Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 139: The climax of the war, the captains of Seireitei

Heavenly Way Payne and the silent bear stared at each other.

In a sense, bears are no different from puppets. The two are very alike.

The bear raised his hands, and the sound of the spring compressed and bounced. The air is compressed by the elastic force between the bear's hands, so a large ball of air is directly compressed into the size of a fist.

"Bear Impact!"

The air mass in the shape of a bear's paw flies towards Heavenly Penn, although it is just an attack method formed by ordinary air compression, but the power of the bear's impact is definitely far more powerful than the cannon on a warship.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The impact and the repulsive force collided together, and even the ground was lifted by the huge force.

Mihawk and Gengmujian swung their swords at each other. He and Shi Tian are old rivals, and there is still an unfinished duel between the two.

He had also seen this man following Shi Tian, ​​but he only knew how terrible this man was when he really fought against him.

Before Mihawk once commented that Sauron's swordsmanship was ferocious, but he only knew what was truly ferocious in Guanmu Jianba.

At any rate, Sauron also received Koshiro's teachings from the Yixin Dojo since he was a child. Although he later embarked on his own path of Shura, he still had the foundation for swordsmanship.

But even Mu Jianba was fighting all the way to the position of the captain of the eleventh division on Liuhun Street. Although he had received the teaching of kendo in Seireitei, for him, fighting like a beast had become an instinct.

The two knives collided, and even Mu Jianba laughed in excitement as he felt the astonishing sharpness on the eagle eye black knives.

The black knife slashed through Gengmu Jianba's chest, and blood burst out directly from the wound. Mengki Kenpachi didn't care about his wounds at all, and swung the broken Zanpaku Sword with his backhand.

Mihawk stepped back, avoiding Gengmu Jianba's slash. His eyes, as sharp as a falcon, were already solemn.

"What a terrible beast!" he exclaimed.

Gengmu Jianba wiped the blood on his chest and waved to Mihawk: "What's the matter, continue our fight!"

As he said, the ground under his feet cracked, and the Zanpaku knife slashed towards Mihawk's head.

Mihawk leaned across the black sword, holding Gengmu Jianba's sword, and then swiped it out with a single rotation of his body.

The bell tied to Mengmu Jianba's hair fell on the ground and made a crisp sound. Just now Gengmu Jianba had a short body subconsciously, avoiding Mihawk's slash.

The iceberg frozen by the green pheasant behind Gengmu Jianba suddenly split into two, and fell into the sea with a loud noise.

With a twist of his wrist, Mihawk pulled the black knife in his hand and cut out again. But this knife was blocked by Gengmu Jianba with the Zanpo Dao.

The two blades rubbed together a string of sparks, making Gengmu Jianba's face more like an evil spirit. The serrated blade slashed across the black knife and slashed hard towards Mihawk's neck.

Mihawk slid the blade and blocked the blade of Gengmu Jianba with a cross-like blade. But the tremendous power still made him take a step back.

Afterwards, Kendaki Kenpachi waved the knife in his hand even more violently, and the attack fell on Mihawk like a violent storm.

But Mihawk was not passively beaten. Facing even more wooden swordsman's attack, he still used the same powerful slash.

"Baboon Cannon!"

Something like the bones of a giant snake opened its mouth, red spiritual pressure gathered in its mouth, and all the navy blocking in front of it was knocked off.

The cherry blossoms blew past Akari Renji, and all the navy that touched these petals showed a lot of wounds.

Kuchiki Byakuya waved his hand, and another group of cherry blossoms rushed in another direction. All the navy that wanted to attack Kuchiki Byakuya from this direction fell down like a thousand swords.

Kuchiki Byakuya's mission is to protect the Moby Dick. With his Zanpaku Sakura Senbonzakura's ability, it is impossible for these navies to overstep the thunder pond.

The black armored giant stood on the ice, slashing with a big knife in his hand, and directly cut off a corner of the harbor.

Although his opponent is also a lieutenant general, the strength of these giants is definitely not as good as Karp, and even elite lieutenants such as flying squirrels are slightly inferior.

It can only be said that the innate advantage of the giant race is too strong. Even if the overall strength is not strong, the size and strength are enough.

But now they are facing opponents who are about the same size as them or even surpass them.

Even if Oz was besieged by the three giants, they suppressed them. The other giant lieutenants were also dragged by the Zhanpaku Sword from the left formation of the village.

A flash of blood flashed across his shoulder, and the left front of the village looked at the wound. It was the place where the black armor giant was injured by the axe of Vice Admiral Longz just now.

Because he has a strong link with his Zan Po Dao, all the injuries suffered by the Black Rope Heavenly Scourge Ming King will be fed back to him.

How do you say the strength of these giant lieutenants? Lonz's full blow left only such a wound.

In exchange, he himself was chopped down by the Black Rope Heavenly Scourge King Ming.

Although the appearance of Yumura Zuojin in the original book is a bit embarrassing, the highlight moments in the back are still in exchange for completely turning into a beast.

But who was the one who killed him? It was Ai Ran Soyousuke. For others, do you really think that the black armor covering King Ming's body is just decoration?

