Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 133: Ran into, Straw Hat Luffy

"That's... One Piece King Goldo Roger!"

Although the eyes of Roger, who was reincarnated from the dirty soil, turned black, there were suspicious cracks on his face. But such an iconic appearance made people recognize him for the first time.

But what the elderly Navy looked at was the man next to him with a flamboyant haircut and a fierce expression.

Locks D. Gibek, captain of the Locks Pirates. Back then, Lockes was almost one step short of being able to dominate the sea, which was a navy nightmare of that era.

It is precisely because of this that Karp, who smashed this nightmare with his fist, will become a navy hero. And now this nightmare has appeared again.

In comparison, big pirates like Golden Lion Shiji, Silver Axe, Captain John and Wang Zhi are nothing.

Karp turned his head and looked at Zhan Guodao: "Do you know what you did?"

Although Karp knew that Sengoku and a ninja named Oshemaru cooperated, he said it could increase the combat effectiveness of the navy. But he really didn't expect that the so-called combat power turned out to be Lockes.

The Warring States Period firmly said: "In order to win the war, even the use of the devil is not hesitating. Moreover, he is not our nightmare now, but the white beard."

Shitian also took it, and Dashewan is indeed a tomb robber. Roger's burial place is not difficult to find, but the entire island in the Valley of Gods has sunk into the sea. How did he get Lockes' body tissue?

It is undeniable that the entire battlefield was shocked by these people who walked out of the coffin. Through the live broadcast, the entire sea was also in shock.

Kaido of Ghost Island and BIGMOM of Cake Island had the same reaction, and they even jumped up directly.

"That is, Captain Locks!"

In the Chambord Islands, Raleigh directly smashed the wine glass, looking at the familiar smiling face in the image of the phone worm and lost his senses.

The red-haired Shanks also stared at the image projected by the phone bug, his face full of nostalgia.

The Golden Lion glanced at the battlefield and showed a cruel smile. He now looks exactly like he was when he was young, and he didn't wear the rudder on his head.

"Then let me say hello first!"

As his hand pressed to the ground, the square shook.

"Lion Power · Dijuan!"

A huge rock in the shape of a lion's head was drilled out of the ground. Not only the pirates, but many people in the Navy were also affected, and they were directly knocked out by the rock lions. .

Warring States frowned, and said to the phone, "Oshewan, you'd better control this guy as soon as possible."

The phone worm came out of the voice of Dashewan: "Who do you think these are, if it weren't for Mr. Begapunk's help, they would have been out of control a long time ago."

But Mr. Begapunk is really a genius, and he can help control these monsters by controlling brain signals! "

"Enough, I don't want to hear this!" The Warring States interrupted.

"I see, I will try my best."


The Golden Lion is about to let the Rock Lion rush down and bury the Navy and the White Beard Pirates. Suddenly the movement stopped, and the whole person stopped.

"Hahahaha! Are you under control? What a shame, Skee!" Roger laughed presumptuously.

The golden lion said coldly: "Shut up, don't forget that you are in the same situation!"

Lockes closed his eyes, as if he had tried something, before opening his eyes for a long time and said: "The ability of the kid is really weird now. This kind of restraining power is really not easy to break free."

Roger suddenly drew out his saber, but said: "Are you controlling me this time? Little ghosts of the White Beard Pirates, be careful, I'm about to attack."

The rebirth of the dirty soil will greatly reduce the ability of a person, but Roger's attack in this state is not so easy to block.

A few captains of the White Beard Pirates Group flew out with just one knife.

There was a sound of torn air from the sky, and Roger looked up. Whitebeard had crossed the entire battlefield and came above him, and Cong Yunche cut it down directly.

At this moment, Roger broke away temporarily from the control of Da She Wan. Domineering wrapped around the blade, turning the blade into pitch black.

This scene is just like on the New World island many years ago, the difference is that the two knives really collide together.

The people around were unlucky, and the storm-like impact caused by the collision between the two directly swept them all out.

Except for the great pirates who reincarnated from the filthy soil like Lockes, the old **** could stay in place, but this place was emptied.

"Gum la la la la la! You have become a lot weaker, Roger."

"Ahahahaha! It's the same with you, Newgate."

After the separation, the two looked at each other, they were obviously enemies, but they seemed to have a deep friendship.

"Also, it's been a long time since I saw you, you guys, and the captain!" Baibeard turned his head and looked at the others.

"Newgate, you look very arrogant." Lockes said with a sullen smile.

Silver Axe and Captain John directly rushed forward, and the double-edged large axe and double knives slashed towards the white beard.

With a bang, their attack was directly blocked. Naturally, Shitian blocked their attack.

"Although you are seniors who are on the same boat as Dad, you can't let you hurt Dad."

Silver Axe and Captain John retreated at the same time, facing the young kid on the white beard ship.

Suddenly, there was a loud roar in the sky.


The man fell from the sky like a shooting star onto the battlefield, then revealed his excited face.

"You appear in front of me again! Come on, fight with me again."

Although wearing a prison uniform, Barrett is still the descendant of the devil. Especially seeing Roger, the suppressed irritability in his heart seemed to be released in an instant.

"Yeah! It's you, Barrett. It's been a long time since I saw you."

Shitian looked at Barrett, who was wearing a prison uniform, and couldn't help narrowing his eyes. Since Barrett is here, it means that both Luffy and Kurosaki Ichigo have come to the battlefield from Propulsion City.


The sound of ghost crying and wolf howling sounded from the sky, and an overturned ship fell from the sky. And that voice was made by the boy wearing a straw hat.

Straw Hat Luffy, officially chaos into the top war.

"Those are big pirates who are locked up in Pushing City, how could they appear here."

"Look, it was the capture of Judicial Island and the attack of the Flying Dragon Man Pirate Straw Hat Luffy."

"And Krokdal and Jinpei of the former Qiwuhai."

"What the **** is going on? Why are these people here?"

Warring States turned his head and glanced at Karp, Karp dug his nostrils, as if it was nothing to do with me.

"That's... Captain Roger!" Bucky was so frightened that his whole body split apart. It was truly split.

Because the nearby navy had been blown away by the aftermath of Roger and Baibeard's fight, Luffy came directly to Baibeard's side.

"This uncle, you are so familiar!" Luffy said to Roger.

Roger looked at the straw hat on Luffy's head and was taken aback for a moment: "So Shanks entrusted it to you?"

Luffy pressed his straw hat and said, "Uncle, who are you? Do you also know Shanks?"

Roger laughed loudly: "What a funny kid!"

Covering your face every day, is this the natural stupidity that Karp cultivates? Really convinced.

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