Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 134: The arrival of reinforcements, the dancing Shura on the battlefield

Shi Tian and Baibeard stood together, facing Roger and Locks who stood side by side.

Although these great pirates of the last era were not able to reach the strength of their heyday because of their dirty soil. But they are not so easy to deal with.

And Shitian also discovered that there were not many prisoners in the infinite **** who followed Luffy to the battlefield.

Only Barrett had a loud enough name. Of course, there are also several other great pirates who once powerfully shook the sea, but they didn't even mention their names in the original work. Shitian would not recognize them if he had not been in Pirate World for more than 20 years.

It seems that the few big pirates who followed White Beard did not appear. I want to follow the white beard, these people are also ambitious guys. It would be difficult to judge their position if they came.

Shitian was even more worried about what Roger said just now.

The white beard is getting weaker!

Shitian's eyes can naturally see this, but this shouldn't be! Ever since the white beard showed signs of illness, Tian has been using Huidao to help him recuperate his body.

Even the decline in strength due to aging would not be so serious, not to mention that pure gold was later found. It stands to reason that he should maintain considerable combat effectiveness!

But now it is indeed not suitable to ask each other, it is the most important thing to solve the battle in front of him.

Barrett is obviously not a person who can hold his temper. After seeing Roger, how could he take other things to heart.

"Roger, now is the time for me to surpass you and prove that I am the strongest!"

The pitch-black dominance covered Barrett's fist and hammered directly at Roger.

Roger held the knife sideways, he was smashed by Barrett and took a short step back and then smiled: "Barrett, although I don't know how long it has been, you are still the same!"

The white-bearded Cong Yunche was blocked by Lockes' long knife, and the powerful shock force attached to it seemed to have no effect at all.

There is a restraint relationship between the power of the devil fruit and the domineering, as long as the domineering is strong enough, it can offset the fruit's ability.

Obviously, the domineering power of Lockes, the once overlord of the sea, can even offset the fruit-shaking ability of Whitebeard.

Lockes grinned: "Yo, Newgate, have you inherited my ambition?"

Baibeard stepped forward, and the fist that shattered the air slammed out and hit Lockes' long knife severely.

"Ambition or something, what I want is never that kind of thing!" Baibeard replied.

"You've always been so naive! That's why I am more optimistic about the kid Kaido!" Locks said mockingly.

"Shoot him, sharp gun."

A sword light flashed, and the blade directly penetrated Locks' chest.

It's a pity that Lockes is a reincarnated body from the dirty soil, which is fatal to ordinary people, but it has no effect on him.

Shitian looked at the former maritime overlord and said coldly: "Who are you insulting? Take back what I said just now!"

Lockes laughed instead: "I didn't expect Newgate's men to be a bit spine. But kid, you are too arrogant!"

The domineering and domineering, as if the domineering domineering that is about to overthrow the entire sea surging out of Lockes.

So far, red-haired Shanks has the strongest domineering look when he encounters an overlord. But even he couldn't match the domineering power possessed by this real overlord.

Overbearing domineering is a power of belief, because belief cannot be exercised, so in general, overbearing domineering cannot be strengthened through exercise.

However, in some cases, people's beliefs will increase instantly.

So at this time, White Beard stood up and burst into an unprecedented domineering look. This kind of domineering look even surpassed his peak time.

White Beard broke through himself while protecting his most cherished family.

Shitian squeezed the blade tightly, and the longer sharp spear swept out, knocking Wang Zhi, Yinaxe and Captain John all flying.

This battlefield has become a restricted area for others almost in the blink of an eye. The aftermath of Roger and Barrett's fight alone was beyond the reach of ordinary navy or pirates.

Not to mention the more dynamic Whitebeard and Locks.

Shitian had a headache. Although these powerhouses reincarnated from the filthy soil were no longer in full strength, they could not be solved in a moment. In this way, there is no way to reach Ace from the punishment platform.

As for Luffy, he is the weakest one on this battlefield. Faced with the Golden Lion who had been defeated by him, he would have been killed if it hadn't been for Shitian's help.

Now he is deeply aware of his weakness and how miraculous it was that he was able to defeat the Golden Lion at that time.

A special induction came, and Shitian finally showed a relaxed smile.

"Finally here, the first wave of reinforcements!"

A black cavity opened in the sky. Four figures jumped out of it.

"Bai Xiaoji, I'm here to help you!"

Mitian took two famous swords and fell from the sky, just beside Baibeard.

"Mita, why are you here?" Baibeard asked, panting.

Mitian replied, "We are brothers!"

Brothers can explain everything in one word, so White Beard smiled very happily on the battlefield.

Yuyuan looked at Uchiha Madara next to him and said, "Then as I said before, let me see your prosperous strength!"

"You don't need to say it!"

Uchiha Madara responded with Uchiha Tsundere, and then rushed directly onto the battlefield.

Senjuzuzuma, wearing the same plate armor as Uchiha Madara, looked at Yuyuan and said, "How do you feel that you are suddenly excited."

Yu Yuan opened the mouth and said: "This is a rare famous scene, I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

Qianshouzhu felt confused, Shitian didn't mean to explain to him. It's kind of loneliness that no one caters to it when playing stalks!

Uchiha Madara landed on the battlefield, a pair of writing wheels spinning back and forth. Grabbing the navy's wrist that he wanted to slash towards him, Uchiha Madara directly squeezed the navy's wrist with force.

Reaching out to take the knife he had fallen, Uchiha Madara slammed a fan-shaped knife light. A lot of blood was sprayed from the three navies, and Uchiha Madara had already come to another direction.

Kicked a navy, Uchiha Madara broke the arm of the other navy with his backhand, and then broke his neck with a knife.

Using only the same physical skills, Uchiha Madara also broke into the navy like Shura.

Uchiha Madara grabbed a navy's wrist and threw him directly to other navies, and directly knocked down other navies.

Taking a handful of katana, Uchiha Madara directly killed several navies on the way.

"Dodge all!"

A navy colonel with a long sword rushed over, and he could see that his swordsmanship was well organized, at least he was also a swordsman.

Wielding his saber, the navy colonel launched a continuous slash at Uchiha Madara.

"Come! Here!" Yu Yuan couldn't help but get excited as he watched this scene.

Uchiha Madara's body flickered slightly, avoiding all the slashes of the colonel.

Uchiha Madara's writing wheel opened his eyes, and the colonel's movement of holding the knife stopped, and the whole person seemed to be under control.

Reaching out to pinch the colonel's neck, Uchiha Madara raised him directly.

"Do you want to dance too?"

Sure enough, Uchiha Madara without this line is incomplete. Shitian thought so.

"Don't get close to him, everyone aims at him and fires!"

Finally someone realized the huge gap between Uchiha Madara in physical skills, and shouted to remind others.

All the people with the muskets reacted immediately and pointed their guns at Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara smiled contemptuously and said, "Don't think these toys are useful to me!"

With that said, he erected the seal of noon.

"Fire escape, extinguish the fire!"

Madara Uchiha exhaled hot flames, and rushed towards the navy who pointed the gun at him with an aura covering all the enemies.

The fiery flames burned the navy soldiers into an army, but suddenly several artillery shells fell beside Uchiha Madara, and the smoke that produced him covered him.

Another cannonball flew over, but a huge blue transparent blade protruded from the smoke, which directly cut all the cannonballs and exploded.

The smoke cleared, and Uchiha Madara, who was standing inside the transparent bust giant, hugged his shoulders and scanned the cowering navy with disdain.

Ninja Shura, terrifying.

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