Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 110: Conspiracy failed

When the CP agents saw the ghost killing team appeared, they were not happy to be saved. Instead, they looked at the ghost killing team's eyes full of hostility.

Before leaving, Sanya Shiki Yoshiya had already told them what would happen in this mission. But this feeling of being kind and unrequited is still very uncomfortable.

Especially for Inosuke, who was already irritable, if Zenitsu and Tanjirou hadn't hugged him tightly, he would have to chop the white cloak with a knife.

The source of all the ghost abilities of the spider family is tired, and when they are beheaded one by one, tired also feels tired.

But he didn't have any extra emotions. He turned many ghosts who were afraid of ghost hunters into his own family. Although he talked about fetters, what he could use was violence and fear.

He would use spider silk to chop up ghosts that did not play his role, and he would hang ghosts that defy him in the sun and burn them into ashes.

What he pursues is the precious bond that family members can sacrifice for each other, but what he finally gets is just such a play game.

"Another incompetent guy who failed to fulfill his duties, what a useless guy!"

"Ahhhhhhhh! It was the first one I found out."

A girl wearing a butterfly wing pattern Haori fell from the branch. Haori spread out in the air, really like a beautiful butterfly spreading its wings.

Butterfly Ninja looked at the tired left eye that said "Xia Wu", and said with a smile: "I really got a big prize!"

Another silent man also walked out of the woods, the feather stitching of the two patterns on his body swaying slightly.

Butterfly Ninja seemed to have a hollow smile on his face, and said to Tomioka who had also found it, "Mr. Tomioka is really wicked. I found this ghost first, so I can't let you take it away!" "

Tomioka Yoshiyuki still said with a serious look: "It doesn't matter, as long as you kill it!"

At this time, a group of CP agents also rushed out, and immediately became excited when they saw that they were tired.

"I found it. This is the goal of the mission. Let's catch him together!"

"Stop!" Tomioka Yiyong reminded quickly, but it was too late.

"Ugly humans are really disgusting."

Pulling out a spider web between his tired hands, he hurled it at the CP agents. Like being slashed by countless criss-crossing sharp blades, all CP agents turned into a pile of pieces in the blink of an eye!

These CP agents searched for their own deaths, and rushed too fast, even the Tomioka Yiyong did not have time to save them.

"Someone has died again. It seems that you are also a guy who can't get along well." Butterfly Shinobu still has a smile on his face, but everyone can hear the coldness in his tone. Tomioka Yoshiyuki even directly drew out the Sunwheel Knife.

"Blood ghost technique, scribble jail!"

Tired with a wave of his hand, a large number of criss-crossed spider silk suddenly appeared in the air. These spider silks, which were sharper than the blade of a knife, almost covered all the directions the two of them avoided.

"The breath of water, the shape of wanton, hit the tide!"

The water flow appeared in the air with Tomioka's slash, and Tomioka's slash was smoother than Tanjirou's. Not only that, but the power of slashing is also stronger.

The seemingly soft water flow rolled over, and the tough spider silk broke. Although these spider silks are very strong, they are nothing for the slashing of the water column.

The wave of hitting was originally a wave of slashing launched like a tide, and the most powerful thing about the breath of water is this endless continuous attack.

"Breath of Bugs·Dance of Bee Tooth, Real Twist!"

Taking advantage of Tomioka Yoshiyori spreading out all the spider silks in front of him, Butterfly Ninja directly launched a stab at the tired head.

"Blood ghost, kill the eye cage!"

A spider web like a twisted flower rope appeared between his tired hands, as he waved his hand and enveloped the butterfly Ninja.

Butterfly Ninja didn't want to be like those CP agents, so she stopped the sword in his hand and stepped back.

Although Butterfly Ninja is a worm pillar of the ghost killing team, her wrist strength is not even better than that of ordinary players, so he can't use moves such as slashing and slashing. She is the most powerless person to deal with tired spider silk.

Yoshiyong Tomioka came up directly, and the blade of the water in his hand cut the spider web directly.

Tired and coldly said: "You fellow, do you think this is my hardest thread?"

As he said, blood suddenly flowed out of his hands holding the spider silk, and the blood soaked all the spider silk.

"Blood ghost technique, cut tight!"

The red spider silk is obviously more terrifying, but unfortunately it is not enough.

"The breath of water, the shape of picking up, revolves around."

The water dragon roared, getting bigger and bigger in the constant whirling slashes of Tomioka's Yoshihide. In the end, Yoshiyuki Tomioka cut off all the red spider silk and came to the tired face.

