Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 116: Fight together

Kaido's body cast a shadow, covering both of them.

Kaido looked at Ace, who was on guard, and said, "You are... the kid under Baibeard! What are you doing on Lao Tzu's site?"

Ace said with a cold face: "I'm a free pirate. You can't control where I go."

Ace's words were a bit unreasonable, but as the Four Emperors Pirate Group, Ace must assume a strong posture. Besides, pirates are never a group of people who reason with others.

Kaido dragged his mace and looked down at Ace and said, "Worororo, kid, white beard can't save you here! You have the courage to talk to Lao Tzu like this."

Ace raised his head, Kaido's domineering domineering did not make him succumb, but instead inspired his own domineering domineering.

"Oh! Overlord, kid, do you want to be a king too?" Kaido asked with interest.

Ace looked squarely at Kaido and said, "It will only be the old man who will become the king!"

Kaido frowned and said, "Boring, so you are a boring fellow too!"

Naz yelled unhappily on the side: "Damn it, don't ignore me! Long-horned bastard, where did our president go?"

After leaving the cell, Naz saw Kaido and Makarov fighting. And when Kaido came here, he couldn't help worrying about Makarov's safety.

Kaido looked back at Naz and said, "You mean that old man! Although it is a very troublesome opponent, it was solved by me!"

Naz looked at Kaido with a sharp look: "Impossible, the president will never lose to you!"

Kaido was not interested in explaining either, but just looked at the two of them and said: "It doesn't matter, I have had enough, I will send you and the little ghost from the Baibeard family to see him!"

Flames burned on Ace and said: "It seems that our fight can't go on. Let's defeat this guy together first!"

Naz nodded. Since the last battle with Kaido, he has deeply understood the strength gap between the two. It is impossible for him to beat him if he alone. Teaming up with Ace is the only way out.

Shitian had prepared melon seeds and waited for the show, even if Ace fled to the country of Wano, he did not escape the beating. Although Ace has become much stronger, it is still a lot worse than Kaido.

Even with the help of Naz, it is impossible to defeat Kaido. Fortunately, the ninja of Wazoku is here, so there is no need to worry about Ace's safety.

But time is about to complain about Makarov. In all the royal blood, in order to create a situation where the protagonist can turn the tide, the top powerhouse of the protagonist who can solve the battle will always be banned for various reasons.

For example, the captain of the **** of death, there is no hope of victory if the villain doesn't seal the captain's Zanpaku before they get involved.

But the worst is Makarov. In the early stage, he was used as the ceiling of combat power. Whether it was the Ghost War I, the Monster Tail Civil War, the Battle of Adras, or the battle between Sirius Island and the Devil Heart, he was the first to be targeted offline. , And will not be back online until the end of the battle.

In the later period, his combat effectiveness was no longer the highest class, especially after the Albares Empire led by Jeref himself came on stage, he could only clear away the miscellaneous fish even at the expense of his life.

In this battle with Kaido, when he launched the law of the super magic goblin, Kaido was attacked unexpectedly, using the virus bomb made by Quinn to directly make him lose his combat effectiveness.

If he didn't talk so much before activating the magic, and even introduced Kaido to the power of this magic, maybe the bottom combat power of the Beast Pirate Group has been completely wiped out.

Yu Yuan looked at Makarov who fell in front of him, sighed and lifted him up. I can't say that he is dead, but I should be able to recover when I go back to Tsunadeji.

Ace's fire fist was defeated by Kaido's mace, and Naz, who jumped up, swallowed the defeated flame.

The magic power rose, and Naz directly launched an attack on Kaido.

"The claws of the fire dragon!"

The flames covered Naz's leg, and Kaido grabbed him before he hit. After being swiped by a big windmill, Naz was smashed out.

Ace reached out and grabbed Naz's dragonscale scarf, and pulled him back with his backhand so that Naz rushed towards Kaido with him.


The flame formed two spears in Ace's hands, and they were thrown directly at Kaido as Ace continued to advance.

The flame exploded in front of Kaido, blocking Kaido's sight.

"The sword horn of the fire dragon!"

Naz pierced the flame like a sharp sword, and pierced Kaido's chest.

Kaido's eyes seemed to see a giant dragon with its wings folded and pointed towards him with a sharp horn.

Naz slammed into Kaido's mace and burned a piece of the mace that Kaido didn't know of what material it was made of.

Kaido raised his mace and threw Naz directly into the air.

Ace struck directly from the other direction with a fiery punch, hitting Kaido's side hard.

Kaido just staggered, there was only a little burnt on his body, and he didn't look hurt at all.

Although from Shitian's mouth, he already knew how terrifying the beast Kaido was, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't help being shocked by Kaido's powerful defense.

The black thunder and lightning lit up from the smoke and dust, and Ace could only feel the gust of wind passing by.

The reaction power trained by Ye Yi made his body move on its own, avoiding the blow dangerously and dangerously.

Kaido was a little surprised. He didn't expect that his thunderous gossip like a thunder would be avoided by others.

Ace's heart was pounding in his chest. If he hadn't subconsciously dodged just now, the move just now would have made him lose the ability to fight.

Ace's hand was pressed on the ground, and the ground under Kaido's feet turned red in the blink of an eye, and then a large pillar of fire rose from the ground.

Kaido took two steps back, just to avoid the impact of the pillar of fire. Ace smiled, this move was not released for Kaido.

Naz in midair opened his mouth and ate the energy of the pillar of fire. The state was fully opened, and Naz directly activated his own Dragon Slayer Profound Truth.

"Exterminating Dragon Upanishad·Red Lotus Explosive Flame Blade!"

The sharp blade storm formed by the flame rolled towards Kaido, enclosing Kaido's whole person.

Ace secretly estimated that if he was hit by this move, he would probably not be able to retreat all over. I just don't know if Kaido, the monster, will be defeated.

A long tail cut through the flame storm, and then Kaido, who was transformed into a dragon, walked out through the flames.

The scales of his body were like glass that had just been taken out of the furnace. Not only were they burnt red, but there were also many cracks.

"What can you do! Two little ghosts!"

Kaido let out a puff of black smoke and showed a cruel smile.

Ace opened his mouth and said, "Can I do the same move just now!"

Naz raised his head and swallowed the flame that Ace handed over, and said: "I will accompany you as many times as you want!"

A circle of flames burned around Ace, and a large number of flames gathered in Ace's hand, forming a huge fireball in a blink of an eye. Ace was dragging a sun in his hand.

"Great Yan Jie · Emperor Yan!"

Dragon scales faintly appeared on Naz's face, and a large amount of flames gathered on him.

"Exterminating Dragon Upanishad·Red Lotus Phoenix Sword!"

Kaido was not afraid, black and red lightning flashed on the mace. Not only is the armed color domineering, but the domineering color is also wrapped around it.

"Jung III·Innarok!"

The sun, the sword and the black lightning collided together, and even the ground was shattered and pushed out under the aftermath of the blow.

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