Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 130: The war begins

"Ace, say your father's name!" Warring States said in an almost icy tone.

Ace lowered his head and replied, "My father, it's Whitebeard!"


"It will only be a white beard, no one else!"

The Warring States period solemnly said: "At that time, we tried all the hard work to find the island because we heard that the blood of that man was still there.

Based on CP's intelligence and that little possibility, we investigated all newborn children, children who are about to be born, and their mothers. But in the end there was still nothing.

It is no wonder that your mother was born in exchange for her life. It can be said to be the product of her exhausting efforts. This has been concealed from our eyes, and it can be said to have deceived the whole world.

On an island called Batllila in the South China Sea, your mother, a woman named Portgas D. Lujiu, has used her perseverance far beyond our imagination to protect her children for 20 months. Time to give birth to you. At the same time she gave birth to you, she was exhausted and died.

So one year and three months after your father's death, the child who inherited the most evil blood in the sea was born, and that was you.

You can't help but know that your father... is Goldo Roger! "

At this time, everyone who cared about the war heard the words of the Warring States through the video phone worm, and the sea immediately boiled.

The One-Piece King who pushed the era of the Great Pirate with one hand had blood, and this news made everyone calm.

For One Piece, many people worship him. But more people resented him, including those who were defeated by him and lost their dreams, and ordinary people who suffered because of the great pirate era.

Even if Ace couldn't see it, he could feel everyone on the sea looking at him with all kinds of eyes. He seemed to hear countless voices cursing, cursing the sinful blood in him.

Suddenly, a sentence from the memory echoed in my mind.

"I said Ace, what kind of blood is compared to the heart?"

Ace raised his head and looked at the resentful eyes of the navy in the audience, and couldn't help feeling that it was not so unacceptable.

The Warring States Period looked at Ace and said, "About two years ago, when you used your mother's surname and started to ride on the sea, we finally realized that...Roger's blood was not cut off.

However, the white beard who discovered this at the same time as us, in order to train you as the next One Piece, hesitate to bring the son of the enemy to his own ship to train. "

Ace finally moved and said loudly, "No, it is White Beard who wants to become One Piece!"

Warring States coldly said: "You are the only one who thinks this way! We haven't taken any action against you all the time because White Beard has been protecting you.

But with your qualifications, if you let you grow up, sooner or later you will stand at the culmination of the great pirate era. So taking your head off here today is of great significance. Even this turned into a full-scale war with White Beard. "

Instead, Ace calmed down and looked at Warring States with a funny look. The Warring States, which had been cold, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"The culmination of the Pirate Age? Me?" Ace couldn't help laughing.

Warring States frowned and said: "What are you laughing at?"

Ace raised his head and said to him: "Do you really think I can stand on top? There are many people more qualified than me!"

The Warring States period was taken aback, and then opened the topic: "No matter what, your bloodline of sin must be removed."

The statement of the Warring States to everyone is mixed, and it is an unquestionable fact that Ace is in Roger's blood. But the last one is irrational.

Although Ace has been very eye-catching since he went to sea, it was nothing compared to the monster on the same boat with him.

But the Warring States period must make this sentence justified, because even the navy has many different opinions on starting this war. In order to allow everyone to participate in the war wholeheartedly, the Warring States had to say so.

Regardless of the facts, Sengoku's words still make all navies determined to win the war.

Just as 100,000 navies were fighting against the enemy, a large number of pirate ships appeared outside the navy headquarters.

"Tour Knight Thomas, Leiqing Magujay, Dikalban brothers... Skuyard, the Great Vortex Spider!"

"These guys are big pirates who dominate the New World!"

"Quickly confirm where the white beard is!"

"A total of forty-three new world pirate groups, except Whitebeard and his captains!"

"But these people are undoubtedly the pirates under the banner of Whitebeard."

Facing the large force of forty-three pirate ships, the navy couldn't help but panic.

"What to do? Do it now?"

"Wait, Whitebeard must be nearby. Watch the sea closely, he must have something to try."

The navy officers finally calmed down their soldiers.

Suddenly a strange voice sounded, and everyone was wondering where the voice came from, but the Warring States period showed a surprised expression.

"No way!"

Just as the Warring States period had imagined, the crescent-shaped terrain of Marin Vandor surrounded the inner sea and poured out a large number of bubbles.

"The ship of the White Beard Pirate Group is coated with a film and is entering the headquarters from the bottom of the sea!"

Listening to the report of the courier, everyone's expressions became gloomy. Baibeard's entry into Marin Vando in such an unexpected way really caught the Navy by surprise.

Apart from other things, at least the fifty warships that were arranged outside were completely useless.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn...!

The sound of weapons striking the ship's board seemed to be heard all over the square in Malin Vandor. It was the white beard leaning on the naginata to clump the clouds and walk step by step to the bow of the Moby Dick.

"Goo la la la la la! We haven't seen you in decades? Warring States! How is my beloved son?"

"Father?!" Ace could not suppress his feelings, and shouted out loud.

"Obviously it's my own opinion, I don't listen to everyone's advice...!"

"Ace!" Shitian stood beside White Beard and interrupted Ace loudly.

"We are family members! Don't say these things if they are family members. Besides, you are going to chase Tickey but it's father's order. Isn't it, father?"

White Beard laughed and said, "Gum la la la la la! That's right, it was my order."

Margau also smiled and said: "I heard it too, it was indeed the old man who asked you to do it."

Shitian drew out his Zhanpakuknife and said, "So, Ace, don't cry, just smile and wait for a while! We will rescue you right away."

White Beard laughed proudly. This is his family, a family who can bear everything together.

White Beard cut Cong Yun to one side, clenching his fists and hammering them in the air. Like breaking a piece of glass, a large number of fragments spread out from under his fist.

As an old opponent, Warring States instantly recognized the white beard's moves.


The earth-shattering explosion occurred in the distance, and the impact of the explosion directly rolled up the sea.

"Don't let your guard down. If you relax a little bit in front of this man, we may be the one who welcomes the end. Because that man...has the ability to destroy the world!"

With the shock of Baibeard's move, the prelude to the war on the top was opened.

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