The blade that Kishiro purgatory swung out seemed to be burning with flames.

"The breath of flame, the type of one... Shiranui!"

Cut it with one knife, and directly cut the monster's neck. The monster didn't even leave a corpse, and turned into ashes in the process of falling.

"Powerful sword skills!" everyone who saw the sword of Purgatory Kyojuro couldn't help but admire.

However, apart from the three members of the Ghost Slayer Team, the others were more concerned or puzzled that the monster turned to ashes.

They don't believe that this is because the flames on the blade of Purgatory Apricot Shourou can cause it!

Purgatory Kyo Shourou held the Sunwheel Knife without any relaxation, but also reminded: "Don't relax, there is still a ghost!"

The three little ones immediately drew out the knife, looking for traces of ghosts everywhere. Suddenly, the roof of the car broke and another monster emerged from it.

If it is said that the previous monster still looks like a human being, then this one just looks like a human being.

Especially its arms stretched out, twisting like octopus tentacles. And his goal is... Karp below!

I have to say that this ghost's idea of ​​choosing a target is correct. The ordinary passengers in the carriage had already left, only the four ghost slayers, the navy, and Sabo remained in the carriage.

And because of the ghost that appeared before, everyone took out their weapons, even Sabo was holding a long water pipe.

And the only person without weapons in his hand was Karp, and Karp looked like a burly old man at first glance. It has long been known that human beings are a race that loses power when aging. Naturally, it seems that Karp is the only breakthrough.

But this time, he really chose the worst option.

"Is the target? I was really underestimated."

Tanjirou rushed over with a black sun-wheel knife!

"Damn it! Grandpa, run away!"

But before he got closer, he saw a scene that made him stunned.

Karp clenched his fist, and as the fist was thrown out, the ghost's tough flesh was directly shattered. Not only did the ghost hand reaching Karp break every inch, but the ghost body above the carriage was also broken in half.

"Tanjirou, what are you in a daze!"

Inosuke yelled, and Tanjirou was awake from the power of Karp's punch. Even though Karp's punch was very powerful, it could not kill the ghost.

Karp and the others also discovered this fact, because the body that had just been crushed by Karp slowly recovered in the squirming flesh.

"The breath of water, the one-shaped water surface slash!"

"The breath of the beast, the fangs of the three teeth are torn!"

Taking advantage of the evil spirit who threw down everyone's loss, Tanjirou and the blade of Inosuke Tsuchihiro greeted him.

All three slashes hit the evil spirit's neck, and this evil spirit also followed the former and turned into ashes.

"Well done, young man from stove door, young man with pig head!" Purgatory Apricot Shourou retracted the knife into its scabbard and said in admiration.

"And this old man, your strength just now is amazingly powerful! It's not like you are getting old at all."

Kapuhaha laughed and said, "Where! I haven't gotten serious yet!"

Bogart didn’t even look at Karp, who was praised by the other party and even forgot his own purpose. He stepped forward and said: "Although your Excellency has saved us in a certain way, please tell us about many things. ."

There are too many questions to answer, about the monster, about everything.

Although the battle didn't last long, Karp's punch opened the roof of the carriage by a half. So everyone directly changed a carriage.

The ghost squad and the navy sat facing each other, and Bogart raised the same question.

The Purgatory Kyoju looked at the justice coat on Karp, and said, "I understand the situation. Everyone belongs to the navy of the world government! Before I set off, the Lord Lord once instructed that we can reveal some truth to the navy! "

With that said, Apricot Shou Lang from Purgatory explained to the navy people what is a man-eater and what a ghost-killing team is!

Although the content of the purgatory Kyrgyzstan's words is hard to believe, everyone has just seen with their own eyes the evil spirit whose body was broken in half and can be recovered, but was beheaded and turned into ashes. So everyone also accepted this fact.

Bogart pondered for a long time and then said: "I heard you just now that the lord of the ghost killing team instructed us to tell us some truth. I want to know why this is? Isn't this different from your usual strategy?"

