that the cause is still unknown. If this disappearance continues, it will definitely cause panic.

"Is it a sea train?" Warring States pondered.

Click... Click...!

The sound of Kapu chewing senbei came, and the Warring States could not help but open his drawer. How skilled this guy is, he even took away the senbei he had privately hidden.

The more I look at it, the less pleasing to the eye, and the Warring States directs: "Kapu, you guys don't continue to relax, this disappearance is left to you! Be sure to solve the problem for me!"

Karp threw the half-bitten senbei into his mouth, buttoned his nostrils and said, "No, I will go back to the East China Sea on vacation, so I don't want to investigate any missing incidents!"

The Warring States’ forehead dropped a black line and roared, “You are ashamed to say that the firefist kid joined the Whitebeard Pirates and became the captain. You haven’t explained this to me!”

Instead, Karp smiled proudly and said, "I've gotten ahead so soon, I am worthy of being the grandson of the old man! Hahaha...!"

Warring States directly threw the document on Karp's head, interrupting his hearty laughter.

"You bastard, you don't have the right to refuse. Give me the task!"

"I know, I know! What a wayward guy!"

"It's not your turn to say this!"

Seeing Karp leaving behind, the Warring States period heaved a sigh of relief. As a comrade-in-arms all the time, Warring States knows Karp well. Although Karp was headstrong and carefree, he never forgot his navy's position on business matters. but……

"Asshole Karp, took away all my senbei!"


In the Japanese courtyard, the forehead is full of terrible scars, and the man with gray eyes feels the sun. A crow flapped its wings and flew out of the courtyard.

This is the jackbird used by the ghost killing team to transmit information and commands. When they come to this world, they not only have some super wisdom and can speak human language, but they can also discern directions on the sea like news birds.

Miyashiki Yoshiya's blind eyes didn't know what he saw, as if it contained deep sadness.

His wife Shiki Tenon put Haori on him.

Yoya Shiki said: "Another child has been swallowed by evil spirits! Such sorrow can only be stopped by killing the root of evil... Ghost Mai Tsuji Tsuji completely!"

The crow flew over the sea and passed the order through the hidden strongholds in various places.

In the mansion of the purgatory family, the purgatory Kyojuro, who was teaching his younger brother to practice swordsmanship, saw his crocodile fall.

"There are evil spirits appearing, there are evil spirits appearing! Go to the sea train, more than two hundred people have been killed, and solve the evil spirits as soon as possible! This time, I will help you with the help of Kanjiro Kaimon, my wife Zenyi, and Inosuke Tsuihiro!"

The same order was also sent to the trio by the Bulbul. Oh! By the way, it was not a crow but a sparrow that sent the letter to my wife Shanyi.

But no one knows that among the more than two hundred people killed, there were not only navy, CP and ghost killers, but also members of the revolutionary army.

After the Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff Sabo learned about it, he boarded the ship and headed for the city of the Queen of Spring.


With the sound of a pipa, a group of figures appeared in this chaotic space.

Another series of pipa sounds sounded, and a strange man in a suit appeared on the highest platform in the center.

"All the windings are here! What we discussed this time is that there may be new windings!"

The king of ghosts, Tsuji Oniwu said so.

There are only six seats for the winding, and the appearance of a new winding means that some of you will be eliminated.

The six-eyed man sat on the spot indifferently, it had nothing to do with him. Because he has the strength to ignore all challenges.

And a man in gorgeous clothes with a folding fan gave a false smile and said, "Is it a new one? I look forward to it."

The short-haired man said coldly: "It's so nauseous. If you don't have any emotions in your heart, take back the nauseating expression!"

This is the top three evil spirits in the first quarter.

As for the low-ranking three people, especially the Fallen Ji and Taro **** in the Lunar New Year, they even showed expressions of fear and resentment.

Wu Zai doesn't care what these tools think, and directly said: "You are the strongest of all ghosts, but have you been lazy recently? I haven't received news of you killing Zhu for a long time!"

Several people were shocked at the same time, because they felt Wu Mi's murderous aura against them.

The third of the winding, Yiwoza, stood up and said: "Since the ghost who is qualified to be the winding appears, the Zhu will appear! If so, I will go! The head of the Zhu, I will definitely bring it back!"

Wu Mian did not take back his murderous aura, Yi Wo Zuo was not someone who would fear him. He glanced at Yiwoza faintly, and said without misery: "Then don't let me down!"

Mingnu moved the pipa in her hand, and Yiwozao disappeared in place.

The second Tong Mo of the first string covered half of his face with a fan and said: "It's a pity that I let that guy take the lead. Maybe Zhuhui this time is a cute girl!"

Said that Naruto had used the blood ghost technique to send out this space named Infinite City.

Hei Si Mou disappeared in the sound of Naruto's pipa without saying anything! The other windings are no exception, all returning to their original place in the sound of the pipa.

Only Wu Mi and Naruto are left in Infinite City.

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