Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 129: Kisuke Urahara vs Magellan

"Super, Bucky!"

As Bucky threw a small red ball, the power exploded as if a large number of explosions had occurred.

The ground of the hunger **** was directly shattered, causing everyone to fall directly to the fourth layer of the scorching hell.

Bucky's move caused everyone to escape from the encirclement of hunger hell. And stepping on the broken ground, everyone avoided falling into the lava of the scorching **** and being directly burned to death.

But this does not mean that it is safe here, on the contrary, it may be the most dangerous place to advance in the city. Just because of a man, the real ruler of this advance city-advance city warden Magellan.

Kisuke Urahara stopped and looked seriously in the other direction.

"Eighty One of Bound Dao, Shun Kong!"

A transparent wall appeared, and a large cloud of purple liquid hit it, and then flowed onto the ground.

Magellan's face was full of purple venom, and she looked at the group of people gloomily.

"Are you the rats that invaded Propulsion City?"

As the supreme officer in charge of guarding the advance city, the advance city, which has never been invaded in history, is now experiencing such a big turmoil. This is definitely his gaffe.

In order to make up for this gaffe, he had to directly execute these intruders.

Urahara Kisuke pulled his fisherman's hat and said to the people behind him: "You go ahead first! He will leave it to me. It is important to rescue Ace and Saqi."

Luffy nodded and said, "Then please uncle, I will definitely rescue Ace and his companions."

Compared to Luffy, Kurosaki Ichigo doesn't worry about Urahara Kisuke at all. Because he knows how unfathomable this man who hangs out on weekdays is unfathomable.

When He Shitian was learning how to master the blur, Urahara Kisuke was also the target of training him. Even when he mastered the blur, he never really beat Urahara Kisuke once.

When Yukhabach attacked Seireitei, he listed Urahara Kisuke as one of the five special combat powers because he didn't know how many methods he hid.

Magellan could also vaguely feel the difficulty of his opponent, so he had to let others leave. They couldn't escape from Pushing City anyway.

"Poison Cloud!"

The purple mist spread, covering Kisuke Urahara.

Kisuke Urahara looked at the poisonous mist, which was obviously dangerous, and said, "Speaking of which, I've seen such a move before."

Magellan's move has the same effect as the current 12th division captain Nicouli's Zanpaku Knife-the ability to kill Ksitigarbha.

Unfortunately, people who are cursed by knowledge like Urahara Kisuke generally make targeted preparations for the moves they have seen. Whether the master of the move is an enemy or a friend.

For details, please consult the designer of the anti-XX armor next door.

Kisuke Urahara took out a fist-sized ball and threw it out. The sphere floats in the air, and then the surface cracks, exposing the internal structure.

The poisonous mist seemed to be dragged by something and sucked into the sphere.

Magellan also knew that his moves had been cracked, and he didn't use these little tricks to test.

"Poison Channel!"

Magellan stepped on the channel formed by the purple venom and slid directly in front of Kisuke Urahara. The dragon formed by the venom came out of his back, biting Urahara Kisuke fiercely.

"Bloom, Hong Ji!"

The shield of blood glow opened in front of Kisuke Urahara, and a large number of red arrows shot out, shooting the venomous dragon into riddles. The venom splashed all over, but fortunately, it was all blocked by the shield of blood.

Magellan snorted coldly, and two more poisonous dragons emerged from his body, biting towards Urahara Kisuke from other directions.

Magellan is very confident that his poison is a mixed type of poison, as long as he encounters it, if there is no special antidote, there is no reason to be spared.

This time the poisonous dragon successfully bit Urahara Kisuke, but Urahara Kisuke deflated like a punctured balloon.

"Ahhhh! It's dangerous, I was almost killed!" In the other direction, Kisuke Urahara grinned.

Magellan turned around and looked at Kisuke Urahara, his eyes full of caution: "Let's lie, you can hide easily!"

Urahara Kisuke put away his smile, and stared at Magellan. Subsequently, the two rushed to each other in the same place.

Magellan's slap was wrapped in venom, and he patted Urahara Kisuke directly. With his ability, he doesn't need much power at all, as long as he touches the enemy, he wins.

Kisuke Urahara naturally wouldn't let him touch him, and cast Shunbu directly to hide.

"Tether it, Hong Ji!"

Reiatsu turned into a large black net and enveloped Magellan. The distance was so close that Magellan could not escape the falling Rei-pressure net.

Urahara Kisuke inserted the Zanpaku Knife into the black Reinforcement Net, and a large number of black spheres began to expand on the Reinforcement Net.

"Play with fire, Hong Ji!"

The explosion exploded beside Magellan, and a large amount of flames almost enveloped Magellan.

At this moment, Urahara Kisuke slowly said the name of his move.

"Number of beads!"

Kisuke Urahara's move made a successful hit, but he didn't feel relaxed, but instead used Shunbu to retreat.

As soon as Urahara Kisuke left, a large amount of venom fell on where he stood.

Magellan stepped out of the flames, all traces of the explosion left on her body.

"Poison Puffer!"

Magellan opened his mouth and sprayed a lot of venom at Kisuke Urahara.

"Blood Cloud Shield!"

Urahara Kisuke opened the red six-sided shield to block the venom sprayed to him. On both sides and above, the poisonous dragon rushed over again.

The three-headed poisonous dragon bit Urahara Kisuke together, but only a cloak was torn apart.

Given the relationship between Urahara Kisuke and Yoichi, Sora Cicada's trick was naturally learned. It was this trick just now that allowed him to escape the poisonous dragon's attack.

"A mouse that invades and advances the city, will you just run?" Magellan mocked.

Kisuke Urahara didn't care about it. "My goal is not to defeat you anyway. As long as we save the person we want to save, it will be our victory."

Magellan stared his eyes and said: "Don't think about it! This is the **** to punish all sinners, and I won't let anyone escape from here!"

"Who knows!" Urahara Kisuke said with a hand.

Magellan stepped forward, and a large group of venom poured out from behind him, gradually forming a huge venom giant behind him.

"Poison Giant Soldier·Hell's Judgement!"

The venom giant is different from the purple venom he used before, it releases bright red poison. This poison is not only a living thing, even the ground is eroded by this terrible poison.

Kisuke Urahara stepped back several steps, avoiding the violent poison that had eroded.

"It seems that I have to be more serious too!"

A huge woman with long hair in a classic bun, sleeveless kimono and puppet-like limbs and joints appeared behind Urahara Kisuke.

"Swastika, Avalokitesvara opens Hongji to change!"

Urahara Kisuke said: "My swastika, the ability is to transform everything within the scope of the ability at will...including your terrible poison!"


With the help of the Ladyboy King Ambrio Ivankov, everyone finally reached the bottom floor of the underwater prison.

lv6, infinite hell.

The detainees here were once legends on the sea, and some of them were even wiped out by the navy. But here, there is no presence of Ace.

Kurosaki Ichi rescued Saatchi and Jinpei, as if remembering something, he took out a phone worm.

"Yeah! Are the losers who are locked up in the advance city still energetic? After being locked up for so long, you must have accumulated enough anger to burn everything! Now there is a chance, how about it, do you want to make a big fuss at the navy headquarters? field.

If you want to do it, just follow along! "


In the deep sea, the phone worm was slowly put down from time to time. Looking at the sea getting closer and closer, the war is about to begin.

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