Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 140: The end of the legend

At the execution stage, Luffy rushed towards Ace on the execution stage on a ladder made by Imazuna, the fruit-cutting ability person.

"No matter what, I must rescue Ace! Grandpa, run away!"

With that, Luffy waved his fist at Karp who was blocking him.

Karp's head is full of young Luffy's voice calling him grandfather, and it's all time spent with Luffy and Ace.

As a result, the naval hero Kapu who was able to fight Roger, the Pirate King, was defeated!

Luffy, who had surpassed all obstacles, came to Ace.

"Ace, I'm here to save you!" Luffy said with a smirk.

Ace shed tears, but said in a nonchalant manner: "You idiot, didn't I tell you to leave as soon as possible?"

Luffy took Ace and jumped directly from the execution platform. He had seen Mr3's position on the battlefield just now. To untie Ace's handcuffs, he still needs Mr3's help.

"The executed prisoner has escaped!"

"Get them back quickly."


The movement on the execution platform immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone's reaction was different.

"Kapu, bastard!"

The Sengoku who had failed their expectations couldn't help but exclaimed angrily. But he was entangled in the front of the Senjujutsu, and he couldn't get out at all.

"That young man looks familiar!"

Roger is the only one who cares about the situation here. No matter how Barrett attacks, Roger can easily block him.

And he naturally noticed Ace who was taken away by Luffy, but because he had been in the coffin before, he didn't hear the announcement of the Warring States Period. And he himself was a natural daze, and he had never noticed that it was his son who was on the execution stage.

Barrett wouldn't explain to him either, this time even the fruit power was used.

Crane avoided Mirazhen’s attack and took out a phone bug from his arms and said: "Everyone, start acting according to the plan!"

The navies stationed on the periphery of the military port abandoned their opponents and began to disperse in other directions.

It was precisely because the defense of the entrance became weak that all the main forces of the pirates entered the square.

After a special gun sound, the topography of the navy headquarters began to change rapidly. A thick wall was raised on the periphery, seemingly trying to keep all the pirates inside.

Looking at the dense artillery on the wall, one can imagine what kind of damage this trap will cause to the people inside.

Shitian blocked the silver axe and kicked him out.

"Little Oz, Ace has been rescued. Go and destroy the navy trap!"

Little Oz defeated the two giant lieutenants and said: "I understand!"

With that said, he didn't care about these giant lieutenants, and ran directly to the edge of the rising wall.

I don't know what these walls are made of, but Oz slashed it down and failed to destroy it. Little Oz looked at the rising wall, gritted his teeth, and stepped directly on the rising wall.

The weight of Little Oz's entire body was pushed up, and a section of the fence that had been raised was directly pushed back. Although other walls directly encased the battlefield, they left a gap in the end.

If this kind of mechanism is fully raised and locked, it will be no different from a real wall. But before that, the power of the mechanism was not enough to beat giants like Oz.

The white beard smiled and said, "Gum la la la la! Little ones, our goal has been achieved, everyone is ready to retreat, and we are back to the new world."


The Sengoku and Senshouzhu distanced themselves, and shouted: "Everyone, stop the Whitebeard Pirates with all your strength. Now is the time to eliminate the evil and carry out justice!"

Shi Tian was also tired of fighting against the opponent who was reincarnated from the dirty soil, and it didn't make much sense to continue to fight against such an opponent who couldn't be defeated no matter what.

"Everything in the world is ashes, and the blades are like fire!"

Shitian was like a fire, and the fiery flame burned on him, making his whole person like a dazzling sun.

"Burn the city!"

The flame broke through the ground, forming a flame wall to block the silver axe that was about to rush up. The wall of flames continued to extend, blocking other people who reincarnated from the dirty soil behind the wall.

"Father, we should go now!"

Yu Yuan and Makarov both retreated. As for Barrett, he and Roger were playing happily. Shitian didn't expect him to listen to advice and leave.

But the white beard slid the naginata and did not move.

Seeing that the white beard did not move, Shi Tian was also a little anxious, and said, "Father, what are you waiting for? It's time to go back to the new world with everyone."

Baibeard waved his hand and said, "You leave! This is the end of my voyage!"

"What silly thing are you talking about, of course you have to leave together!"

Baibeard put the naginata aside, stretched out his hand to unlock his wristband and threw it aside. Shitian was surprised to find that there was no pure gold in it.

Baibeard said: "I'm so sorry, although it was a gift from you, I still threw that thing into the sea."

Shi Tian calmed down and asked, "Why is this?"

Baibeard raised his head and his eyes were distant and authentic: "Idiot son, there is an unchanging law of separation in this sea, and we always have to separate.

me! Want to be a qualified father. A qualified father wants to let the children go their own way.

So, let me end my own voyage here. Shitian, I believe you, you have grown into a qualified pirate and parent. It's also time for your time. "

"Stop kidding!" Shitian yelled out.

"What my time, I never thought of that kind of thing. Are you going to leave us all behind?"

"Enough!" White Beard's tone was very firm, and then said: "Shitian, take your brothers and friends out of here, I will always look at the new era that belongs to you."

"I am the remnant party of the old age, and there is no ship that can carry me in the new age!"

Shitian gritted his teeth and said: "What kind of remnant party of the era, this kind of boring thing doesn't matter. If I can't get back on the boat with you, what face do I have to face everyone!"

"I've decided!" The muscles on the white beard's arm bulged, and the fruit-shaking power formed a halo on the fist.

The air and the ground were torn apart by powerful forces, and a crack almost divided the entire battlefield into two.

"This is my captain's order and my father's last request."

"Father!" Ace's handcuffs had been opened, and when he saw the white beard standing alone on the side, he couldn't help yelling and rushing over.

Shitian reached out and grabbed Ace's shoulder. Ace raised his head, but couldn't see Shitian's expression clearly.