Purgatory Apricot Shourou shook his head and said: "I don't know how Lord Lord thinks about it. But this is probably related to the king of evil spirits, Tsuji Tsuji, the king of evil spirits, being active again!"

Speaking of the ghost dance Tsuji Wu miserable, the young man who has been passionate rarely shows a hint of gloom. And the teenager beside him also showed an expression of pain.

Karp patted Bogart on the shoulder and said to him: "Don't care about these insignificant things, after all, these are all good people!"

Bogart understands that since his parents, Karp's criteria for judging people are simple, but so far he has not made any mistakes. So he wasn't thinking about testing the Purgatory Kyōjuro.

As the night darkened, everyone in the carriage was drowsy. A big sleeping bubble appeared on Karp's nose, and he was clearly asleep.

Bogart suddenly felt something was wrong, and Karp let it go, but why did he have such a strong sleepiness. I knew that during the execution of the task, I could never rest.

Just as he was thinking about it, a stronger drowsiness flooded his sanity directly. Bogart fell asleep as soon as he tilted his head.

For a while, everyone in the carriage fell into a deep sleep.

In the carriage at the front of the train, the conductor knelt on the ground, his face full of madness and begging.

"I have done what you ordered, please let me fall asleep as soon as possible, and let me have the dream of getting everything again!"

The object of his kneeling bow turned out to be just one hand, this hand was only under the wrist, with five fingers propped on the ground, so that the eyes on the hand looked at the conductor. On the back of the hand, a few words "dream" were written on it, and a mouth opened and closed and said: "Okay! You did a good job, then... sleep!"

As soon as the sound fell, the conductor fell asleep.

"I wish you a happy dream!"

The hand said so, and the five fingers squirmed to make it look at the people behind.

"You guys, just follow what I taught you. You can act when they sleep more soundly!

Those guys are all keen, and will wake up as long as they perceive the dangerous breath a little. Even if you are tying the rope, be careful not to touch their bodies.

I have to stay in the front of the car for the time being and cannot leave. You have to work hard... in order to have a happy dream! "

In the carriage, everyone gradually fell asleep and entered the deepest dream.

Tanjirou dreamed that his family had not been killed. My wife Zenyi talked about love with Midouzi in the dream, and Inosuke Zuihei brought three "brothers" to explore together in the dream. Even Kyoujuro dreamed of teaching his younger brother to practice swordsmanship.

Karp opened his eyes and was already in the Navy’s boot camp.

Luffy, wearing a navy uniform, yelled, "Grandpa, I'm going to be hungry. Let's go eat!"

Ace next to him also wore a military uniform, and said: "To celebrate Lu Fei's graduation from the boot camp, grandpa, please treat me!"

Karp was taken aback, even if he had been careless, he instinctively noticed the anomaly.

Because Ace never called him grandpa!

But the deepest expectation in his heart made him ignore all abnormalities, he smiled, almost burst into tears.

"You two have become excellent navies!"

Bogart and the navy also smiled in their sleep, as if they had dreamed of something glorious.

Sabo also swayed to sleep, but there was a fog in his dream, and only the voice of speaking could be heard.

"After drinking this glass of wine, we are...brothers!"

So familiar, this voice!

"Two older brothers, one younger brother?"

Sabo is running in the fog, don't know why, he has only one idea now, and that is to see the owner of this voice!

There was a flash of light in front of him, and Sabo didn't know where he was. He looked down at his shrunken palm, showing a puzzled expression.

"Is this the memory I have forgotten?" Sabo said to himself.

At this time, two people ran past him, and he could only see the back of the two children.

"Sabo, what are you doing, keep up!"

"Sabo, you are so slow!"



The calls of the two were getting farther and farther, and Sabo desperately pursued them but couldn't get close at all!

"You...who are you?" Sabo yelled, but there was no answer.

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