Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 137: The climax of the war, Akatsuki vs. Qiwuhai

Qiwuhai accepted the mandatory call of the navy to participate in the war on the top. But they couldn't defeat a pirate on the battlefield.

Because their enemy is Akatsuki, Akatsuki who hasn't escaped the system.

"Parasitic line!"

Doflamingo flexed his fingers, trying to control the short fat man who didn't know how many weapons were hidden in front of him.

But I didn't expect to be able to move when my fingers were half-bent, as if something was competing with me for control.

He also controlled my strong-willed enemies before, but it felt completely different from now.

"You also use thread!" Scorpion hid in Fei Liuhu, somewhat unexpectedly.

As a puppet master, the use of chakra threads to manipulate puppets is the basis. Encountering an enemy who also uses thread, the scorpion also got some interest.

"Brother Scorpion, you're so slow, quickly solve it!" Deidara said loudly, sitting on the back of the clay giant bird.

"Long-winded! Take care of yourself!" Scorpion replied unceremoniously.

The blue veins on Doflamingo's forehead protruded and said, "fufufufu! I was really underestimated!"

"Five-color line!"

Doflamingo's five fingers pulled out five threads that were sharper than a blade, and directly cut off the scorpion tail mechanism sticking out of Fei Liuhu's back.

"Foot shaved thread!"

The thread protruding from Doflamingo's feet cut the ground directly and drew it toward Fei Liuhu.

Although the material used to make Fei Liuhu was special, it was cut straight and neatly after failing to stop Doflamingo's attack.

The beautiful red-haired boy stood up from the broken Fei Liu Hu, and looked at Doflamingo with a pair of cold eyes.

"So that thing is just a boring puppet!" Doflamingo laughed.

Scorpion looked up at Doflamingo and said, "Are you insulting my art?"

With that, he opened a scroll with three written on it. Amidst the iron sand in the sky, a lifelike doll appeared in mid-air. Vaguely, Doflamingo could see a few faintly radiating threads connected to the fingers of the doll and the boy.

At this moment, a white thing fell from the sky.

The explosion, an explosion far beyond Doflamingo's imagination, happened above his head. If it hadn't been for Doflamingo to believe his instinct and create a wire shield to block the unknown object, he might be seriously injured.

Before he could catch his breath, the sharp spear made of iron sand had already pierced. As a last resort, he could only hide out.

Doflamingo wanted to let out a birdcage, because the guy flying on his head was too annoying, and it was really difficult to match the opponent who also used the line.

But he knew that this was Marin Vando, if he was the first to release the birdcage, the Navy would not let him go.

Moria on the other side was almost driven crazy by the undead duo. He has never seen such a wild way of fighting, even if he is not afraid of death, there must be a limit!

"Shadow horn gun!"

A large number of small bats flew out from the shadows, gathered together to form a sharp cone, and directly pierced the flying section that was coming over.

The flying section did not dodge, and the shadow gun directly penetrated his abdomen. In other words, the others had already screamed, but Fei Duan showed a sickly happy expression.

The red mask on Jiao Du's body protruded, and a large amount of flame was sprayed at Moria.

"Huo Dun, work hard!"

But Moriah, who was entangled in flames, turned into a black shadow, directly dissipating in the air.

In the distance, Moria left a drop of cold sweat on her forehead. Just now, he used the trick of the Shadow Warrior to avoid when the flames were present.

"Come out! My army of zombies!"

Under Moria's dancing and dancing, many fallen people on the battlefield stood up. Like zombies, they pounced at the corners and flying segments.

Fei Duan said with a disgusting expression: "These guys are completely ineligible to be sacrifices to Lord Cthulhu."

Jiao Du said: "Forget it, the reward for this mission is very generous, it's nothing to trouble you!"

With that, the thunder and wind masks also came out of their sleeves, the creeping black thread twisted them into a ball, and launched their own compound ninjutsu at the zombie group.

Moriah's shadow reserve was lost by Luffy on the horror three-masted sailing ship, so the zombies made this time have no decent combat effectiveness. Under the compound ninjutsu of Kakuto, it turned into ashes instantly.

At this time, Feiduan also jumped to Moria's side, and the weird sickle in his hand swung towards his body. As long as Moriah's blood is collected, he can activate the secret technique to directly sacrifice this weird man to Lord Cthulhu.

But he swung down his sickle, and suddenly there was a person who was exactly the same size as him but was completely dark in front of Moria.

This person blocked the fly section's sickle for him, and Moria's voice came from behind him.

"Shadow Mage!"

The Shadow Mage who had been slashed by the sickle suddenly broke apart, turning into countless little bats and began to bite at the flying section.

Where did Feiduan care about this, carrying a sickle and continuing to rush up.

"Shadow Box!"

The four flying little bats gathered together and shut the entire flying section into a black box.

Moria stepped forward and punched the shadow box directly.

The shadow box then collapsed, revealing the flying section in it. Feidan's body was as if it had been hit by a sledgehammer, with weird distortions everywhere.

However, there was no painful expression in the flying section, and the body just moved, abruptly returning the misplaced arm to its original shape.

And the long thorn in his hand was intermittent, dripping blood.

Hancock looked at the four people in front of him proudly. Although he didn't intend to really help the navy fight, but these men in front of him dare to stand in front of him like this!

"Captive Arrow!"

Hancock kissed his hand, a pink heart appeared in his hand, and he pulled a bow on the heart as he pulled a bow, and countless small pink arrows with heart-shaped arrows shot at the four people.

"Water escape, water front wall!"

The dried persimmon ghost shark created a wall of water in front of everyone, trying to block Hancock's attack. But Uchiha Itachi reminded: "Be careful, this woman's attack is not easy!"

As Itachi said, Hancock's attack was not an ordinary physical attack. The little pink arrow passed directly through the water wall.

Had it not been for Uchiha's warning in advance, the dried persimmon ghost shark had already turned into a stone statue. Uchiha Itachi frowned slightly when he looked at the part of Susano Nouga who had turned into a stone statue.

He also wandered in the sea for a long time, naturally knowing that the power of the devil fruit is strange. He was just thinking about the weakness of Hancock's fruit ability.

Hancock placed his hands in the shape of a heart and aimed at the four people.

"Sweet and sweet wind!"

It seemed that a pink aura appeared beside her, and the heart-shaped light spread out.

Akatsuki has always done a good job of collecting intelligence, and he naturally understands the abilities of people like Hancock. And all four of them are ninjas who have undergone rigorous training. When Hancock made a move, he hurriedly diverted his attention not to be fascinated by her charm.

The dried persimmon and the loquat Juzo are getting more and more difficult, but Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha take the soil, but nothing seems to happen.

"Cut, this woman would never want to shake Sasuke/Rin's position in my heart!" Uchiha Itachi/Uchiha Daido thought so.

It turns out that sweet fruits have no effect on Uchiha's neurosis.

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