Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 112: Naz the Captured

Kaido would come to the first half of the great route naturally for a reason.

He committed suicide in various ways as usual that day. Suddenly he had a whim, if he jumped from a height of tens of thousands of meters, he might succeed in suicide.

So he turned into a dragon and flew onto the sky island. Coincidentally, the empty island he flew on was where the sanctuary was.

Looking at the magnificent buildings in the sanctuary, how can the countryman Kaido ever see such a magnificent and spectacular sight. In comparison, his ghost island can't even compare to a doghouse.

As a qualified pirate, when you encounter something you like, you will naturally grab it. Kaido did indeed do this, and then he was educated.

According to the camp, he is just the standard chaos and evil, and he is the most hostile person of the saints of the lawful good camp. The twelve golden saints were dispatched together, and directly joined hands to hammer Kaido, who was devastating everywhere.

After all, the Saint Seiya is an existence that can burst stars. Although they have been suppressed when they come to this world, the Golden Saint Seiya has the strength of the general level.

When the twelve went together, Kaido could not eat well, so he had no choice but to hold his head. Headed by Sagittarius Aiolos, Leo Aiori and Capricorn Shura chased him together.

Fortunately, the suppressed Golden Saint Seiya did not have the ability to fly at the speed of light, otherwise Kaido would not be able to run.

Kaido, who was in a panic, went all the way to the first half of the great route, and only then met Naz who had come out to do the task.

Naz asked Hobbi to put him down and face Kaido, who was transformed into a human form.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

With flames entwined in his fist, Naz hit it directly.

Kaido waved his mace like a baseball hoping to knock Naz out directly.

The essence of dragon-killing magic is additional magic. By adding dragon power to humans, humans have the same power as dragons.

The power of the dragon will also transform the body of the dragon slayer, although it will cause the hidden danger of dragon transformation, but it can make the dragon slayer have a terrible body.

So even if Naz was hit by a mace, he just flew out, and didn't suffer any injuries.

"Damn it, it's so strong if you become a human! But it just so happened that I ignited."

"The flames of the fire dragon!"

Naz's hands each burned a ball of flames, and then the flames of both hands united to form a huge fireball. Naz aimed at Kaido, who was striding over, and threw the fireball directly.

Kaido took a little more seriously, the muscles on his arms bulged, and the armed domineering covered the mace from his wrist. A stronger blow than before, directly smashed Naz's flames.

Through the flames, Kaido continued to walk towards Naz. Such a powerful flame only left sparks on Kaido's fur coat.

Facing the demon-like Kaido, Naz did not give in but rushed forward.

"The sword horn of the fire dragon!"

Naz was full of flames, rushing towards Kaido directly like a rocket, and one end was placed on Kaido's chest.

After being hit by Naz, Kaido stopped and even took a step back.

Naz gritted his teeth, knowing that his previous attack did not have any effect, so he immediately launched a series of attacks.

"Fire dragon's claws, inflammation elbows, wing blows, broken teeth!"

All of Naz’s attacks hit Kaido, and Kaido did not evade, as if Naz’s attacks could only tickle him.

"Finally... the roar of the fire dragon!"

Naz turned his head and backed out, put his hand in front of his mouth, and ejected fiery flames through the fiery red magic circle.

With a bang, it was the sound of Kaido stepping, and thick smoke burst out of his body, showing a cruel smile at Naz.

"It doesn't hurt or itchy! Kid."

A lot of domineering aggression caused a fine light of thunder around the mace.

"It's my turn! Thunder gossip!"

Kaido appeared in front of Naz in the blink of an eye, and the mace hit Naz's stomach and knocked him out.

Naz spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, hitting a large piece of wood and then hitting a rock.

"Natz!" Hobby exclaimed and flew directly to the direction where Naz flew out.

"I'm fine!"

Before Hobbi could get to Naz's side, Naz's voice rang.

