Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 113: Lively Wano country

Makarov, the third-generation president of Fairy Tail, looked at Hobby on the bed with a gloomy expression.

"President, you don't have to worry. Hobby didn't suffer any serious injuries, but he was in a coma after all his magic and physical strength were exhausted." Wendy, the Dragon Slayer Slayer, said.

She is best at restoring and assisting magic, and his words also temporarily relieved everyone who was worried.

The girl in the armor frowned and said: "Then the problem now is Naz, I have to save him as soon as possible!"

Makarov was already out of anger, and he could not see his usual impropriety.

"Unexpectedly... It's unforgivable to dare to act on my child!"

"Yes, President, you must let him know how much it will cost to shoot Fairy Tail!" Gray has already started gearing up.

Although Gray and Naz have been fighting, but the bond between them is also deeper. Although he kept saying that Naz was taken away from him, he was not less worried than others.

Mirajan walked in from outside and said, "President, I found out who took Naz!"

Lacusas helped on the railing on the second floor and said, "So who did it? Although Naz is an idiot, no one can defeat him."

Mirajan replied: "The one who captured Naz was a pirate, Kaido, the big pirate who has the title of four emperors in the new world."

"It's... a man to defeat such an enemy!" Elfman said loudly.

Maklov stood on the counter, but he was originally short, like a giant who raised the sky.

"No matter who the other party is, I must pay the price with blood and tears to make my child shed blood and tears."

The eyes of all the members of Fairy Tail are shining! Never give up on the fetters, this is why Fairy Tail can become the most powerful magic guild.

Makarov looked at his children and said directly: "I have already decided. This time I will personally teach the guy who dares to take action against my children."

Milazhen worriedly said: "President, Kaido has a lot of subordinates, you can't handle so many people alone. This time we have to go with you!"

Elisa stepped forward and said: "Yes, this is not your business alone, but all the members of Fairy Tail!"

Makarov looked at the other people moved, this is the guild he led.


Shitian said that he hadn't arranged for Naz to be taken away by Kaido from beginning to end, which was completely coincidental.

He also didn't expect Kaido to be so lucky, he could find the sanctuary by just finding an empty island and committing suicide. The achievement of single-handed twelve golden saints is not so easy to unlock.

What surprised Shitian the most was Kaido's defensive power. After eating Shura's holy sword, Tonghu teacher's Lushan Shenglongba, Aiolos's golden arrow... and so on, he could escape the three golden saints. The pursuit of the fighter can only be said to be the strongest creature!

Shitian picked up the white Haori on one side, and it was time to exercise happily again. Every time a child is beaten up for the reason of tempering, he feels happy physically and mentally.

It is said that it should be Ace's turn today. Although he has made a lot of progress during this period, he is still a long way from reaching the requirements of the day.

But after searching for a long time, I didn't find Ace's shadow.

Facing Margao sitting on the observation deck, Shitian asked loudly: "Hey! Did you see that kid Ace? Didn't he avoid me on purpose?"

Margau touched his head and said, "Don't you know? Ace has gone to the country of Wazuniya. He said he was going to learn how to make a hat and give it to Oz!"

Shitian patted his forehead, and he forgot that there was such a thing.

However, when the original Lies went to the country of Wano, Mitsuki Mita was already dead, and the country of Wano was already under the control of the Black Charcoal Orochi and Kaido.

But now it is different. In addition to the flower capital and the ghost island, other places in the country are controlled by the daimyo.

The Black Charcoal Orochi only had the head of a general, and these heads obeyed the orders of Guangyue Mitian. Although Guangyue Mitian was a simple fool, he wouldn't issue any orders at all.

Now that's all right, Ace will also go to Wano Country to get a foot, and finally Wano Country, which has been calm for a while, will be lively again.


In the country of Wano, Ace crossed the natural dangers and landed on the land of Wano. Although he heard that Guangyue Mitian was once a senior of the Whitebeard Pirates, he did not intend to visit.

Pirates have the rules of pirates, as long as they choose to leave the ship, it means that they have chosen another path. And all the consequences need to be borne by yourself.

When Guangyue Mitian did not choose to return to the Mobile after leaving the Roger Pirates, it meant that he had nothing to do with the Whitebeard Pirates.

This is the rule that the pirate obeys, the rule that transcends emotion. Even people like Baibeard who value their family will not break this rule.

So after Guangyue Mitian's death, Baibeard never mentioned revenge for him. Because it was Mida's own choice.

Ace was walking on the small road in Douli Village. In addition to ordinary villagers, he also saw people wearing special clothes.

It was mentioned in the newspapers about Wano Kuni Ninja, but it was the first time for Ace to see it with his own eyes.

Although I want to fight against ninjas and experience the magical ninjutsu. But Ace didn't forget his purpose of coming to the country of Wano, he began to look for places where he could learn how to make hats.

Although Douli Village was not persecuted by the black charcoal snake in the original work, it was not enough to fill his stomach, Xiaoyu did not have a good impression of Ace because he distributed the food to them.

But just as destined, Xiaoyu, who yearned for overseas adventures, got acquainted with Ace. In this way, Ace stayed in the village of hats and began to learn how to make hats.

Soon after, Kaido, who had escaped the pursuit of the Golden Saint Seiya, returned to the island of ghosts. God knows how he is exhausted these days.

Although the Golden Saint cannot fly at the speed of light like the original, it is not much slower than Kaido. Kaido also took a lot of brains to get rid of the three golden saints.

As soon as he returned to the ghost island, he ordered his men to lock up Naz, who didn't know if it was a coma or asleep.

He was very interested in the power of this kid, and he really couldn't turn Naz into his own, and he must find out the secret of Naz's power.

Just when Naz was locked up in the ghost island, and there was a lot of noise every day, making the whole beast and pirate group restless, the small team composed of the fairy tail elite also came to Wano country.

This time Fairy Tail can be described as the best, and the leader of the team is Makarov, the third-generation president of Fairy Tail.

Then there are all the S-rank wizards Elusa, Mirajan and Lakuthas except Gildas who is performing the mission outside.

There are also two Dragon Slayers, Wendy the Dragon Slayer of the Sky and Gajiro the Iron Slayer of Dragon Slayer. And Gray, who uses ice modeling magic, Jubia, who uses water magic, and Lucy, the celestial wizard.

Of course Milazhen's younger brother Elfman, younger sister Lisana, and Rakuthas' follower Thor trio must have followed.

This lineup, in addition to the entire guild-level war in the original book, is only surpassed in the S-level wizard examination.

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