The two bodies crossed by, and a head flew up and fell to the ground.

However, Yoshiyuki Tomioka did not give up the attack, and rushed over to make up for it. As a water column, he certainly wouldn't be indistinguishable from the feel of an uncut like Tanjirou's.

"Can't let you continue!"

The white cloak and blue mask suddenly appeared, and they attacked Tomioka Yoshiyuki!

Tomioka Yoshiyong was stopped, and his tired body on the ground had already stood up and picked up the head on the ground and pressed it on his neck.

"It's dangerous. If you didn't cut your neck with silk before you cut it, it would be really dangerous this time."

After failing, Tomioka looked at the white cloak and blue mask and couldn't help showing a disgusting expression.

The white cloak said: "You are a member of the ghost killing team! Now this ghost is taken over by our world government. If you don't want to be regarded as an enemy by the world government, then you can honestly cooperate with us!"

"Can't do it!" Tomioka Yiyong said flatly.

"What did you say?" It was the first time that the white cloak had moved out of the world government brand and the other party had no response at all.

Yoshiyong Tomioka didn't answer for a long time, as if he was distracted.

Butterfly Shinobi smiled and said, "Mr. Tomioka is hated because of this! You should also learn to answer other people's questions."

Yoshiyong Tomioka said solemnly, "I am not disliked."

With an expression of "Are you serious!" she said helplessly, "Although I'm sorry to let you know that you are hated, it seems that this is not the time to talk about it."

His tired body has completely recovered, and he is looking at everyone resentfully. Even the CP agent who helped him is no exception.

"You guys, you can't forgive me for disturbing the peaceful life of our family and destroying the fetters of my family!"

"There are no fetters!"

Tanjirou walked out with a knife, looking tired and said: "I can't smell the fetters between you and your family, there is only fear!"

"To shut up!"

As soon as he appeared, Tanjiro became the one with the most hatred among all people.

A large number of spider silk suddenly appeared, as if Tanjirou was about to be cut directly into tens of millions of pieces.

Tanjirou said that subconsciously, and when he was tired of talking about his family and fetters, Tanjirou didn't smell any warmth.

He finally knew why the spider mother had a relieved smile when she died, because the family was deformed.

This also made him extremely angry for Tanjirou, who valued his family the most.

"The God of Fire Kagura, Yan Wu!"

A flame burned on the blade. Compared with Yanzhu Purgatory Kyoju, the flame on Tanjiro's blade was hotter, but the flame just made people feel more gentle. It's like bathing in warm sunlight.

The flame formed a fire dragon and directly burned all the scarlet spider silk!

The white cloak was anxious, and he directly kicked out the kick, aiming at Tanjirou, who was constantly advancing.

"The breath of water, the shape of one, the water surface slash!"

Tomioka Yoshiyuki directly cut off the attack of the white cloak, blocking him and the blue mask that leaped over. The meaning is obvious, that is, the two will never hinder the killing of evil spirits again.

Tanjirou finally came to the tired face, and the blade in his hand was about to slash at the tired neck.

Tired stretched out his hand, a large number of red spider silk gathered in front of his hand, forming a huge vortex.

"Blood ghost technique, engraved line rotation!"

This thread whirlpool shot directly at Tanjirou, just colliding with the fire dragon cut out by Tanjirou.

The spinning sharp spider silk makes this whirlpool look like a meat grinder. Fortunately, Tanjirou has become a lot stronger recently, and the fire dragon roared directly to disperse the tired moves.

But Tanjirou's moves have therefore lost the power of successor. But he was not fighting alone.

"Well done, Stove Door Boy!"

A group of butterflies flew past Tanjirou, and flew directly in front of the tired body. Tanjirou came back to his senses, and found that it was just Yuori on Kotobuki Shinobu.

There was a "squeaking" sound from Ninja Butterfly's scabbard.

"Insect's Breath·Butterfly Dance, teasing!"

Five wounds appeared on the tired body instantly, and only shallow blood stains flowed out. But Shinobu has retracted the peculiar shape of the Sunwheel Sword into its scabbard.

Tired looking at the purple poisonous spots spreading around the wound on his body, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Pain, the intense pain that has long been forgotten since becoming a ghost, is constantly transmitted from the nerves to the brain.

"Strange, so familiar feeling!"

Kneeling on the ground was not so tired like Spider Sister, who kept howling, but showed a look of nostalgia.