Compared with these two relaxed captains, Hisugaya Toushiro is much harder.

Matsumoto Ranju waved the gray cat that turned into tiny dust, and repelled all the navy that rushed towards him, and even had free time to look up at the battlefield above.

Hisugaya Toshiro has already been smashed into a big red lotus ice wheel pill, and the wings formed by the frost are flying in the air with him.

"Ice Cube·Storm Pheasant's Mouth!"

"Birds and icicles!"

Icicles flew out like a flock of birds and collided with the giant bird formed by frost. The broken ice was scattered in the air like fireworks.

"Ice Saber!"

A saber made of ice appeared in the green pheasant's hand, and it collided with the blade in Dong Shilang's hand.

"Dragon shot frame!"

A cross-shaped ice cube was released from the tip of Dong Shilang's knife, and the green pheasant was frozen in the ice cube.

The cross ice cube fell to the ground and shattered. It stands to reason that the enemies enclosed in the ice cube would be smashed together.

But this time, the pheasant that was sealed in the ice was naturally frozen fruit, and his body was originally ice. Naturally, it will not be broken because of the ice.

"Freezing Time Capsule!"

Dong Shilang flapped his wings behind him, avoiding the freezing energy emitted by the green pheasant.

The hand of the green pheasant turned into ice cubes, and five icicles shot out from the hand. Just hit the opponent to seal him in the puck.

"Edged Ice Array!"

As Dong Shilang swung the Zanpei Knife, an ice wall condensed in front of him.

The icicle shot from the green pheasant's hand was connected to the ice wall, and it was directly frozen into a whole.

The second ice flower behind Dong Shilang has completely withered, and a petal of the third ice flower is also broken.

The green pheasant glanced at Dong Shirou and said, "It looks like the flowers behind you represent what, is it the time you are in your current state? Then it seems that you have to hurry up, brother."

Dong Shi Lang is also very helpless, if he can, he really wants to change opponents with others. The green pheasant's ability made most of his moves useless.

Dong Shi Lang looked back at the cracking ice flower, and can only pin his hopes on the completed Big Red Lotus Ice Wheel Pill!

The other battlefield seemed much more harmonious, but the confrontation between the two uncles was equally fierce.

After avoiding a flash, Jingle Chunshui opened his mouth and said, "I said, Brother Flash, don't be so serious. How nice it would be for us to stay friendly for a while!"

Huang Yuan said in the same lazy tone: "Be considerate, do I have a stand? If I am too foolish, I can't explain it to the above."

Jingle Chunshui waved his hand and said, "I understand, since this is the case, I have to be a little more serious."

"The flower wind is chaotic, the flower **** screams, the sky is chaotic, the demon sneers, the flower is crazy."

One long and one short two-handled knives turned into a wide chopping knife, and Jingle Chunshui came directly to the top of Huang Yuan.

As one of the most optimistic students of Shigekuni Yamamoto, Moto Ryusai, the captain of the team, Kyōraku Chunshui has a very high level of attainment.

At this time, appearing above the yellow ape even the yellow ape did not react.


Jingle Chunshui slashed it down, slashing directly on the light long sword in Huang Yuan's hand.

"Sky Cong Yunjian!"

To Huang Yuan's surprise, Jingle Chunshui's sword was so powerful that it cut off his Heavenly Cloud Sword directly.

Although Huang Yuan's Sky Cloud Sword was only made up of light, it was impossible to cut it even with the slash of the Great Swordsman.

Jingle Chunshui smiled and said, "In this game, the taller person wins."

"Step on high, children's games are so terrible!"

Huang Yuan turned into light and appeared directly above Jingle Chunshui's head.

"Have you discovered the rules so soon? What a keen guy!"

Swinging a knife to block Huang Yuan’s kicked leg, even if it was just an ordinary attack, Jingle Chunshui was shot down to the ground.

"Shadow Ghost!"

Jingle Chunshui sank into the shadow of the ground, and was already behind Huang Yuan when he reappeared.

Huang Yuan's whole body turned into a light spot and dissipated in the air, just avoiding Jingle Chunshui's attack.

"Pull the shadow!" Huang Yuan reappeared on the side and said: "I have played this kind of game."

Jingle Chunshui helped his hats and said, "That's just right, let me play with me for a while!"

Fushiro Ukitake coughed, as weak as he had recovered from a serious illness at home.

Kuchaki Rukia stood beside him with a white Zanpaku knife and said, "Captain, I still don't understand that you have nothing to come here."

In the 13th team of the Gotei, Ukitake Shiro is notoriously frail and sickly. The affairs of the team must be handled by the deputy captain. This time I will come to the battlefield, I have to say that it is very puzzling.

Standing on the Moby Dick, Ukitake Shiro scanned the entire battlefield and said, "This is a war, and the opponent may have used a lot of tactics. Maybe the captain thinks I am more sensitive in this regard!"

Seeing that the navy began to form a formation in a planned way, Ukitake Shiro said: "And the fact is indeed the case. Tell others, the navy really moved."

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