Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 117: Whitebeard and Makarov

Kaido pulled his feet from the ground and strode forward to Ace and Naz who fell on the ground.

The strength gap between the two sides lay there, even if the two teamed up and tried their best to defeat Kaido.

Kaido raised his mace and smashed it at Ace's head. As for the consequences of killing Baibeard's son, he has already forgotten him, and now he just wants this kid who provokes himself to pay the price.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed, Kaido's mace was cut off.

To deal with the unconscious Ace, Kaido did not wrap domineering on the mace, so he was directly cut off under the jade seeking to decompose all things.

The black object flew back behind Yuyuan and turned into a small ball floating there.

Yu Yuan looked at Kaiduo and said, "Give me face!"

Kaido dropped half of his mace and said, "It's you! Why, do you ninjas also point fingers at Lao Tzu?"

Yu Yuan shook his head and said, "I have no interest in what you are going to do, but these two people can't die here."

Kaido's eyes were completely turned into vertical pupils of reptiles, and a terrifying murderous aura was released from them.

"What if I must execute these two little ghosts?"

Yu Yuan touched his chin and said, "It seems we still have to fight!"

Looking at Naz and Ace who fell on the ground, Yu Yuan said, "It looks like we have to change the battlefield!"

"The Imperial Palace of Heaven!"

As Yu Yuan spoke, Kaido and Yu Yuan who rushed over all disappeared in place.

After a long time, cracks appeared in the air, and then cracked like glass. Yuyuan and Kaido returned to the place.

Both of them were a little embarrassed, even if this ninja clone mastered the most powerful force in the ninja world, it was only a close match with Kaido.

This **** world will suppress, if according to Naruto World's performance, Yu Yuan would have crushed Kaiduo long ago.

For example, in the Heavenly Imperial Palace released by Yu Yuan, no one except the caster or the owner of the special pupil technique could escape that special space. But now it has suffered too much damage and it has been destroyed directly.

And Kaido has indeed become stronger compared to a dozen years ago, and is completely at the same level as Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara. If it weren't for the fact that a large number of invasion points were invested in this creature from time to time, it might have been surpassed by Kaido.

Yu Yuan moved his shoulders and said: "If you continue, there will be no results. Do you want to entangle again?"

Kaido said with a sullen face: "Just let these two little ghosts go this time, but don't let me meet them on the island of ghosts again!"

Yu Yuan waved his hand, completely disregarding Kaido's threat, grabbed Ace and Naz who were lying on the ground and flew into the sky.

Kaido frowned as he watched Yu Yuan flying higher and higher.

This guy who looks like a kid could only help Senjujujuma and Uchiha Madara on the battlefield more than ten years ago, and now he can tie himself.

In this way, the ninja would have three powerhouses of the same level as him, and it would be impossible to dominate the country of Wano in this way.

Kaido feels that it is really too difficult to realize his ambitions!

All the members of Fairy Tail retreated safely, and there was no loss except a few minor injuries. Only the devastated ghost island and the incompetent furious Kaido are left.

Everyone in Fairy Tail went to Jiuli to rest. The first thing to do is to treat Makarov and Naz.

The ninja that Quinn hates most is Tsunade, because no matter how many viruses he develops, Tsunade can formulate an antidote in a short time. In this regard, the thousand-generation mother-in-law of Shayin Village feels the same.

Makarov's poison was quickly removed and he recovered quickly. Naz also had the power of the dragon in his body, and he became energetic after sleeping.

Speaking of it, it was because of Ace that Mita would let them rest in his own jurisdiction.

Although I have left the White Beard Pirates, I still have to take care of the younger generation! That's what Mida said, and by the way, he also provided medicine and food to Ace's friend, the fairy tail group.

Ace was also curious about the man who also served as the captain of the second division of the White Beard Pirates, and after getting along, he also understood why Mi Tian could become the captain.

Mida did have a special charm, and after a fight, Ace also knew how powerful this man was.

However, Ace also knew why the second division players would have so many complaints about the former captain! This man... is hard to say.

Ace's hat has also learned the same, and it's time to return to the Whitebeard Pirates. Just as Fairy Tail was about to leave, Ace took a downwind boat.

Ace didn't expect that Naz, who was always alive and well, would instantly turn into a pile of piles on the deck the moment he stepped on the boat.

The blue kitten regained its vitality, and said helplessly, "Naz can't do anything with all the means of transportation! It's really a headache."

It was the first time Ace had heard of this kind of thing, but seeing Naz's weak body only smiled bitterly.

During this time, Ace also met everyone in Fairy Tail. For example, the strongest person on the ship is the old man who was conspired by Kaido, who is still the president of Fairy Tail.

Below him are three S-rank wizards. I heard that there is another person with the same strength as the guild leader, but he did not participate in this operation.

What he was surprised was that Naz's strength was not the so-called S-rank magician. There were so many powerful forces in the first half of a great route.

From them, he also knew the existence of magic and why Naz could eat his flames.

In this regard, he can only sigh that the sea is too wide.

In addition, the fairy tail can come to Wano country so quickly from the first half of the new world thanks to the...ship under her feet?

This is Kristina, the magic airship that Makarov had borrowed from the Cyan Pegasus Guild to save his face. It is this airship that allows everyone from Fairy Tail to cross the natural dangers and come to the country of peace.

It was the same when leaving, the magic airship left Wano Country directly from the air. Following the guidance of the life paper in Ace's hand, head towards the White Beard Pirates team.

Soon, Ace saw the white beard's banner.

On the excuse of entertaining new friends, Baibeard held a grand banquet.

Whether it is the pirate of the White Beard Pirate Group or the wizard of Fairy Tail, they all like lively characters, so the atmosphere of the banquet quickly heats up.

White Beard took the wine glass and looked at Naz who was performing the fire-breathing, and said, "What a good boy!"

Makarov's cheeks were flushed, and he smiled and said, "Your family is pretty good too!"

The two flattered each other, then both blushed and touched a cup. The two people are alike in many ways, so they quickly found a common language.

All in all, you praise me is nothing, as long as you praise my family we are good friends.

The banquet lasted for two days, and the reluctant Makarov left with a fairy tail.

Shitian looked at Christina, who was going away, until she couldn't see it at all. Eri Yi held up the writing board with a look of displeasure.

"Is Shitian fascinated by white-haired women?"

When Shi Tian had a black line, what happened to him when he met his favorite character. Besides, how can the pure eyes of Mirazhen be described as fascinating!

Don't overdo Shitian and ignore Eriyi's writing board. Eriya immediately jumped and kept putting the clipboard in front of Shitian.

Seeing the two playing and making trouble, everyone laughed.

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