Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 101: Weird train

The warship with the dog's head hung on the bow stopped at the port of the Queen of Spring, and Kapu, wearing a dog's head hat, stepped off the warship.

"It's a navy hero!"

"Is Tekken Karp coming?"

"It's great, we are saved!"


Karp bit the senbei he brought from the Warring States Period, and led a group of soldiers across the street to the sea train station.

Investigate and search carefully, that's not Master Karp's style. All he will do is hammer over all enemies with his fists.

Fortunately, his lieutenant Bogart is different from him, and a lot of information can be obtained just from the reactions of the residents after landing.

It seems that the disappearance of the sea train has made people in this prosperous town panic, so there will be such a big reaction to Karp's arrival.

Bogart sighed as he looked at Karp who was walking ahead. Karp has never had a plan to do things, and this time is no exception. He only notified the destination, and he only knew what had happened.

But Bogart didn't feel any worries, because Karp had capricious capital, and his fists were enough to crush any conspiracy.

A group of navy came to the station, and Karp looked at the train that stopped on the platform. All the missing incidents occurred on the same train, so the train in front of you is the only clue.

But every time the train departs, it has been carefully inspected, and there is no suspicious existence on the train. That’s why the disappearance became so puzzling.

However, it is enough for Karp to know the special nature of this train.

Most people were left to guard the station, and Karp led a small group of navy to board the train. After boarding the train, he directly found a comfortable position and sat down.

Karp can relax, but Bogart has been vigilant since he boarded the train. Of course, what he is most wary of is the passengers in the car.

"It's delicious... delicious... delicious...!"

The most striking is a young man with flame-like hair. He wore a white cloak with a red flame pattern on the hem.

What makes Bogart wary is that the young man’s clothes look like a standard military uniform. Generally speaking, except for people with hobbies, only people of some kind of background will wear it like this.

Looking deeply at the samurai sword of the flame blade hanging around his waist, Bogart couldn't help being more alert. Bogart is also a swordsman, he can feel the strong flame-like aura from the young man.

Karp is also attracted by young people, but what attracts him is the stacks of lunch boxes on the young people's table and his imposing praise.

Karp licked his lips and said, "Hey! Bogart, I want to eat that too! Get ten, not twenty!"

Bogart almost failed to maintain his alert state.

Mr. Karp, you are right, are you a kid? And who are you comparing appetite with?

But Bogart was used to Karp's temper for a long time, so he ordered his men to bring the lunch that Karp wanted.

Then Bogart began to look at the other people in the car. I don't know if it happens that Sabo is also in this carriage.

Although the Revolutionary Army has been formed, it has not started large-scale operations so far. The only one who enters the sight of the world government at will is the dragon as the leader. As for these cadres, they are still at the stage of an unknown generation.

But this is also a good thing, at least they can appear in front of the navy in an open manner. Otherwise, Sabo really has to consider whether to leave, after all, the naval hero is sitting not far away.

But I don't know why, seeing that wayward old man, Sabo always feels familiar. Fragmentary pictures reverberated in his mind, but Sabo couldn't catch any of them.

At this moment, the door of the carriage opened and three teenagers walked in.

Bogart's pupils shrank. Although the two teenagers in the head wore different Haori outside, the clothes they wore inside were exactly the same as the young ones before.

And... what happened to the young man behind with his naked upper body and the head of a wild boar! Even if Bogart had seen all kinds of pirates with strange shapes, he couldn't help but sigh the peculiarities of this young man.

The three teenagers who came in really knew the young man before, and went straight to the young man.

"Brother Purgatory, you are here!" said the boy carrying the box.

The young man is the Demon Slayer Team Yanzhu Purgatory Kyojuro who was ordered to investigate the ghost of the sea train.

Purgatory Apricot Shou Lang ate the last box of bento, and raised his head and said: "Stove door boy, yellow-haired boy, pig-head boy, you all arrived safely!"

Later, the three of them were Tanjirou, my wife Zenizu, and Inosuke, who were responsible for assisting Kyojuro in Purgatory.

Bogart could see the relationship between several people, and the three teenagers obviously respected the young people before them. It's just that the seat is a bit far away, so I can't hear a few people talking.

I only saw the yellow-haired teenager look flustered, as if he had heard something that scared him. Suddenly there was noisy over there.

Bogart was about to remind Karp to pay attention, but when he turned his head he found that his father's official was holding a lunch box, and there was a big sleeping bubble hanging under his nose!

In contrast, Karp's unreliability is what makes him most tiring.

At this moment, the conductor in uniform walked in and said, "Now...the ticket is checked...!"

Bogart felt the train conductor's abnormality for the first time. Not only did he speak in a strange tone, but his movements were also very stiff. His pale face and godless eyes were even more weird.

Watching the conductor use a clip to make a gap in his ticket, Bogart took the opportunity to look carefully at the conductor.

Sure enough, even if his eyes were so direct, the conductor didn't react at all, but just continued to do his own work.

Soon, the conductor left the carriage, and just as Bogart wanted to follow him, Karp beside him suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, Karp looks like a person who has just awakened from a drowsiness, and his eyes are like a lion that has been trying to prey!

"Bogart, you are relaxed, don't you feel a nasty breath?"

Bogart hurriedly held his hand on the handle of the knife. Under Karp's reminder, he also sensed the dangerous breath in the air and the disgust from instinct. As if the source of that breath was destined to be the enemy.

As Bogart was searching around, the flame-like young man stood up and thrust the knife into his belt. He faced the direction of the car door.

"The situation is urgent, everyone is ready to evacuate!"

The reminder from Purgatory Kyrgyzstan made everyone confused. But as soon as his voice fell, a monster gradually appeared in the air.

Dahai usually calls unreasonably strong people a monster. But the existence in front of him is the real monster.

The monster was nearly four meters tall and almost reached the roof while standing in the carriage. The whole body was black and blue, like a stiff corpse. Although it stands on its feet like a human, it has sharp objects like horns on its forehead and arms.

The most terrifying thing is his face with two mouths and five eyes. These organs are randomly distributed on the face. At a glance, it seems that these deformed monsters are not normal humans.

Ordinary passengers fled to the back of Purgatory Kyrgyzstan, and Purgatory Kyrgyzstan took a step forward to block everyone from his back.

"It seems that the blood ghost technique is used to hide the huge body, completely unable to detect the breath! However, since you have shown your fangs to ordinary civilians..."

Speaking of Purgatory Apricot Shou Lang pulling out the long knife at his waist, the fiery vindictiveness seemed to be a real flame burning, and the hot air was blowing the purgatory Apricot Shou Lang's cloak and hair.

The samurai sword was completely red, and the words "Devil Killing" were engraved on it.

"I will use this purgatory red flame knife to chop you down to the point of no bones left!"

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