Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 111: Kaido; what magic to kill?

"Oh!" The cherry-haired boy leaned on the railing of the boat like a pile of mud.

The blue kitten spread his paws and said, "Naz, you still have no choice but to transport!"

Where did Naz still have the strength to answer, his face is blue now!

Fortunately, the destination is in sight. Both feet stepped on the ground, and Naz instantly resurrected with blood.

"I almost died, the sea is terrible!" Naz complained with a big salute on his back.

"Love!" Hobby the blue kitten replied.

Had it not been for the recent cost of living, Naz would not have taken on the task of going to sea so far.

Hobby flapped a pair of small wings behind him and said: "Natz, you haven't forgotten the content of the mission!"

Naz swaggered across this deserted island and replied, "Of course, I'm not a fool! Just find the lion with long horns and fly it. It's easy!"

Hobby flew beside him and said, "The task is to grow the fur of a horned lion. Don't burn it to ashes!"

"I see, you're so long-winded, Hobby." Naz waved his hand impatiently.

Hapi vomited: "It's not because you made too much trouble last time, and the rewards for the mission were all used to compensate the church that was destroyed by you. If this mission is messed up again, what should I do with my fish next month? ?"

Naz didn't mean to reflect at all, he just looked indifferent.

Suddenly Naz stopped and looked up at the sky.

Hobby looked back at him and said, "What's the matter with Naz?"

Naz twitched his nose and said, "There is a strange smell, like a huge beast."

Hobby smiled and said, "Could it be the lion we are looking for? It's great that the living expenses for next month are in hand!"

Naz's expression was still serious, and he shook his head and said, "No, it's a bigger and very dangerous thing. It's strange, why is it a little familiar!"

Hobby looked around, but found no trace of a huge beast. Suddenly it felt darkened around it, so it also raised its head and looked at the dark clouds in the sky.

"Naz, you're not talking about the one in the sky!"

There was only a long body between the dark clouds, which looked like a giant python. But when the monster's head hangs down, no one thinks it is a snake.

Hobbi's body was trembling, it looked like a Tucao. What kind of beast is this, this is obviously a monster. But fear made it impossible to say a word.

The flames on Naz's body burned, and his serious face put on a smile that made Hobby feel that something was wrong when he saw it.

"Hey! You guy, the smell on your body is a bit like Igunilu. You must know him, tell me where he is!" Naz let go of his throat and shouted.

This sound directly attracted Kaido who flew in the sky. He lowered his head and looked at one person and one cat and said: "What, it's a self-talking kid! It's boring."

With that said, Kaido will continue to leave, after all, someone behind will catch up.

"answer me!"

Unexpectedly, this little devil, who was not in Kaido's eyes, jumped directly, and his body was burned with a raging flame.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

In the red magic circle, Naz hit Kaido with a punch. With a bang, the giant body of Kaidoron was shocked.

Looking at the broken scales on his body, Kaido showed an expression of interest.

Although he didn't use domineering defense just now, the dragon scales in the form of dragons were originally very powerful defenses. Even some famous powerhouses in the New World could not destroy his steel dragon scales.

But the little devil's punch just smashed his dragon scales, and he could feel a special power on the opponent's fist. It was this kind of power that shattered his dragon scales.

"Boy, who are you?"

Naz stood up from the big hole he smashed when he landed and said, "Finally, are you willing to answer my question! My name is Naz Doragnilu, and I am the Dragon Slayer of Fairy Tail!

I'm looking for Igunilu, the dragon that taught me the magic of slaying dragons! If you know where he is, tell me quickly! "

Kaido was taken aback for a moment and said, "You said, what kind of magic is extinguished?"

It's not to blame Kaiduo for being stunned, after all, no one in this sea knows that his most powerful ability is the blue dragon form of the demon fruit of the Eudemons species. Now the little ghost who didn't know where it came from actually said that he wanted to destroy the dragon. Are you aiming at Lord Kaido?

There is also magic, this is not a fairy tale, how can magic exist!

"Worororo! Kid, are you making me laugh?"

Naz said unconvincedly: "Damn it! I'm serious, tell me where Igunilu is?"

Kaido curled his lips and said: "I don't know about Igunilu. But kid, did you punch Lao Tzu just now? I can assume that you are provoking Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu is a beast Kaido, I don't know. Endure the provocation!"

Naz laughed and said: "Just so, as long as you defeat you, you will be able to say anything. I'm burning!"

Hapi flew to Naz and said, "Naz, do you really want to fight? He seems to be very powerful!"

Nazby gave a thumbs up and said, "Don't worry, if you help me, I won't lose?"

"Aye!" Hobby replied, and flew directly behind Naz and flew him up.


Kaido Long's eyes glared, and he swung his claws and grabbed it.

Habi took Naz to avoid this claw flexibly, and then approached Kaido's body.

"Fire Dragon's Wing Strike!"

Naz carried two **** of flames in his arms, and hit Kaido directly like a fire dragon flapping its wings.

Kaido was convinced that this cherry-haired hanging-eyed kid did have the ability to break through his own scales.

Kaido roared, countless thunder lights wandering in the dark clouds, and then rolled towards Naz and Hobbi in the sky.

Hapi tried his best to lead Naz to dodge from left to right, and then he was not hit by lightning. At this time, a dragon's tail like a small hill has been photographed. One person and one cat are shot and flew out like flies.

Not knowing how many laps in the air, the two finally stopped. Harpy's eyes were full of circles, but he still held Naz and didn't let go.

"Hobby, how are you!" Naz couldn't help but asked anxiously.

"Aye!" Hapi replied feebly, apparently he hadn't regained consciousness yet.

Kaido had swooped down and opened his mouth to one person and one cat.

"In that case!"

Naz also opened his mouth, and in front of him, a red magic circle with a dragon head pattern in the center appeared.

"The roar of the fire dragon!"

Naz directly spit out a huge pillar of fire and hit Kaido's mouth directly. As Naz continued to input magic power, the Pillar of Fire expanded a little further, knowing that it would enclose Kaido's entire head.

After a long time, the flame dissipated, and such a big blue dragon disappeared unexpectedly.

"Boy, your attack is quite hot!"

On the ground in front of Naz, a burly man slowly stood up straight and put his mace on his shoulder.

"Now, try again!"

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