"Ace, Dad has already said so. As sons, we only need to look at the back of Dad fighting!"

Lockes slashed open the wall of fire with a long knife, and came to the white beard against the flames.

"If you are dead, don't make trouble for the living!"

The white beard lifted the naginata and directly blocked Lockes' attack.

The double-edged axe flew from a distance, leaving a deep scar on the shoulder of the white beard. Silver Axe and Captain John rushed over and attacked White Beard.

As soon as Naginata turned, the white beard blocked the attack of the two of them, and kicked them out when he lifted his foot.

Lockes looked at the two flying upside down, disdainfully said: "Sure enough, you are all useless rubbish! Get out, don't intervene in my battle!"

Silver Axe and Captain John did not dare to refute, and turned their sights on Shi Tian and others on the other side of the crack.

Baibeard seemed to raise his hand to grab something, and his fingers were deeply caught in the air. As the white beard pulled hard, the entire space seemed to be turned over.

Looking at the people who were tumbling and throwing them out, the white beard said boldly: "Hey, la la la la! You old guys, just stay here with me! Don't hinder the young people from going out to sea!"

Lockes rushed forward, with a domineering red lightning wrapped around him.

"Is this your realization, Newgate!"

"That's right, Captain Locks."

The two weapons collided, and the turbulent domineering almost separated the entire sky.

Ace knelt on the ground, tears streaming down her face.

Shitian loudly said: "Don't cry, Ace, are you underestimating your father's consciousness? Even if you are sad, you still have to watch me carefully, and then you will try your best to become stronger with your father's expectations."

Baibeard also heard Shitian's words, smiled with relief, and said to Locks: "Goo la la la la! Captain Locks, see it! This is the family that makes me proud."

"Are you teaching me? Newgate." Locks's domineering body was even more fierce.

"Let me tell you that only strength in this sea is the truth."

The blade pierced White Beard's chest, and White Beard directly hit Locks's blade with a punch on Locks' chest.

"Then Captain Locks, let me tell you what is truly powerful."

There were cracks like spider webs in the air, and Locks' body was also torn apart by the powerful force.

Although the undead body can be obtained after reincarnating from the dirty soil, the strength of the body cannot be compared to the original one.

Just like Uchiha Madara, his longing for alive body is more than just the feeling of blood boiling during the battle. More importantly, both the control of the body and the strength of the body are worlds apart.

If Lockes' own body was directly attacked by the white beard, he would suffer some injuries at most. But this body was directly shattered.

The fine dust flew back to Locks' body, gradually returning to its original appearance.

Lockes moved his palm and made a cut.

"It's really a useless body, can it only be done like this! But forget it, I'm tired of playing. Really, I woke up to see such an annoying person!"

With that, Lockes' body started to collapse on its own. When half of his body completely collapsed, he suddenly froze.

"The hiding mouse, I am beyond your control."

Lockes snorted coldly, and he collapsed completely under the control of the operator, Oshemaru.

Whitebeard looked at Locks who disappeared. Although there were many conceptual disagreements between the two, he still respected the captain.

The shell exploded on Baibeard's body, and Baibeard was hit by a momentary loss of consciousness.

"White Beard has been injured, everyone rushed to solve him!"

The other navy yelled and rushed towards the white beard together.

"Gum la la la la la! Navy kids, let go!"

Baibeard swung the naginata and swept away all the navy rushing up. But there was still a navy rushing to him and piercing the weapon into his body.

Baibeard reached out and grabbed a navy and directly pressed him to the ground. The powerful shock force spread out and knocked other navies into the air.

Shi Tian slashed out and knocked out all the navy surrounding Lakyo. At this time, most of the White Beard Pirate Group had gathered around Shi Tian.

Luckyola stopped Shitian and said: "Let's go back and bring the old man out!"

Shitian was silent and did not answer him.

Margau kicked a navy into the air and said to Lakyo: "Don't say it, this is the order of the old man. Are you going to disobey the last order of the old man?"

Margo bit his lip, unwillingly speaking.

Baibeard showed a relieved expression when he saw everyone gathered together.

"What are you laughing at!" Akagi's angry voice sounded.

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

The dog's head formed by magma slammed into Baibeard's body and burned a big scar.

Because Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara withdrew from the battle, both Sengoku and Akagi returned to the battlefield. The Warring States period went to intercept Shitian and the others, and Aka Dog directly found White Beard.

"Magma kid, your flames don't hurt or itchy!" The white beard's body came straight from the missed state and punched out.

In the battle with Locks, Baibeard was already injured, and was hit by a red dog just now. At this time, his movements slowed down.

The red dog eluded Baibeard's fist and punched Baibeard's abdomen.

"Heaven Dog!"

The red dog's arm turned into magma pierced Baibeard's abdomen fiercely, and Baibeard vomited blood out.

However, Baibeard's hand also grabbed Akagi's head and pressed him directly to the ground. Numerous cracks suddenly appeared on the ground, and finally an abyss-like crack appeared, and the red dog fell directly.

The reunited navy fired shells and bullets at White Beard again, directly hitting White Beard back again and again.

The red dog crawled out of the crack. Although his body was covered with magma and it was not obvious that he had suffered multiple injuries, he knew that the injuries were serious by looking at his embarrassed appearance.

"Heaven Dog!"

The magma fell on Baibeard's body again, and he put the Naginata behind him to stand firmly.

"It's really a long voyage!" White Beard exclaimed.

He stood up straight again, and shouted at the telephone bugs scattered around: "Onepiece...is real!"

Amidst everyone's shocked eyes, White Beard stood and closed his eyes.

The last legendary pirate of the old age, Edward Newgate the Whitebeard, died in the War of the Tops. Like the original, there is no scar on his back.

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