Looking at Naz who stood up on his knees, Kaido said, "Worororo! Can I still stand up?"

Naz smiled and said, "Of course, I won't be defeated so easily!"

Kaido picked up his mace and laughed: "Little devil, it's too early to speak big words!"

As the voice fell, the domineering color came out. Hobby on one side turned his eyes and fainted.

"what is this!"

For the first time, Naz realized the domineering power of the overlord. Compared with the oppression brought by the powerful magic power, the power of the domineering is more shocking and direct.

Just when Naz's spirit was about to collapse, he seemed to hear a dragon roar.

Kaido's eyes directly turned into dragon-shaped vertical pupils. He seemed to see a fiery red dragon with open wings roaring behind Naz.

"Interesting! Kid, I am fond of you, come and join Lao Tzu!"

Naz stood up amidst the raging flames and looked at Kaido and said, "I am the wizard of Fairy Tail, how can I be your subordinate!"

"This is not something you can decide!" Kaido sneered.

Naz touched both fists and said, "That's it! It won't be a problem to knock you down."

Kaido looked at Naz, not knowing where his confidence came from, and said: "Little devil, you should be at night if you are talking in your sleep! Now follow me obediently!"

With that said, Kaido rushed up, raised the mace in his hand and smashed it down, wanting to directly control Volnaz.

The flame formed two flame blades on Naz's arm, and the flame was like Naz's fighting spirit, as if it would never decline.

"Exterminating Dragon Upanishad·Red Lotus Explosive Flame Blade!"

Naz waved the flame blade, forming a powerful flame storm to Kaido.

"It's useless!"

Kaido's body was covered with dragon scales, not only was the armed look domineering, but even the domineering look was wrapped around the mace.

Naz's Dragon Slayer Upright was actually defeated by Kaido head-on.

Naz gasped, feeling the magic power in his body that was about to bottom out. He decided, betting everything on the last blow.

"Exterminating Dragon Upanishad·Shiranui Type·Red Lotus Phoenix Sword!"

Naz liberated the magic of his whole body, and the flame on his body turned golden. Entangled by this fiery flame, a huge flame sword appeared in the air, piercing directly at Kaido.

Kaido was also excited, more scales appeared on his body, and even the teeth in his mouth became sharp.

"Send to the third world, draw Naraku!"

The mace entwined with black lightning collided with the sword of flame, and an explosion of earth-shaking power occurred!

Kaido frowned, his chest aching faintly, that was where Shura hit the holy sword when he was in the sanctuary.

The small universe of Saint Seiya is the power that crushes everything from the atomic level. Shura's hand knife was made a holy sword because of its extremely powerful sharpness and destructive power.

Although the damage that Shura caused to him is not like the sword wound that Mitian caused to him, it cannot be completely recovered, but it also caused him a lot of trouble in a short period of time.

Especially at such a critical time, it happened again when he shot with all his strength. Under the severe pain, the movements were a little deformed without any preparation for a while.

Naz naturally felt the abnormality, his eyes lit up and all the magical power poured out.

The sword of flame actually pushed Kaido's mace and slashed it heavily on Kaido's chest.

The dragon scales shattered, a new scar appeared, and it gave off a burnt smell.

Naz exclaimed the joy of victory, but he found that after cutting out the wound on Kaido, he could no longer advance!

Kaido smiled cruelly and said, "Boy, what a good thing you did!"

With a punch, Naz, who had run out of magic power, fainted as soon as he rolled his eyes.

He touched the cut on his chest that was cut by Naz, and put him directly on his hand.

Looking at the sky in the distance, Kaido showed an unhappy expression.

"These difficult guys have caught up so quickly!"

With that said, Kaido directly transformed into a dragon form, grabbed Naz with his claws and flew into the sky.

Hobby just sober just saw Kaido grabbing Naz and flying away, but now he can't even move his body, he can't do anything!

"Naz... I will definitely take everyone to rescue you!"

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