Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 128: The two protagonists who met in Propulsion City

Shitian asked Ichigo Kurosaki to advance the city to save people, mainly because he was familiar with this business.

In the original book, Kurosaki Ichigo has done more than once to rescue people from the enemy's base. Whether it is saving Kuchiki Rukia in Seorei-tei or saving Inoue Orihime in Netheriya Palace, Kurosaki Ichigo has shown his powerful protagonist aura.

With the help of Urahara Kisuke Black Technology, Kurosaki Ichigo, Chato Taihu, Ishida Uryu, and Inoue Orihime successfully sneaked into the gate of the advance castle. Just as everyone had a headache how to enter Pushing City, the door opened by itself.

Of course, this is not to advance the city to welcome them in, but a warship in the distance opens up, and the gate is opened for the people on the warship.

Although they didn't know who was on the warship, the group hurriedly seized the opportunity to sneak into Propulsion City through the opened gate.

What they didn't know was that Qiwuhai, the female emperor of the Nine Snakes, Boya Hancock was on board this warship. And the reason why she came to Propulsion City was naturally because of Luffy mixed in the ship.

Luffy, who was shot by a bear and flew to Daughter's Island, got the heart of the Pirate Empress like the original. On Daughters Island, he also got the news that Ace was about to be executed.

It just so happened that the navy called all Qiwuhai for the war. How could Hancock refuse Luffy's request, so he took him into Propulsion City.

As a pirate recognized by the government, Qiwuhai still has the privilege to enter the city. But she didn't know that because of him, another group of people had also entered Advance City.

Kurosaki Ichigo and his group hid in the corner, Urahara Kisuke poked his head out, but immediately retracted.

"There are agencies and surveillance phone bugs everywhere here, no wonder it's a fortress that has never been invaded."

Kisuke Urahara took out several cloaks and said, "Everyone puts on this, and as long as you input Reiatsu, you can achieve the effect of invisibility."

Everyone took the cloak and hid their tracks according to Urahara Kisuke's instructions. In this way, even if everyone swaggered past under the surveillance phone bug, they were not found.

But everyone found that they still underestimated the world's largest prison. It is not only densely covered with institutions, but also the terrain is very complicated. Without a map, everyone went around a large circle and couldn't find the right way.

Kisuke Urahara stopped and said, "It won't work like this. We must find someone who is familiar with here to lead us."

Ishida Yulong pushed his glasses and said, "Is there someone to look for, jailer? The jailer here doesn't seem to help us easily."

Just as everyone hesitated, they discovered that the first layer of red lotus **** was beginning to riot.

A group of people actually saw Brugrie, who was holding a weapon, chasing two people.

Brugge is a special creature with a huge body, the upper part is light blue, the lower part is dark blue, and the head is a skull.

Regardless of his chubby figure, he has the ability to hunt and kill sea kings, and he is even called a sea fighter. Therefore, they are the strongest guards of this red lotus hell.

And the two people chased by a group of Brugrie, one of them was wearing a prison uniform with a red nose, and it was Bucky the Clown. And the other person is wearing a straw hat, who else could be if it wasn't Luffy.

Just when Lu Fei entered the red lotus hell, Bucky happened to have his own escape plan.

Because Bucky has been active in the East China Sea, the bounty is not high. So after being caught, he was just locked into the red lotus **** of lv1. Even when he was deliberately hiding, the guards didn't know that he was a Devil Fruit capable person, and he didn't even bring the Hailou stone handcuffs.

So Bucky seized the opportunity and managed to escape from the cage. But he was discovered by the surveillance phone bug before he had gone far, so he was chased by the jailers.

In the process of fleeing, he met Luffy. This may also be the role of the protagonist's halo. Luffy was also anxious that he could not find Ace, and Bucky, who was familiar with the road, was sent to him.

And Kurosaki Ichigo's protagonist halo also played a role, and he met Luffy so quickly in the huge Guren Hell.

Although Kurosaki Ichigo does not know Luffy and Bucky, the prison uniform on Bucky is still very obvious. He quickly realized that someone who could lead the crowd had appeared.

"Crescent Moon... Heavenly Chong!"

Kurosaki Ichigo slashed it out, directly beheading Brugri who was chasing the two!

"Who are you?" Luffy asked, looking at the people wearing cloaks.

Kurosaki Ichigo carried the huge Zan Yue, and said, "My name is Kurosaki Ichigo. We want to go down to save people. Do you want to cooperate?"

Luffy smiled and said: "You have to save people too!"

Kisuke Urahara said: "I know, you are Essang's younger brother! I heard him mention you, so you should come to save him too!"

"Do you know Ace?" Luffy said in surprise.

Kisuke Urahara nodded and said, "We are a companion in a boat for the time being. We came here to save him and other companions this time."

Bucky jumped to the front and said, "This is not the time to talk about this kind of thing. The guards are coming after him."

As soon as the voice fell, the footsteps rang, and it was obvious that the guards were catching up. Everyone hurriedly followed Bucky and ran to the passage he said.

The Red Lotus Hell has such a name because there are sword trees with sword-like branches and sharp needles growing on the ground.

The jailers and poisonous spiders will drive away the prisoners here, causing them to be scratched by sword trees and pierced by needles, causing them to suffer immense pain.

Bucky's passage is the vent in the sword tree and needle grass. The straight up and down vents allow people to directly enter the next floor.

Luffy is riding Bucky, and the Grim Reapers also have the ability to ride in the air. Therefore, he passed through the red lotus **** unscathed, which made all the prisoners heard.

Enter the next level of beast hell, where various beasts as strange as they have suffered nuclear pollution have brought incomparable fear to the prisoners.

These beasts are very powerful, and everyone has spent a lot of effort. Especially the boss Sphinx, Kisuke Urahara personally played to solve it.

But at the same time, many prisoners held here were rescued. With the help of these prisoners to contain the jailer who came up, the group successfully entered the next level of hunger hell.

But everyone's good fortune also ended here, because someone escaped from prison, the defense mechanism of the entire advance city began to operate. An encircling circle gradually formed.

Advance the city lv4, scorching hell. This is where the warden's office is located, and the current warden is Magellan the Poisonous Fruit Ability.

Because he believes in fighting poison with poison, he often takes poison. So I have diarrhea for ten hours a day. After eliminating sleep and eating time, he only has four hours of work a day.

But even so, he is also a reliable man at the critical moment in his subordinates.

At this time, he was fascinated by Hancock's beauty and said everything.

"Fire Fist Ace, he's not locked in Advance City?"

The Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel, who was in charge of taking Hancock to the navy headquarters, couldn't help but said: "What's going on? The fire fist is not locked in Advance City. Why don't I know this news."

Magellan opened the mouth and said: "I have never taken over Firefist Ace on my side. In the Infinite Hell, only the Captain of the Fourth Division of the White Beard Pirate Group, Saatchi."

Flying Squirrel realized that this might be the arrangement of the Warring States, but he didn't expect the Warring States to be so cautious. Even the defense forces advancing the city didn't trust it.

Moreover, it was declared that Ai Siguan was in Advance City, even as a lieutenant general, he did not know the truth. It can be seen how much the Warring States period attaches importance to this war.

Hancock on the side showed a worried expression. Luffy's ultimate goal was to rescue Ace, but he didn't expect Ace to be locked in Push City.

"Luffy, you must be safe!"

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