Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 136: The arrival of reinforcements, sorcerers

A black rod appeared in Yu Yuan's hand and directly inserted into the golden lion. In the face of rebirth from the filthy soil, many tricks have no effect.

Sealing is a choice, but you can think about it and know that these people will not be honestly sealed. And seeking Taoist jade is undoubtedly a better way.

Qiu Dao Jade is a product derived from Chakra to the extreme, so it has the ability to decompose all ninjutsu. Even the weird ninjutsu such as the reincarnated filthy land is no exception.

"Lion Chikiya!"

The golden lion retreated into the air, wielding two famous knives, and launched countless slashes at Yu Yuan.

Numerous slashes were reflected in Yu Yuan's white pupils. The black rod in Yu Yuan's hand suddenly grew longer and spun in his hand.

Slash hit the black rod and was knocked off one after another, and Yu Yuan also rushed into the golden lion's side.

The black rod and two big sharp knives continuously collided, and Yu Yuan actually suppressed the golden lion to the ground.

Wang Zhi is a man with a long beard. Because the prototype is Wang Zhi, the great pirate of the Ming Dynasty, he wears a Chinese-style armor.

He looked at the golden lion being suppressed and couldn't help but laughed: "Ski, I didn't expect you to be so embarrassed!"

The golden lion can clearly perceive the dangerous aura of the black stick in Yu Yuan's hand, so it is inevitable that he is somewhat restrained. Hearing Wang Zhi's ridicule at this time, his anger surged.

"Wang Zhi, you fellow! Damn it, if this inexplicable body didn't make me use my full strength, how could I be suppressed by such a kid."

Yu Yuan looked at Luffy on one side and said: "Little devil, what are you in a daze? Don't save Ace now!"

Lu Fei suddenly realized that he rushed directly to the execution platform.

The expression on Wang Zhi's face changed, and he moved with his huge sword. It can be seen that his actions are definitely not his own will.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

How could Yu Yuan let him get in the way of Luffy and directly used the pupil technique on Wang Zhi.

Wang Zhi's body was drawn in front of Yu Yuan by the strong gravitational force, and the black stick in Yu Yuan's other hand had already pierced over.


A slash flew over, and the target was Yu Yuan. He waved the black stick to block the golden lion's slash.

Wang Zhi also took this opportunity to control his body and swung his huge sword towards Yu Yuan.

Another black rod appeared from his hand, just blocking Wang Zhi's huge sword. Shi Tian looked at the golden lion and Wang Zhi in front of him, and he was indeed a little stressed.

But it didn't matter, because at least Luffy had already gone to Ace's. Karp is the only one guarding the execution stage now.

To say who is most likely to break through Karp's defense on the battlefield, it is Luffy. Even White Beard could not match him on this point.

Shitian is much better here. His opponent is the Great Pirate's Silver Axe. His domineering attainments are not low, even in the state of rebirth, he is a top powerhouse. So the battle may not end soon.

Not only Shitian himself, but the entire battlefield is now in a stalemate.

Qi Wuhai was bitten by Akatsuki, and the elite lieutenants also fought hard with several death captains.

Barrett pestered Roger. Although it was obvious that he couldn't help him, Roger didn't mean to knock him down.

Mitsutsu Mida and Captain John are both second-hand, and they have already hit the distance. Whitebeard and King Locks were against the king, and they didn't seem to be able to resolve the battle anytime soon.

Akinu went early to block Uchiha Madara who was killing all around on the battlefield. Facing a top powerhouse like Aka Inu, Uchiha Madara also put away his playful mentality and took a little serious.

Suddenly, a weird shadow passed by from the ground and stopped in the middle of the battlefield.

"I'm burning up!" As soon as the young Yingfa left the enchanted airship in the air, he immediately regained his spirit.

With a flaming fist smashed into a navy, the young man said loudly: "Ace, we're here to save you!"

Following him, several figures also fell to the center of the battlefield.

"ICEMAKE Lancers!"

A large number of ice spears shot out from the magic array between Gray's hands, and directly knocked out a group of navy.

"Iron Dragon Sword!"

Jajiru's arm turned into a sharp iron sword, and he directly slashed the navy's musket.

"I'll treat everyone."

Wendy came to a wounded pirate and put her shiny hands on him. The scars on his body began to recover magically.

There was a lot of thunder shining around Lacusas, and ordinary navy could not even get close to him.

"Dress up, armor of the sky wheel!"

The steel armor covered Elisa's body, and the wings spread out behind her like a sword. Countless sharp swords hovered beside her, being manipulated to shoot at the navy.

Sharp knife marks appeared in the air, blocking all the sharp swords that Elisa shot out.

In the navy headquarters, the general alternate Taotu Gion held the famous sword Jinpilu in front of Elisa.

"Female swordsman? I am very interested. It seems to be a good opponent." Elisa smiled, her armor turned into a dazzling light.

When the light dissipated, Elisa's armor was gone, her upper body was wrapped in bandages, and her lower body was a red bloomer with yellow flames.

At this time, she was holding a long knife in each of her hands.

The two female swordsmen glanced at each other, and they all felt like they were facing each other.

Lieutenant General Crane looked at Mirazhen, who was flapping her wings in the sky, and said: "It's a terrible and evil power, little girl, let me clean it for you!"

After Milazhen received the Soul of Satan, even her personality was not as gentle as usual.

"Old lady! If you can do it, please give it a try."

"Darkness rushes!"

The purple-black magic circle opened in Mirazhen's hands, and the black demon energy surged out toward the crane.

Crane made a trembling posture after washing clothes, and the dark torrent that rushed towards her was instantly purified and disintegrated into the air.

Mirajan clicked her tongue, and stronger demonic energy began to gather in her hand.

A huge fist fell from the sky and hammered directly at Locks. The strange thing is that the owner of this huge fist is a small old man.

"Newgate, I'm here to help you!"

While saying this, Makarov directly plunged into the battle between the two.

Lockes stepped back and looked at the two old but imposing guys in front of him.

"Interesting, the sea is really interesting now! Come on, Newgate, let me see more!" Lockes laughed wildly, and the blade in his hand even flashed black and red electric light.

The ability of the white beard's naginata to shake the fruit condensed on it, and Makarov became a giant with muscular knots.

The wizards from Fairy Tail formally participate in the top war.

Shitian vaguely perceives that the system weakens or strengthens the rules of visitors from other worlds.

The top powerhouses of other worlds will be the top when they come to this world. For example, the strongest player in the world of Monster Tail is the black dragon Akunorokia who came to this world and would be of Roger's level.

And a strong like Kildas will be at the same level as a general.

Therefore, the average strength of the wizards of Fairy Tail is also at the rank of lieutenant general.

So many new forces joined the battlefield and immediately changed the situation of the war.

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