"When did it happen? This feeling of pain all over the body!"

Tired coughed out a mouthful of blood, and two figures appeared in front of his eyes. A person hiding from himself may hear him sighing constantly. The other person looked at himself worriedly with the medicine bowl.

Tanjirou waved the blade and directly cut off his tired neck. Being kind, he still can't bear to watch others endure pain in front of him, even if they are ghosts.

"Look at the good things you do?"

The white cloak yelled angrily, Tanjirou's cut made his mission a complete failure.

The same thing keeps happening elsewhere.

The rock pillar mourns the island, and the meteor hammer in his hand directly smashes a pair of small horns on the evil ghost's head, and then the huge force makes the meteor hammer all the way down.

From the skull to the eyes engraved with "Xia Si", to the chin, the whole head was smashed.

The meteor hammer of Mingming Islet Xingming is made of the same material as the Sun Wheel Knife, so it has the same effect after hitting the key of the ghost.

"Namo Amitabha!"

Weimingyu Xingming put his hands together, tears in his eyes, and I don't know why people prayed. Weimingyu Xingming came a little late, and the CP agent here had been cold for a while.

Purgatory Kyojuro's fiery red sunblade cut down, and the third of the last string jumped up to avoid Kyojuro's knife.

"Xiazhi's breath, the shape of the wild, advection!"

Xiazhu Shitowuichiro chopped it down with a knife in the mist. The head of the evil spirit with a surprised expression flew up, and then quickly turned into ashes.

Xing Shoulang retracted the Sunwheel Knife and said: "The Lord Lord has already ordered, try to avoid conflicts with the world government, so let's retreat as soon as possible!"

But Shito Wuichiro didn't respond to him, Kyoujuiro turned his head and found that Shito Wuichiro had begun to be in a routine daze!

"What is that cloud like?"

Apricot Shourou looked at the CP agent already approaching here, and had to smile wryly and pulled Shitou Wuichiro who was still in a daze and began to run away.

Lianzhu Ganlu Temple Mili waved the Sunwheel Knife, which was as soft as a whip in her hand, and the slashing was nowhere to be found. From all kinds of incredible angles, she slashed the upper stringer Luke Nue.

Ke Nue couldn't break the strange attack of Ganlu Temple Mi Li, when the snake column Yihei Xiaobani suddenly appeared behind him.

"Snake's breath·two-shaped, narrow-headed fangs!"

Like a hunting poisonous snake, Yihei Xiaobani accurately cut off the neck of Cauldron.

"What a magnificent battle!" Yu Sui Tianyuan crouched high and looked at the battlefield just now.

The entire area is filled with huge knife marks and explosion marks. That is the trace left by the breath of the wind and the breath of the sound of Shiya Undead.

Immortal Kawasaki looked at the late CP agent and said: "The second of the last string has been cleared, and we should also leave."

Yu Sui Tianyuan said: "This way of leaving is really not gorgeous enough! But forget it, after all, there is an order from the lord."

The messenger fell on the branch in front of the delivery house Shiki Yoya, and he smiled comfortably when he heard the news from him.

"Really? It's great that the children have killed all the ghosts of the last string without any casualties!

Next is the ghost of the winding, and then there is the ghost dance Tsuji Mime! "

The five old stars of Curly Beard heavily detained the phone bug and said to the other four people around him: "CP's mission has failed, and all the ghosts of the last string have been killed by the ghost killing team!"

The long-bearded five old star said coldly: "There must be a problem in this, the ghost killing team should not have such a strong intelligence ability!"

The eight-character Hu Wu Lao Xing thought for a while and said: "The Navy has been too calm recently, but it is a little suspicious. Maybe they did something we don't know!"

The old star holding the knife nodded and said: "It is very possible that the Warring States Period is a smart guy, and it is likely that he has discovered what we are doing."

"Then what to do? The research on ghosts will never progress like this. Other research in the hands of Begapunk is equally important and cannot be dragged on this matter.

The navy has already begun to urge the pacifists' research progress! "Five Old Star Curly Beard said.

The long-bearded five old star sighed and said: "Then this matter will be put on hold for now! Let Vegapunk resume pacifist research."

In Infinite City, Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mian felt the disappearance of the ghosts of the last string, and his expression was gloomy.

"The last string is really a bunch of useless guys. They were all beheaded by ghost hunters. But it doesn't matter, they are all guys to be cleared anyway.

I hope the guys on the wind won't let me down, the existence of the ghost killing team is really an eye-catcher. "

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